The point creep we are seeing is caused by static (or in many cases dwindling) supply and increased demand, or a system that yet to reach an initial equilibrium. If there is 1 tag available and 10 hunters that want it in a preference point system then everyone could expect to get that tag once every 10 years and the preference points required would never get above 10. Point creep of +1 will occur for the initial 10 years but after that it should stabilize. Any point creep past 10 points (outside of someone having a conflict the year they are expected to draw and delaying a year, which in any case offers a shorter wait for the next hunter in line and average point level over time remains constant) is the result of the number of people vying for that tag increasing or tags being reduced.
People waiting in line longer than necessary will always provide an opportunity for someone with fewer points, lowering point creep in a system at equilibrium for that year. The problem with many LE units is that they have not reached an initial equilibrium yet, or the demand for the tags relative to their availability continues to increase. Another effect that mid tier units see is people chasing the top units giving up, but in the long term that effect will be reflected by the equilibrium point of the top tier units.