Urinating while in a stand

Feb 2, 2020
I did a quick search but didn't come up with anything.

I'm wondering how many of you that sit in a blind or in a stand for any length of time will urinate on the ground where you're at. Or how many of you take a bottle to urinate in if you plan to be there a couple or three days.

I grew up hunting high pressure whitetail, so peeing near your stand was a big no-no. I've been wondering about this with elk. If I sit in one spot all day on a hill side, I'll eventually have to switch sides of the trail or meadow due to changing wind. If I pee in one side in the morning, that's ok, but come afternoon when the wind changes and I switch sides, my urine scent will still be there.

Right in the ground. Killed my largest whitehall out of a treestand I've peed out of all the time

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Maybe that works some places, but where I hunted, the deer were so jumpy that they would bolt if they crossed a trail I walked in on!!

I assume, it may be different with elk. I'd like to get some positive responses on it so I can drink water freely while sitting haha
In my opinion, you'll be fine. I have literally peed out of a tree stand and shot a whitetail with my bow in the same evening.
Peed out of my stand bear hunting last night. 30 minutes later a bear walked up, peed in the same spot, and continued on to the bait. I don't think human urine bothers animals at all.
Don’t think “whitetails” too much. Sometimes the best deer hunters struggle with elk. Afraid to snap a twig. Sneak too slow and never cover enough ground to find them. Etc. Carrying pee around in a bottle when elk hunting would be some funny chit!
When it comes to whitetail hunting I normally take an empty Gatorade bottle (maybe .75-1L) for my sit, although that’s mostly archery. While yes, you can pee and have them walk right by it sometimes, other times it will def catch their attention and spook them, so I always play it safe.

That being said, for my backcountry elk hunts, I don’t bring the bottle. Although those have been rifle and muzzleloader.

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Next time your in a whitetail stand pee on a little tree that you can shoot and see what happens!
Old timer I hunted with would pee on every scrap he passed. Said it helped. I have done it on scraps and had the scrap tore up the next day I walked by so I am a believer that our pee does the same as any animal pee or just doesn’t matter.

On a side note... a buddy that tagged out on his antler tag and was after doe, said took a dump off the side of his stand. Had a nice shooter buck come in and sniff it then made a scrap a few yards away and came back to check it later that afternoon..... so he might be onto something.
Urine just smells like. . . Urine. Now maybe if you eat something funny like asparagus and your per pee smells odd, that may cause the deer or elk to take a look, but I wouldn't worry about it.

For elk specifically. . . Fee years ago was hunting archery In Wyoming on a cow elk tag with my brother. We had just both taken a leak and we spotted antlers moving below is. We moved up hill a ways to some thick stuff and let out a few cow calls. The bull came in to less than 10 yards and walked right over the spot we had stood and taken a leak. . . Didn't seem to bother him a bit. But of course that's what happens when you have a cow tag!
Maybe that works some places, but where I hunted, the deer were so jumpy that they would bolt if they crossed a trail I walked in on!!

I assume, it may be different with elk. I'd like to get some positive responses on it so I can drink water freely while sitting haha
There's a tremendous difference between scent from your boots and pheromones in your urine. Don't overthink it. I piss in scrapes all the time. Bucks will not think twice about it.

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Awesome. I've not hunted with many people other than my family and a couple of close friends, so I've not ever really discussed the issue. It's good to know that it doesn't seem to bother elk or deer in so many cases.

I'll keep myself much more hydrated while elk hunting now
Think of it this way, if it smells your piss.....and you're at your piss.....it's not going to hang out anyway.

If you walk off and piss up wind or get caught moving.....its not happening. I'd piss where pissing needs pissed and be pissed if my piss pisses him off.
Maybe that works some places, but where I hunted, the deer were so jumpy that they would bolt if they crossed a trail I walked in on!!

I assume, it may be different with elk. I'd like to get some positive responses on it so I can drink water freely while sitting haha

Your human scent trial walking in is totally different then your pee. All whitetails spook on a human scent trial. Be free and pee pee!! You’ll be fine.
The only rule you should follow, well, two rules, OK, three: Don't piss on your boots. Don't piss uphill. Don't piss into the wind. Notice none of these has anything to do with hunting.
