They're out guys!! Call (360) 902-2434. My Pop's drew quality Elk and 2nd deer. I got nothin.
Ole Pops has a heck of a season ahead of him! Starting soon too!
They're out guys!! Call (360) 902-2434. My Pop's drew quality Elk and 2nd deer. I got nothin.
I'm still getting "not run yet' except for antler less elk
Just called... nothing
Sorry to hear that Brock at least your in good company lol.
Shoot Pop's will be heading for NWT for Dall the last 10 days of August, then Wyoming Deer and Elk (Rifle Elk starts the 25th?) then his quality Elk in Wa starts Oct.1-12 with the Muzzleloader. Second deer is really of no concern that will be a day trip. Oh ya a guy might have to actually do some work in between the hunts. Almost forgot Mt. Carbiou for him too
Not selected. Def going on the high hunt now.
Amen to that!
Amen to that!
You too?
Fellas, Fellas don't give up!! There is still Raffle Hunts to buy. Anyone got an extra 25K I can barrow to throw down on Three Deer? I hate to ask but I already threw 20K+ down on Mule deer tickets haha jk. Drives me nuts how the high rollers just buy the odds.
Great now they are getting a high number of calls and only taking messages
I feel like just hunting Idaho now as the Washington fish and game does nothing but frustrate me.
I put in for all archery tags this year hoping to draw sooner. Once I draw I am done with that specie in WA. I feel your pain brotha'