You might want to think twice, or at least be open to it. I met up with him in WY and heard some stories and saw many pics of his trip. Quite remarkable what he was able to accomplish in a relatively short period of time.Zero chance I'd read a hunt report.
I was just curious how many tags got notched.
I don't doubt that, and I'd love to hear the stories.You might want to think twice, or at least be open to it. I met up with him in WY and heard some stories and saw many pics of his trip. Quite remarkable what he was able to accomplish in a relatively short period of time.
It’s not.23‑3‑303. Waste of edible portion of game bird, fish or animal prohibited; abandonment of meat at meat processing plant.
(a) No person shall take and leave, abandon or allow any game bird, game fish, or game animal, except trophy game animal, or edible portion, to intentionally or needlessly go to waste. No person shall knowingly possess any parts of a big game animal or trophy game animal wasted as provided in this subsection.
(b) The failure of any person to properly dress and care for any big game animal or trophy game animal killed by that person, and, if the carcass is reasonably accessible, within forty‑eight (48) hours to take or transport the carcass to the camp of that person, and there properly care for the carcass, is prima facie evidence of a violation of subsection (a) of this section.
(c) No person shall abandon meat from a big game animal, trophy game animal or game bird at a meat processing plant. Unless there is an express agreement between the processing plant and the person providing otherwise, any person leaving meat from a big game animal, trophy game animal or game bird at a meat processing plant for more than forty‑five (45) days is prima facie evidence of a violation of this subsection if written notice of the expiration of time has been attempted by the processing plant in accordance with rules and regulations promulgated by the game and fish department. The owner or operator in charge of any meat processing plant shall immediately report a violation of this subsection to any enforcement personnel of the department. Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, the owner of the meat processing plant is entitled to the proceeds of sale of any meat confiscated under this subsection up to the amount of reasonable processing or storage charges following a conviction under this subsection or a reasonable time after the violation is reported. If the department has been unsuccessful in selling the confiscated meat within thirty (30) days following the reported violation, the department may dispose of the meat as it deems appropriate.
I'd read it if you post it.My US trip exceeded my wildest expectations by far. It was an amazing adventure all around, and I am feeling very blessed that I was allowed to experience these wild places and the amazing critters that call these places home. Also, I was fortunate enough to meet some awesome people, including some roksliders. I am very grateful for anybody who contributed to this journey even a little bit.
A few users advised me against posting a hunt report. Considering some posts on this thread, I absolutely get their point. As I would still like to give back a little bit to the vast majority of well-meaning users, I will write a report nevertheless, but I won't post it publicly. Anyone who is interested, please feel free to send me a private message and I will send the report. However, after having been out of office for an extended period of time, I am extremely busy right now. So it may take a few weeks until I find time to type up a report. But I will...
I think he does know what he’s doing. He has an American friend networking for him. Has most of the meat accounted for.A 30 year old has been accruing points for over 10 years, But in all that time couldn’t figure out what he’s going to do with the meat? Tens of thousands of dollars in applications and has no plan for what he’s going to do after the kill? Seems legit
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