I was only mentioning education because you referenced it when you responded to Corb saying that he didn’t understand your comment.
I am also an engineer.
Yes, it is a complicated issue. It’s not black-and-white, all-or-nothing. Not all land is equal. Some of it would better serve to be privately owned and developed. A lot of it absolutely should not be. State owned land isn’t always a bad outcome. I killed a deer on state property this year. The land was no different than nearby NFS land. Land that is privately owned is not an automatic no-hunting or pay-to-play operation. Last year, I killed a buck on private timber company land that is managed far better than federal lands. Privately owned wintering ground is often better for the animals than public, where the animals are disturbed by atvs/sleds, shed hunters, etc. There are also a lot of ranches that do a much better job managing wildlife than state fish and game departments do.
In short, it’s not automatically a bad idea for the feds to sell/transfer some land.