We cannot let the cure be worse than the problem

I still haven't seen any statistics on this........it sounds like "if you get put on a ventilator, good luck, you're going to die". If that's the case, then I'd start offering the drugs to whoever tested positive and actually wants to take them even knowing the risks to them, BEFORE they get to the point of needing a ventilator, and allow them to make that determination. Our health should be 100% our decision. It's the Dr's responsibility to explain the risks, but should ultimately be the patient's decision.

Just this last year I was having these horrible pains in my abdomen, pretty much where the gall bladder is. I had the pains for a year straight. They did all the tests known to man and finally did a stool sample. It came back positive for some bacteria that they actually had to look up because they had never heard of it. They told me that in the few studies they had with it, some antibiotic seemed to kill it, but in all the cases it didn't seem to change their symptoms at all. And that there were other side effects that could appear because of taking it. I "chose" to take the antibiotic, and the pain went away and hasn't been back since. That was in November. I'm all for people having the freedom and liberty of being able to make their own health and medical decisions, regardless of the outcome.

This is where things can get tricky. However, I'm with you that its their decision. Now, lets say a patient comes in the ER with respiratory distress. He may know that he wants to be DNR but he's not able to voice himself because all he's worried about is breathing. The family then meets and states that they want everything done. We see this every single day. It is a patient right to choose a ventilator or not. More often than not the family overrides the decision.
The assimilate and not try and change where you have moved to is the key. I’ve met few Yankees retired here that are humble and gracious enough to assimilate.
LMAO "tHeM YanKEes RuIn EvErYtHinG"
Them Californians are going irrevocably change Montana very soon. Between the small native born Montana population and the large influx of wealthy Californian retirees the balance of power will shift before you know what happened. Laugh now but a similar issue is coming to your home.
Fortunately or not I was born with nothing and still have almost all of it left. I don’t have near as far to fall as many here.
The supply chains are breaking down. The Chinese restaurant I get takeout from is closing in the next day or two. It has been slow but she was staying open. Now she’s going to have to close because both of the Chinese restaurant supply houses are shutting down. There’s so few restaurants still open that it isn’t worth running the trucks. As things stay locked down more and more businesses will have to close even if they’re not forced to by the government. I drove by a large construction site on the way in this morning. It’s shut down. There’s a couple guys standing by the gate on phones and machines abandoned around the site.
Them Californians are going irrevocably change Montana very soon. Between the small native born Montana population and the large influx of wealthy Californian retirees the balance of power will shift before you know what happened. Laugh now but a similar issue is coming to your home.

This has already happened. In this case "they" aren't just people from California, they're from everywhere. A "statistic" I read about 10 years ago suggested that people from Washington and Minnesota comprised most of the people moving to Montana. Bozeman, Missoula and the Kalispel area attract people from all over, can't blame them for wanting to move here. They bring their friends and their collective money to support their causes.
I still struggle to see the major errors from the onset. I‘ve looked hard. While he was trying to keep the sheep calm, his admin was shutting down borders.
Obviously, 60% of Americans agree, that says a lot because only 50% like the guy.
Daily pressers with the top Dr’s televised assures me he is letting the professionals handle it.

Where was the outrage when former Presidents took advice from Generals on the ground in the time of war, and chose a different path from what the experts(generals) wanted??
Absolutely zero difference. It his job to have the best people around him to give advice. Also his job to make the decisions based on advice received.
Im perfectly content.

How you can not see major errors is laughable. We’ve known this was coming since November yet we did next to nothing until it was here and deeply rooted in the country to make any moves. I live in Indiana (very much in-land).We had confirmed cases before trump even shut down travel to Europe.

We still don’t have enough tests or PPE to go around and again we’ve known about this since November. If we had been proactive we’d had shutdown our borders to non essential travel and those deemed essential would all be tested and quarantined until they are tested negative. If we’d done that, I don’t see how it would have taken hold. It’s the presidents responsibility to protect his citizens but instead Trump was too busy posting on Twitter about how this was a democratic conspiracy.

Here we are in the midst of the biggest health crisis you and I have seen in our lifetime and you’re perfectly content!? Open your eyes...
How you can not see major errors is laughable. We’ve known this was coming since November yet we did next to nothing until it was here and deeply rooted in the country to make any moves. I live in Indiana (very much in-land).We had confirmed cases before trump even shut down travel to Europe.

