Thanks for posting this. I attended the Fish & Game public meeting in Boise last week and gave testimony opposing the increase to auction tags. I also attended the actual Fish & Game commissioner meeting the following day and was please to see that the commission did not give in to political pressure to add more tags. As Idahomnts said very well, the real problem here is that the legislature is trying to forcibly manage a Fish & Game process. That flies straight in the face of the exact reason a Fish & Game commission (not department) was created in the first place. The commission is in place to make sure management is done using science and public input, and specifically NOT politics.
In a few "off the record" conversations, I was told by some very important Fish & Game people that the legislators pushing these bills arranged a private meeting and basically tried to coerce the Fish & Game guys into adding the auction tags. My sources described the meeting as "feeling dirty". I was also told by a rep from the Idaho Wildlife Federation that Rep. Moyle flat out said, "I don't care what sportsman want, I will see to it that Idaho gets auction tags, one way or the other". In other words, these clowns are trying very hard to bully and manipulate the public.