Utah Price Increase

Game management should not be done on what the market will bear. That’s not how it was set up. Greed and corruption, no surprise. I had hoped to use some more of those 20+ point piles I have but this looks like it will be the end to my Utah dreams. They have found my breaking point. I’ll buy my license tomorrow and that will be the last one. I’m out of Montana except for sheep as it is way to complicated and expensive for a mostly DIY guy like me and then Utah. I guess I’m not going to enjoy the retirement I thought I would. Well, it’s been a great run, I’ll figure something out.
Tough call, do you have enough points to potentially draw your area? Might be worth looking at another unit and possibly hunt ML or archery to lower the points needed to draw.

Sadly, I doubt I'll draw as a NR - but you never know unless you apply .
Yes I'm fairly certain I could draw an LE elk tag in the next couple years if I put in for certain areas, or a ML hunt.

The bad part is that you can't get the general season bull elk tag if you have any other bull tag, so it's one of the other. I've come to love "my" area so much, that I'd rather not miss a single year for another Utah bull hunt unless it's something that is truly one in a lifetime. Being my last couple years, I'm leaning towards savoring my favorite area. I really wish I could gift my points to someone
Yikes :oops: It looks like this got put into Senate Bill 008, the general funding bill.

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Here's a link, the wildlife stuff starts on line 4319

I stole the tables off monstermuleys.
Hey OP am I missing something but I can’t find ELK prices to match what you have listed on this bull. Am I looking at wrong lines?

Most expensive elk I see is $1,660

Edit: see it now. Thnx everyone


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This was inevitable. It's about as effective to pretend that systems can exist in defiance of the laws of economics as it is to jump off a building and pretend the law of gravity doesn't exist. We can cry corruption all we want, but this price increase was inevitable in the face of the astronomical increase in demand. There are more than a lifetime worth of applicants lined up to draw these tags, how could price not go up in response?
I'll be surprised if it actually affects draw odds significantly. The dollar amounts for those tags aren't too much to save up over the amount of time it takes to draw.
If you're absolutely appalled by the price increase, remember it's never too late to begin bullying and ostracizing influencers...

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