Weatherby is circling the toilet bowl

I think this argument can be found in most areas of manufacturing in our country. It's hard to find American made quality items in most things that are affordable. It's sad to see what has happened to Remington and similar iconic companies. I don't think weatherby is circling the toilet bowl. The new model 307 being able to use Remington 700 accessories while also being chambered in 300WM, 30-06, 7MM PRC and several other non WBY is a step in the right direction IMO.
The MkV is a great, classic action. Sadly, I think Weatherby was/is incapable of doing what I would love to see.
1. Chamber, at a minimum, the PRC family.
2. Get rid of the Monte Carlo stock, on everything, forever
3. Use a proper sporter barrel, not just feather weights

The move to Trigger Tech was good/fine. Peak 44 is a move in the right direction. It just seems they’re so set on keeping the “look” and their name on the head stamps, that they’ve sort of lost sight on what makes them (potentially) great instead of being reduced to another R700 clone.
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Pretty simple, don't buy the meateater or hush editions and it'll add no value to their names. I've had no issues with the two wby rifles I own (both Mark V's) and plan to buy more in the future. Find it funny that most people bashing meateater or hush can give specific examples from their videos. I don't know much about them because I don't watch their content. I assume views = cash, so I don't give them the time of day. I'm sure wby provides some good careers for some Wyoming residents and those are the businesses I'd like to see stick around.

why do we hate Hush?
They have plenty of non Weatherby cartridges in other versions of the Mark V

I should have been more specific, by industry-accepted advancements I meant the PRC's & Nosler families, and 6.8W.
I should have been more specific, by industry-accepted advancements I meant the PRC's & Nosler families, and 6.8W.

That is definitely fair as to the PRC's. They are probably too close to their proprietary cartridges for their profit budget on ammo.

Although they have some support, I see the Noslers as niche loads with only the 28 Nosler really popular.

The 6.8 Western should be a big hit. If I could get one in a Savage/Ruger/Tikka, I would have one. So far, the only "factory rifles" from volume manufacturers are Browning/Winchesters.

I have a theory that W/B likes it that way because (1) it forces buyers to get their rifles to get access to the cartridge and (2) buyers of 6.8W are forced to buy Winchester/Browning (same thing) ammo. I definitely could be wrong, but their vertical integration gives them the ability to do it.
why do we hate Hush?
I was just saying if someone doesn't like something tied to a product, don't buy that specific product. Don't know why others dislike hush. Think I've seen three of his videos so I don't know much about him but doesn't seem like a bad guy from the limited content seen. Did see him clean up someone else's trash at a campsite which is very respectable. I'm not crazy about anyone pushing hunting content on youtube for money but I wouldn't say I hate them over it, just don't watch it anymore as I've seen negative effects in pressure in certain areas from it.
If anyone is following weatherby they are making some of the changes you are talking about here. I'm a lefty and I tend to keep up with any left handed offerings.

Chamberings in 7mm prc and 300 prc are now available to order. 28 nosler snuck into their line as well.

The Apex model has a #3 profile barrel that comes out to about 6.5lbs in the 6 lug action. Throw a trijicon accupoint 2.5-12.5x42 in some talley rings and you have an 8 ish lb rifle.

The stock profile on their new models is a departure from the cheek punishing Montecarlo.

The peak 44 blacktooth stock is now available for tikka though. You could get a $900 tikka and put the blacktooth stock on it ~$750, have the whole thing ceracoted with a custom barrel and probably come in under the Weatherby price.
If anyone is following weatherby they are making some of the changes you are talking about here. I'm a lefty and I tend to keep up with any left handed offerings.

Chamberings in 7mm prc and 300 prc are now available to order. 28 nosler snuck into their line as well.

The Apex model has a #3 profile barrel that comes out to about 6.5lbs in the 6 lug action. Throw a trijicon accupoint 2.5-12.5x42 in some talley rings and you have an 8 ish lb rifle.

The stock profile on their new models is a departure from the cheek punishing Montecarlo.

The peak 44 blacktooth stock is now available for tikka though. You could get a $900 tikka and put the blacktooth stock on it ~$750, have the whole thing ceracoted with a custom barrel and probably come in under the Weatherby price.
They are going to have to offer modern chamberings if they want to exist. They’ve got to let go of their past. Their proprietary cartridges are now nothing more than Fuddlore. There was a time when fast and light and flat shooting had value. Rangefinders, turrets, ballistic solvers and a better understanding of BC killed all that. Adapt or die.
The MKV is a cool action. Rather than make a new action they should have just simplified the mkv to a 3 lug instead of 9 or 6. I don’t see any benefits to having 3 lugs chopped into 9? Make the actions precisely so prefits can be a thing. Stop charging $100 for 20pcs of brass! The RPM case is actually pretty cool if you have a standard bf, but the price of the brass immediately disqualifies it from being an option.
I actually like the Monte Carlo style style sticks and that's why I shoot Weatherby rifles.

