I don’t think point are all bad. They do allow you to plan for a hunt, get time off, etc. Main problem is that more people accumulate points every year. In Wy the days of doe and cow tags being easy to draw are gone. They might as well just make them pref point draws for NR, but keep them reduced price. You’d get some guys in the low point brackets who’d use their points on does and cows just to go hunting, which would move people through the point system faster. It’s probably not a popular idea, but it would give people more options to burn their points. It would provide more consistent chance of drawing for the guy who just wants meat in the freezer, and would remove them from the bull/buck applicant pool. It might also take pressure off some of the doe deer and antelope populations since I guy isn’t going to put in for them automatically when he puts in for a buck tag. The whole draw would be more intentional…burn your points on what you want to hunt that year.