Utah- what the hell?

Without getting overly political, this kind of crap is one of the reasons I have trouble with one side vs. another.

2a rights are great and all, and defending myself is great, but if I have nowhere to hunt/fish without paying some ridiculous trespass fee(or worse, having anywhere to do said activity at all) then what's it worth? I grew up in a state with very little public land, and most of what it did have was 3-4 hours north of where I grew up.

We're already at the point where camping in established campgrounds on public land is a $12-$20 a night endeavor. Imagine that, $20 to put a tent up on a piece of dirt. Whats it gonna be like when another one of Mr. Turners ilk buys another million acres and starts charging access fees(if they even allow access at all). If your response is "its his land, he can do what he wants with it" you'd be exactly right. Will you be able to cash in on some of the land sold for yourself? Will you be able to afford any access fees they decide to charge? Will your children or grandchildren be able to?

It's wild to me that people who hunt, fish and camp on public land even support this kind of thing. Some of you guys must be able to afford private land hunts, have enough cash flow that whatever land is left you can afford to pay thousands to access, or just don't give a rats about your children or grandchildren having the same opportunity as you.

And before this is taken as supporting one side or another entirely, trust me it ain't that.
I would question how are they making money on this? Both parties are completely and utterly corrupt. One pushes insanity and the other does nothing. Meanwhile, they are both on the same side. They are selling us all out. When the country goes down in flames, they are all rich and it won't matter to any of them.
Got two different emails today.

One is our friend Senator Mike Lee's HOUSE Act- lets states and local govts buy up federal lands to put houses up- low income, condos, whatever...... great idea Mike!


Then evidently the state of Utah not to be outdone; the state legislature is pushing a suit to control 18.5 million acres of public federal lands.


Nice work!
They have something like that going on down here (FL) like wanting to put up a 350 bed resort on a state park with sensitive lands.

Wonder what's up.
They need to sell the land so they have more money to give to Ukraine. Not like we have a 34 trillion dollar deficit or any issues at home. They're doing great managing our money thus far, I'm sure all the proceeds from a land sale would be used wisely 🙄
I would question how are they making money on this? Both parties are completely and utterly corrupt. One pushes insanity and the other does nothing. Meanwhile, they are both on the same side. They are selling us all out. When the country goes down in flames, they are all rich and it won't matter to any of them.
Not sure who your referring to as “they” but it would basically work like this. State raises your taxes so they have money to buy land from federal government. State then sells land to developer and houses get built. Then you buy the house. So you paid for the land via taxes and then get to buy it back again when you buy the house.

How do they make money? Well, look at who donates to their campaign, who gets contracts, etc and then follow the dots.
And pay for their healthcare, food, gas and forget their phone cards. We keep voting for these people. We get what we deserve at this point. I can't remember the preacher, but he said if God doesn't strike down the United States, he owes Sodom and Gomorrah a big apology.
Maybe his name is "traitor". Super valid point on land transfer though.
Maybe his name is "traitor". Super valid point on land transfer though.
When you live in a country where laws have turned away from God, you can't expect to be blessed. We are all complicit in some way. If things don't change, I believe God will show all of us who the traitors are.
Here's something to think about. Right now, we are giving about $100 million dollars a WEEK to the Taliban. They agreed to not starve everyone to death as long as we keep paying them. This is real, not some conspiracy theory. This is just one example of probably hundreds of the obscene amount of taxpayer money that is paid to people who want to kill all of us. If we just took the money going to the Taliban and built houses, we could build 20,800 houses a year at $250k a piece and give them away for free. Not actually free, since we are paying for it, but at least it would be helping our own citizens. Imagine if we stopped giving away all of our money, what this country would look like. Unfortunately, THEY will never stop doing this since THEY are making too much money at all of our expense. I also think it's the obsession with power and control which you can't put a price on.
Here I take a break for a bit and the mods are the ones posting the meltdown threads.

What has happened, traffic falling off?
It should be a honor to you actually. Realizing all of your hard work over the years folks have taken note and stepped up when you've stepped down to continue the work.
Not sure who your referring to as “they” but it would basically work like this. State raises your taxes so they have money to buy land from federal government. State then sells land to developer and houses get built. Then you buy the house. So you paid for the land via taxes and then get to buy it back again when you buy the house.

How do they make money? Well, look at who donates to their campaign, who gets contracts, etc and then follow the dots.
Not only did your tax dollars get used to buy the land that was developed, made some people richer, and that you later bought back. You get to pay taxes on it...every year! I know... I know, it covers the community services and education for your community. It just feels like a forever game of "chase your tail" while "THEY" stand around watching you and laughing, all while figuring out what stupid tricks they can get you to do next.
It started off as a very relevant topic with civil discussion, until the last few posts derailed it into some sort of political ranting blah blah blah meltdown

Exactly my thoughts :D

If the potential sale and removal of public lands isn't germane to a backcountry hunting site, not sure what would be.
Not only did your tax dollars get used to buy the land that was developed, made some people richer, and that you later bought back. You get to pay taxes on it...every year! I know... I know, it covers the community services and education for your community. It just feels like a forever game of "chase your tail" while "THEY" stand around watching you and laughing, all while figuring out what stupid tricks they can get you to do next.
Been saying this for years. Unfortunately we get so polarized in R vs D, Left vs Right, Blue vs Red that we really cant see how we get screwed. Then we try to put everyone in a box based on one or two things that they think or say. Well if you agree with X then you must agree with Y,Z and 1,2,3. Not the way it works.

When it comes to public land, the federal government sucks at managing it but they also have to manage for everyone. Its not just hunting and fishing. The hunters have just as much right as the biker, atver, hiker, etc. Just the way it is. I will take marginally good managed land that I can access over perfectly managed land, I cant.
There's at least 3 other threads on this forum that are the same topic but different years. One has "herpes" in the title. Go Utah 😂
Been saying this for years. Unfortunately we get so polarized in R vs D, Left vs Right, Blue vs Red that we really cant see how we get screwed. Then we try to put everyone in a box based on one or two things that they think or say. Well if you agree with X then you must agree with Y,Z and 1,2,3. Not the way it works.

When it comes to public land, the federal government sucks at managing it but they also have to manage for everyone. Its not just hunting and fishing. The hunters have just as much right as the biker, atver, hiker, etc. Just the way it is. I will take marginally good managed land that I can access over perfectly managed land, I cant.

It’s such a polarizing issue, yet when you dig in the details some of it makes sense to dispose of.

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