In all honesty, if the 307 is a decent action, Weatherby will sell a lot of them.
I heard a story that a CEO said on a hunt that the 6.5 CM wouldn't be able to kill a mulie at 200 yards so he used the 300 Weatherby Mag instead.

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Must be an area with really big bodied, exceedingly tenacious deer.
This thread makes it look like a bunch of you need to go to your safe space. Someone stepped on your 6.5 creedmoor and now you guys are offended and trying to use mob rule on an American made company. View attachment 629742

Or... maybe people would like for said longstanding american company to make cool shit based upon what we know now vs just living off it's name from when it actually made leading edge stuff.

I think they are real close with some of packages they offer. The new stock designs are nice. I'm just not excited about Mk V actions. I don't know that they've got the engineering horsepower to do anything but repurpose existing actions though.
Or better yet, just improve upon the old Roy favorites with modern bullet accommodations.
^^This right here.

I would love if they would make heirloom quality rifles again. The influencer, plastic rifles are soulless. update their cartridges with new bullets and their rifles with new twist rates. A .240 bee with a fast twist would be awesome, ditto on the .257.

Velocity is highly under-rated when looking at killing power in my opinion, these cartridges and many others kill like lightning, and I like having a point-blank range at nearly 400 yards.
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Or... maybe people would like for said longstanding american company to make cool shit based upon what we know now vs just living off it's name from when it actually made leading edge stuff.

I think they are real close with some of packages they offer. The new stock designs are nice. I'm just not excited about Mk V actions. I don't know that they've got the engineering horsepower to do anything but repurpose existing actions though.
I'd honestly just start my own company if I were half as smart as some of you. Personallly...IF my grandfather started a company and built a legacy off of the MKV action I wouldn't throw it away. the bolt lift is great. They are making CF stocks, cutting out bolts, using titanium, and some have CF barrels, now chambering in standard calibers... Are some of the legacy Weatherby cartridges antiquated. Sure. At the same time a company doesn't ditch something they have a patent on. Some people still purchase high deluxes simply for beauty. It is a classic design with classic lines and craftmanship.

if you want a 700 footprint...they listened. the 700 footprint is about as exciting as seeing a camry rolling down the road. Every other suburban family has one. BUT none the less they have the action that people can buy and build off of. Despite all of the 700 shortcomings IMO. you can add numerous amounts of parts, barrels, triggers stocks etc.

The vanguard is their entry series, but a great rifle. Sure hell of a lot more polished than the howas.

only thing I would do is keep doing what they are doing. Continuing to listen to the market, grow their RPM line...257 RPM with fast twist barrel..? modern day 257 WBY? etc.
^^This right here.
I thought more about that after posting it a while back. They can’t. Because to “improve” upon them with faster twist barrels and higher BC bullets would be an admission that the very reason for their existence is flawed.

And of course there’s also their unnecessary radiused shouldered brass that’s excessively expensive.

They’d have to start all over. Or adapt to what’s already in existence and is working/selling well. That’s much more practical.
I thought more about that after posting it a while back. They can’t. Because to “improve” upon them with faster twist barrels and higher BC bullets would be an admission that the very reason for their existence is flawed.

And of course there’s also their unnecessary radiused shouldered brass that’s excessively expensive.

They’d have to start all over. Or adapt to what’s already in existence and is working/selling well. That’s much more practical.
so, by default, you're telling me every cartridge ever produced and every rifle manufacture is admitting their existence is flawed. Every. Single. One EXCEPT: 6.5creed, 6.8 western, 6.5 PRC, 6.8 blackout, 300 blackout.

Oh boy. If you want to get rid of any of your rifles lmk. Their ballistics, because of your wisdom are now rendered useless.
so, by default, you're telling me every cartridge ever produced and every rifle manufacture is admitting their existence is flawed. Every. Single. One EXCEPT: 6.5creed, 6.8 western, 6.5 PRC, 6.8 blackout, 300 blackout.

Oh boy. If you want to get rid of any of your rifles lmk. Their ballistics, because of your wisdom are now rendered useless.
Haha, you do make a valid point. Kinda.
But Weatherby built an entire brand on “speed kills”. Not just a cartridge or two.

And many of the oldies but goodies like .270, 308, 30-06, still have a place. I’m not sure any of the Weatherby rounds do.

And what do you do about their brass/ammo cost and unnecessarily expensive design?