Waterfowl Hunting Batchelor Party

Jun 23, 2024
I am looking to plan my bachelor party and want to do some kind of guided waterfowl hunt. I like the idea of doing goose or even a crane hunt but any kind of waterfowl would be awesome.

Anyone have any recommendations of an operation that gets on the birds, has a decent food and lodging package, and is ran by good people? Not too particular about where it is located but having it be in an area near other stuff to do would definitely be a plus.
I would look for an outfitter for snows in Arkansas.

Close to other stuff to do and good waterfowl hunting don't really correlate in my mind.

Maybe Colorado Front Range geese and you can do stuff in Denver?
Some questions to ask yourself:
How big of waterfowlers/hunters is everyone?
Do you want to kill something specific, or just kill birds?
What "other activities" do you want to do, and what's your budget?

For reference, I was part of planning a bachelor party and this came up as an idea. In the end, some of the guys had never hunted before, lining up seasons was going to be tough, lining up a location both in budget and close to good food/drink was going to be tough, and the last thing we wanted was to lay in a field for 8hrs and not see a thing. In the end, we booked a full-day tactical shooting course which turned out to be a fantastic idea.
Some questions to ask yourself:
How big of waterfowlers/hunters is everyone?
Do you want to kill something specific, or just kill birds?
What "other activities" do you want to do, and what's your budget?

For reference, I was part of planning a bachelor party and this came up as an idea. In the end, some of the guys had never hunted before, lining up seasons was going to be tough, lining up a location both in budget and close to good food/drink was going to be tough, and the last thing we wanted was to lay in a field for 8hrs and not see a thing. In the end, we booked a full-day tactical shooting course which turned out to be a fantastic idea.
Yeah I was literally just getting into these questions myself with my best man. I’m located in San Diego, so I might end up doing an overnight charter fishing trip instead. Lots of very novice hunters in the group so it might be an easier sell to do a fishing trip— worst case scenario the fishing is slow and we spend the day drinking beers, much less of a burn than flying cross country to shoot 1 duck a piece
I am looking to plan my bachelor party and want to do some kind of guided waterfowl hunt. I like the idea of doing goose or even a crane hunt but any kind of waterfowl would be awesome.

Anyone have any recommendations of an operation that gets on the birds, has a decent food and lodging package, and is ran by good people? Not too particular about where it is located but having it be in an area near other stuff to do would definitely be a plus.
What kind of duck hunt do you want? Field or flooded timber? That specific choice will narrow your options down.
Cranes in January in the panhandle of Texas
Redfish in Venice La
Not much else to do in those places
Captain Yuri long distance fishing trip out of Key West, if he is not available Andy Griffin KW checks all the boxes