Washington Elk hunters Sound off...

Are you a Archery, Muzzle loader or Modern firearm hunter?

  • Archery

    Votes: 19 40.4%
  • Muzzle loader

    Votes: 13 27.7%
  • Modern firearm

    Votes: 26 55.3%

  • Total voters
Modern, dry side. It doesn’t do much good to scout them with too much faith in an area since opening day is the day after 2 weeks of modern deer hunters pushing the elk to who knows where.
I usually just hike and hike and hike general areas I know they like to frequent until I bump into them or fresh enough sign for me to really slow down or come back and hunt the next day. Glassing isn’t too effective seeings how thick it is in the NE corner, unless they’re in a logged unit they’re pretty tough to glass up. And seeing’s how they don’t decommission any of the logging roads anymore, every jackass with a side by side is cruising every possible road all day long.

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Modern, dry side. It doesn’t do much good to scout them with too much faith in an area since opening day is the day after 2 weeks of modern deer hunters pushing the elk to who knows where.
I usually just hike and hike and hike general areas I know they like to frequent until I bump into them or fresh enough sign for me to really slow down or come back and hunt the next day. Glassing isn’t too effective seeings how thick it is in the NE corner, unless they’re in a logged unit they’re pretty tough to glass up. And seeing’s how they don’t decommission any of the logging roads anymore, every jackass with a side by side is cruising every possible road all day long.

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Yuk !
Hello fellow Washington elk hunters. As the summer begins and the fall quickly approaches I just wanted to see what other guys are doing this year. Are you an archery guy, muzzy, modern firearm? Do you hunt the Wet side or the Dry side? Do you call or roll in silent ? A western guy here. I've got one elk under my belt and hoping for more in the future...... Thanks, Jason
Any luck yet?

Went out 1 day, going out all weekend coming up! Hopefully this veteran can find a legal bull on Veterans Day weekend!
Any westside modern luck or muzzle luck ? Anyone got any insight to share with someone looking to bag the first ever elusive 3pt bull. Rosie’s are tricky to find 🥲
Any westside modern luck or muzzle luck ? Anyone got any insight to share with someone looking to bag the first ever elusive 3pt bull. Rosie’s are tricky to find 🥲
Any westside modern luck or muzzle luck ? Anyone got any insight to share with someone looking to bag the first ever elusive 3pt bull. Rosie’s are tricky to find 🥲
Went out for a week in an area that we have got into elk in the past . Backpacked in and hit two wilderness areas. Saw ZERO elk . It was pretty deflating to say the least. Everyone we ran into had the same story .
Any Wet Side guys going out for blacktail this weekend? any eastside guys going to chase whitetail in the NE corner ?

I am torn on what I want to do....
I am a firm believer at this time, while the killing portion of the bow hunt is tougher, the seeing elk when they are responsive to rutting horny behaver is ideal. vs rifle seasons in WA.
I really don’t think killing an elk on the west side with a bow is more difficult than a rifle. This was my longest elk shot and it was 35 yards. All of my other kills have been sub 30 yards. Most people, with little practice, can achieve this.
Got mine opening morning

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I really don’t think killing an elk on the west side with a bow is more difficult than a rifle. This was my longest elk shot and it was 35 yards. All of my other kills have been sub 30 yards. Most people, with little practice, can achieve this.
thats fair. I def. think rosie's on the westside are worth hunting with something other then rifle lol
Its apparent by the posts above, I hunted areas with too much pressure and didn't look in the right areas lol
West side with whatever weapon that I feel like using that year. I will say that all seasons seem to be overpopulated with hunters, can't seem to find areas that aren't over hunted.
Westside archery most of the time. Unless another state conflicts. I still like hunting Washington. For me the greater the challenge, the greater reward.