Weirdest thing you have found while backpacking

I had hiked in to do some trout fishing and found two Polaroid photos laying on the ground. Looked at one and it was black with a tiny orange circle in the middle of it. The other picture was a makeshift looking coffin with a dead guy in it with his bloody arm hanging out. The wood box was laying in someone's living room. I reported it to the police and they had me and my buddy take them to the spot where we found them. They unleashed an armada of cops with dogs into the woods. Didn't hear much about it after that, but I didn't go back into that area fishing anymore afterwards. Spooky stuff for sure.
My friend found a dead whitetail spike upright stuck in the croach of a split-trunk tree! Deer had been dead a while but was intact and coyotes had not found him yet.
This was in the big woods near Patton Maine.
So nothing we found was weird but what happened was really weird. Hunting with my buddy chad in colorado during the archery season. We were in the elk thick. A six point came threw with a group of cows and chad slips a arrow in the sweet spot. The elk runs off, done deal!! We follow the blood trail and on the ground was a arrow covered in blood that was not chads arrow. Looking around us wondering did somebody shoot this elk already..? Followed the blood to the dead elk and chads arrow was stuck in the bull with no other arrow marks or holes. Chads arrow was the one that killed the elk. The only thing we could think was that someone had shot a elk in the past the arrow was in the path of the bleeding bull that chad shot. 2.5 miles in the wilderness in the thickest dark timber you can think.. What are the odds.
So nothing we found was weird but what happened was really weird. Hunting with my buddy chad in colorado during the archery season. We were in the elk thick. A six point came threw with a group of cows and chad slips a arrow in the sweet spot. The elk runs off, done deal!! We follow the blood trail and on the ground was a arrow covered in blood that was not chads arrow. Looking around us wondering did somebody shoot this elk already..? Followed the blood to the dead elk and chads arrow was stuck in the bull with no other arrow marks or holes. Chads arrow was the one that killed the elk. The only thing we could think was that someone had shot a elk in the past the arrow was in the path of the bleeding bull that chad shot. 2.5 miles in the wilderness in the thickest dark timber you can think.. What are the odds.

Weird. Congrats to your buddy though.
found a car tire halfway up a mountainside in some thick timber... I still wonder ho it got there..
Dang! My hunting stories are so boring!!!

But my dad and brother were drove to the end of a logging road once during an elk hunt. Said when they got to the end, it looked like someone had been camping there for quite a while during the summer. There were used condoms (like 100's of them) and empty prune bags (several -- maybe a few dozen) all over the place. I don't want to know what went on at the end of that road...
I found a pumpkin in the middle of the badlands last summer. I couldn’t understand why there was a random pumpkin there on a rock

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I found a shingle hatchet head with a stack huge nails about 8" long each. Very rusty and ~5 miles from the nearest road. I did a little research on the stamping on the hatcher head and it seems to be from the 40s. I think it was from PG & E.

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Found an old washing machine along with a bedside toilet on top of a hill 15 miles from the highway. We had found an abandoned camp complete with tent and sleeping bags the day before about five miles from the washer .
That looks exactly like one I lost. If you can tell me exactly where you found it, I can tell you whether or not it's mine.
Finders keepers? 🤣 Actually that bad boy got stuck under my buddies rear window wiper of his suv while he was hunting that evening. I knew bringing a plastic grocery bag would come in handy one day.
That looks exactly like one I lost. If you can tell me exactly where you found it, I can tell you whether or not it's mine.
Wow way to dredge up an 11 year old thread. I was reading along not noticing and then I see a post from Shrek and went wait when was this from?
Were you able to retrieve your arrow?
Not quite. My father-in-law and I walked back an old logging road a ways after we parked about a mile up the road. When we got to the end of the road, he hiked uphill, and I backtracked a ways and ended up hiking downhill. I made a large loop through a few small pockets and eventually came out onto the road about 150 past where my truck was parked. Fifty feet from where I came out, I saw a guy in shorts and a black hoodie face down on the road. I called out to him a few times, but he didn't move. My father-in-law was at the truck, and he came up. We approached him pretty slowly; I thought he might be a tweaker or something. We were at least 5 miles from the nearest house, and I didn't hear a vehicle drive in on the road while I was hunting. We were also fairly close to the Canadian border, so I was thinking it could be someone smuggling stuff over the border. My FIA checked his pulse and found nothing, so we called it in to dispatch. It was definitely weird. We had both walked by that spot three hours earlier, and he wasn't there. I'm glad we found him, though, because scavengers would have wrecked that body by the morning. He didn't look terribly old to us, maybe 50. I found out later that he was an ex-Navy SEAL/survivalist type guy that was about 70 years old. He probably just died of a heart attack while out for a jog.