Utah- what the hell?

Yep don’t get to sign a consent form for just about any of that other bullspit, but it ain’t stopping them, I’d prefer my money stay on US soil, but that’s just me. Hell I bet if you asked paying for our public land is probably highest on the list of what people are okay having their taxes go towards. Do you think if they sell it all that you are gonna be able to buy a bunch or something? Haha

I have no interest in buying any public land, and I hunt public land. I just refuse to only look at things as if myself and people that partake in the same recreation are the only type of people that exist in this country, and I’m not going to simp for the feds.

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What if the feds sold off the public lands but with conservation and access easements in perpetuity, that’s the only way I could get on board with this plan

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I have no interest in buying any public land, and I hunt public land. I just refuse to only look at things as if myself and people that partake in the same recreation are the only type of people that exist in this country, and I’m not going to simp for the feds.

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You do realize that the public lands were not just set up for hunting and recreation right? Ole TR way in the way back recognized how important clean drinking water is. He designated areas that the water came from as protected, if I recall he did this in NY with the Adirondacks, at the state level. Yes it’s great that he had the foresight to conserve land but it goes way beyond this land is here to hunt on…
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You do realize that the public lands were not just set up for hunting and recreation right? Ole TR way in the way back recognized how important clean drinking water is. He designated areas that the water came from as protected, if I recall he did this in NY with the Adirondacks, at the state level. Yes it’s great that he had the foresight to conserve land but it goes way beyond this land is here to hunt on…
And not all land produces drinking water, or water at all.

It's not an all or nothing situation. Not all land is equal, and some of it, there is no reason for the fed to own.
And not all land produces drinking water, or water at all.

It's not an all or nothing situation. Not all land is equal, and some of it, there is no reason for the fed to own.
Sure. I do believe in the slippery slope especially when it comes to greed and men’s ability to have an insatiable appetite for everything. I don’t think if we started to sell some they would just stop. Just like income tax was originally meant for top earners and it was 6%…
I can’t believe people are hesitant to sell off and commodify public resources.
I mean, it’s not like we can point to history and see where commercialization goes too far.
There’s NO examples of humans destroying lands for temporary monetary benefit only to lose them forever and suffer the unintended consequences of doing so.

I can’t believe people hunters are hesitant to sell off and commodify public resources.
I mean, it’s not like we can point to history and see where commercialization goes too far.
There’s NO examples of humans destroying lands for temporary monetary benefit only to lose them forever and suffer the unintended consequences of doing so.


These threads are so dumb. It's crazy to see so many hunters worried about things that are likely never going to happen. I personally have a lot more pressing things to worry about.
These threads are so dumb. It's crazy to see so many hunters worried about things that are likely never going to happen. I personally have a lot more pressing things to worry about.
Highlighted the key word in there.

I have see things “that will never happen” or similar phrases enough times to know that without people staying vigilant, things do happen.
Yeah same here but many feel come hunting season it’s their own personal paradise and others are not welcome, they hate seeing NR license plates at a federal trailhead and will let us all know. Many many residents want the free access to land without sharing it with others and they are not shy about that.

I personally know a few CO residents that will not use federal land come hunting season for fear of being shot, they would love if all federal land was fire arm free.

There are many many views on federal land and the fact is most non hunters that use them do not like hunters.

In the end hunters will be the ones that ruin it for themselves.

Do I really want to see federal lands sold, for the most part no but I do believe we have millions of acres of land that either can’t be accessed or are not really used that should be sold.
People bitch, it’s what people do. Hunters bitch about other hunters. Mountain bikers bitch about other mountain bikers. UTVers bitch about other UTVers.

How many people have truly had a negative reaction from someone, while hunting, because of their license plate? I have been in four different states, with out of state plates hunting multiple times and never once had a single person say anything to me. Maybe a joke or two about being a Utard but 50% of those come out of my own mouth.

If anyone thinks selling land would make hunting more open for everyone, you have your head in the sand. Look at what has happened to waterfowl hunting. 100 bucks a gun per day on the cheap end. Yea, some people can pay it but there are more that can’t, especially young kids.

For the record some of our federal land should be disposed of, ideally to purchase winter range etc.

That being said you want to fuk up a good thing in the outdoors, get a Texan and a utard involved.
People bitch, it’s what people do. Hunters bitch about other hunters. Mountain bikers bitch about other mountain bikers. UTVers bitch about other UTVers.

How many people have truly had a negative reaction from someone, while hunting, because of their license plate? I have been in four different states, with out of state plates hunting multiple times and never once had a single person say anything to me. Maybe a joke or two about being a Utard but 50% of those come out of my own mouth.

If anyone thinks selling land would make hunting more open for everyone, you have your head in the sand. Look at what has happened to waterfowl hunting. 100 bucks a gun per day on the cheap end. Yea, some people can pay it but there are more that can’t, especially young kids.
For everyone, no way, for nonresidents that spend thousands, yes.

I also would be for there being a $25-$50 a day charge to access federal land per person. Seriously $500 for 10 days is cheap. Feds could easily do this and use funds to add more forest service rangers, plus add a $25k fine and lifetime ban to anyone that doesn’t have a permit that is valid for the period of use.

People are to used to freeloading and having private playgrounds.
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For everyone, no way, for nonresidents that spend thousands, yes.

I also would be for there being a $25-$50 a day charge to access federal land per person. Seriously $500 for 10 days is cheap. Feds could easily do this and use funds to add more forest service rangers, plus add a $25k fine and lifetime ban to anyone that doesn’t have a permit that is valid for the period of use.

People are to used to freeloading and having private playgrounds.
what tax bracket are you in? I can safely say I feel like my family pays more than our fair share of taxes. This might be the dumbest idea I have heard all day. All it would do is disenfranchise people who don’t have the funds to participateIMG_1101.jpeg
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I also would be for there being a $25-$50 a day charge to access federal land per person. Seriously $500 for 10 days is cheap. Feds could easily do this and use funds to add more forest service rangers, plus add a $25k fine and lifetime ban to anyone that doesn’t have a permit that is valid for the period of use.

The budget the feds would require to operate that program would be astronomical.
For everyone, no way, for nonresidents that spend thousands, yes.

I also would be for there being a $25-$50 a day charge to access federal land per person. Seriously $500 for 10 days is cheap. Feds could easily do this and use funds to add more forest service rangers, plus add a $25k fine and lifetime ban to anyone that doesn’t have a permit that is valid for the period of use.

People are to used to freeloading and having private playgrounds.
How much had you been drinking or smoking?