Utah Price Increase

In summary- no changes are currently scheduled, however if/when they do they could be "as much as" what has been posted on page 1.

Am I to assume it would be smart for someone like myself with a handful of points to cash out what I can before that happens?

You should assume that most point holders have the same idea thus cashing out….well, god speed my friend.
In summary- no changes are currently scheduled, however if/when they do they could be "as much as" what has been posted on page 1.

Am I to assume it would be smart for someone like myself with a handful of points to cash out what I can before that happens?

With only a handful of points, which I also have (9 Elk, I drew in 2010), I apply and hope to draw every year, understanding my only chance is a random tag. I span 2 years with the license to reduce cost and am essentially buying a weighted raffle ticket.
In summary- no changes are currently scheduled, however if/when they do they could be "as much as" what has been posted on page 1.

Am I to assume it would be smart for someone like myself with a handful of points to cash out what I can before that happens?
I am doubting that there will be any major price increases in the next couple years. Where the division didn’t ask for this, that would indicate to me that they are happy with where pricing is sitting.

One good thing about this is that you may see smaller, more consistent jumps in pricing instead of no increases for long periods and then big jumps.

I have always wondered why a state doesn’t just set a standard 3% a year price increase.
Case in point of the problem of demand and supply
Nothing like a broadhead company pushing people to make sure they apply out west!
By the way buy our broadheads when you draw that sweet tag!


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Case in point of the problem of demand and supply
Nothing like a broadhead company pushing people to make sure they apply out west!
By the way buy our broadheads when you draw that sweet tag!

Any hunting company that does not lead with the line "Made possible by the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation" or some other credit to the system that is propping up this enter industry of consumerism is hurting the goal of conservation and doing it for personal gain.
Case in point of the problem of demand and supply
Nothing like a broadhead company pushing people to make sure they apply out west!
By the way buy our broadheads when you draw that sweet tag!
This is exactly the point. Anyone who thinks hunting opportunity can, or should, be immune to the law of supply and demand is economically illiterate. Attempting to do so ignores the inevitable consequence of attempted price controls; extreme shortages. Something has to, and will break in the future. Personally, I'd prefer it to be cost rather than opportunity. Seeing these cost increases is one of the few things bringing any hope to draw tags in the future. I'm no rich man, but over even a handful of years even the max proposed prices are very affordable for anyone who can manage money with enough discipline to save $100 a month. Prices for western hunting are going to increase in proportion to the increase in demand for the foreseeable future. There's no avoiding it; reduce demand, increase price, or deal with extreme shortages.
Or defund and ostracize the people who are marketing your wildlife and hunting opportunities for their own gain without giving anything back. Youtubers, marketing companies, videographers, application services, influencers, all of them. Reject every last bit of their narcissistic attention seeking and send them to the ash heap of history with the Cough Silencer where they belong. Or actually just save up a little to pay for tags.
I’m probably out on Utah 14 points across the board with still minimal chances of drawing. I just don’t think the juice is worth the squeeze
With only a handful of points, which I also have (9 Elk, I drew in 2010), I apply and hope to draw every year, understanding my only chance is a random tag. I span 2 years with the license to reduce cost and am essentially buying a weighted raffle ticket.

I wish my work/life balance would allow this, but I have to be a little more strategic in my applications and shoot more for the "sure thing." Obviously I am referring to the general permits here, but for a NR they are still a handful of points depending on how/what you want to hunt.
I am doubting that there will be any major price increases in the next couple years. Where the division didn’t ask for this, that would indicate to me that they are happy with where pricing is sitting.

One good thing about this is that you may see smaller, more consistent jumps in pricing instead of no increases for long periods and then big jumps.

I have always wondered why a state doesn’t just set a standard 3% a year price increase.

I wish this was the case, but I am a worse case kind of guy. There was a comment I read on IG from a rep from UT DWR that made it sound like it could be sooner then later and could very well be a larger increase then just a few %.

Hopefully with all of this it doesn't shoot the draw odds for a NR up too high so i can cash them out in the next year or two.
Glad I wrote off Utah years ago and didn't waste any money building points there. Western states continue to price out us NR blue collar guys trying to raise a family. That being said NR hunting is an unbelievable privilege. Those states owe me nothing and I'm thankful for any tag I can get. Heck any one of us could've popped out of the womb destitute on some other continent with no hunting opportunities at all. We are truly the lucky few.
One of my favorite things in life is hunting elk and mule deer, but I am getting old so I don't have a lot of years left. I have been a frugal cheapstake all my life which puts me in a position of realizing time will run out long before the money will.

It is very important for me to get a good elk tag each year so I can do what I love in September. It makes little difference to me if the price of non resident tags doubles or triples. From a completely selfish perspective, I am support higher prices because it will increase my chances of getting a tag. Plus, I can rationalize the money goes to a good cause.

I am a complete DIY guy and have no desire to hunt with an outfitter or guide so if I camp out for several weeks or even a months it is not that expensive even with higher tag prices.