We still don’t have enough tests or PPE to go around and again we’ve known about this since November. If we had been proactive we’d had shutdown our borders to non essential travel and those deemed essential would all be tested and quarantined until they are tested negative. If we’d done that, I don’t see how it would have taken hold. It’s the presidents responsibility to protect his citizens but instead Trump was too busy posting on Twitter about how this was a democratic conspiracy.

Here we are in the midst of the biggest health crisis you and I have seen in our lifetime and you’re perfectly content!? Open your eyes...
Biggest health crisis? Time will tell. Biggest over reaction is probably more likely. Suicides because of financial distress might catch up to covid19 deaths. Last year there was 45,000 suicides in the US. I bet we blow that number out of the water this year.. more than likely far exceeding the covid19 deaths..
Biggest health crisis? Time will tell. Biggest over reaction is probably more likely. Suicides because of financial distress might catch up to covid19 deaths. Last year there was 45,000 suicides in the US. I bet we blow that number out of the water this year.. more than likely far exceeding the covid19 deaths..

you certainly highlight another issue with the lack of health care for mental illness. Certainly a broken system.
You could just compare all causes mortality year over year and then sliver out the COVID ones, but you have to exclude the folks that would have died of an existing morbidity anyway.
I wonder how many seniors will commit suicide because they’re now destitute from the collapsed stock market and are going to have to move of out their lifetime home and move to .gov housing and try to survive on SS ? My parents have bought into a lifetime estate assisted living community. It is supposed to take care of them if they were to run out of money. I’m worried about the financial health of the community. If a few of the seniors run out of money it’s one thing but if most run out of money and the foundation that runs the community investments are also down I can see it collapse also.
How you can not see major errors is laughable. We’ve known this was coming since November yet we did next to nothing until it was here and deeply rooted in the country to make any moves. I live in Indiana (very much in-land).We had confirmed cases before trump even shut down travel to Europe.

We still don’t have enough tests or PPE to go around and again we’ve known about this since November. If we had been proactive we’d had shutdown our borders to non essential travel and those deemed essential would all be tested and quarantined until they are tested negative. If we’d done that, I don’t see how it would have taken hold. It’s the presidents responsibility to protect his citizens but instead Trump was too busy posting on Twitter about how this was a democratic conspiracy.

Here we are in the midst of the biggest health crisis you and I have seen in our lifetime and you’re perfectly content!? Open your eyes...

Good thing you had time in your extremely busy schedule of saving the world to tell me I’m wrong.
Thank you!
Biggest health crisis? Time will tell. Biggest over reaction is probably more likely. Suicides because of financial distress might catch up to covid19 deaths. Last year there was 45,000 suicides in the US. I bet we blow that number out of the water this year.. more than likely far exceeding the covid19 deaths..

I would classify the 70k deaths a year from opioid overdose a giant health crisis.
How bout the kids dying from texting and driving each year. In the 10’s of thousands. Not quite a health crisis until the run head on into you, like what happened to me. It was a health crisis then!
No worries, satchamo will be along shortly to laugh at me again.
you certainly highlight another issue with the lack of health care for mental illness. Certainly a broken system.

We have to start at the beginning, with determining just what constitutes "mental illness". Most of the left would disagree that the millions that need to be put into those categories belong there. They believe that a bunch of these mental cases are completely normal. That's a huge part of the problem from the start.

It's pretty obvious that a lot of people could care less about certain deaths, but then go into hypersensitivity about other deaths......for some bewildering reason.
Not all deaths are created equal. Apparently old and have pre existing condition deaths are more important than most others. SMH

This controlled burn has turned into a raging inferno.
4 deaths from Covid 19 in my state, and the Gov., basically just shut the whole place down
till 4/17. SMH. Am I missing something?
I agree mostly...I think China's problem is more than likely way worse than they let anyone know and they have been battling it since December. More than likely even earlier than that. I don't believe 1 thing that comes from China.
I’m working for a guy that has business in 17 different countries. China being one of them. He told us back in early September China was building hospitals like mad fire. Because so many were getting an unknown virus. Take that for what it is worth.
4 deaths from Covid 19 in my state, and the Gov., basically just shut the whole place down
till 4/17. SMH. Am I missing something?
will be interesting to see what the numbers are in one week from now in all our respective states. too early to tell right now who is overreacting and who isnt.....imho. wishing everyone the best