Urinating while in a stand

Biggest myth in whitetail woods...I hunt pressured public lands in IL and have never seen it spook deer...50+% of the time the deer are attracted to it and come over to investigate.

...don't get me started on scent lock and "scent away" sprays...SMH:)
My brother and I have peed in scrapes and made mock scrapes that we intially peed on to start. Like others have said they were later taken over by a buck.
Biggest myth in whitetail woods...I hunt pressured public lands in IL and have never seen it spook deer...50+% of the time the deer are attracted to it and come over to investigate.

...don't get me started on scent lock and "scent away" sprays...SMH:)

I grew up hunting in Marion county Illinois.

Now I'm going to have to blame my dad for that time when I was in 3rd grade and I pissed in my coveralls while we were hunting. it was one of the first times I got to go sit with him in his tree stand and I had my brand new coveralls on that I got last Christmas... And I was so excited! unfortunately, I have the kind of bladder where if I drink very much soda or coffee or whatever, then when I've got to piss, I've really got to piss. So we are sitting in his stand in the morning, and I've really got to go so I tell my dad. He tells me to wait till we go back in because it's prime time right now and we don't want the deer to smell our pee. Well, that was at about 7:30 a.m., and we sit in the stand until 10:30 am. sure enough about 8:30 I can't hold it any longer and so my dad lets me get down out of the tree stand to go, and I can't get my wang out because the zipper on my coveralls won't go down far enough. And, well, the rest is just a funny memory.
And yes I agree... That scentlok clothing and scent killing spray is a scam.

About all I ever do is wash my clothes in unscented and UV brightener free detergent, wash with unscented soap, and play the wind.
I just piss out of the tree, if your hunting the wind it’s a non issue, I have also kicked dirt around and pissed in it and had deer using not the next time I walked by
haha this reminds me of hunting with my dads buddy. He is a NY native and i think years of low deer densities have led to a lot of unsubstantiated theories about why they weren't seeing deer. One was peeing on the ground and he always carried a pee bottle. I remember having to make sure he didn't out his bottle full of piss in my truck. Like others have said i pee out of the stand all the time, never saw a correlation. Coyotes make a point to pee and crap on every road on our property regularly. If pee spooked deer they would just be blowing all day. Pee is everywhere. The smells that spook them come from your mouth mostly. Deer have 35% more scent receptors than dogs and a trained bird dog can smell the difference between a live and dead quail. Deer can tell if there was a yote here or there is one here now.
. The smells that spook them come from your mouth mostly.

Really??? Where do you get this information? I've always figured that deer get spooked by smells that aren't usually in their woods. So even if they smell your pee it may spook them because I would think my coffee laden pee smells different than coyote pee. That may not b true, it's just what I've always thought. I figured elk wouldn't be quite as sensitive to that as deer, since deer just seem to be so much more on edge.

But that's really interesting about the smells coming from the mouth. I'm sure there's tons of scent coming off our bodies that we can't detect that they can.
Really??? Where do you get this information? I've always figured that deer get spooked by smells that aren't usually in their woods. So even if they smell your pee it may spook them because I would think my coffee laden pee smells different than coyote pee. That may not b true, it's just what I've always thought. I figured elk wouldn't be quite as sensitive to that as deer, since deer just seem to be so much more on edge.

But that's really interesting about the smells coming from the mouth. I'm sure there's tons of scent coming off our bodies that we can't detect that they can.

I am by no means a deer biologist but they can tell the difference between a threat that was there vs a threat that is there. Your pee definitely smells different than other animals pee and if they have smelled a person they have smelled human pee on them. There is pee residue on your member/girly parts and in your underbritches. They know human pee. Human scent in most areas people hunt whitetails is part of the landscape and a deer needs to know was and is. Ive had deer come in on the same trail i took to my stand BUT if you go stomping around a bedding area you probably ruined it because it was their "home" and its been defiled. I have heard of people self marinating scrapes and I think deer are reacting more to the appearance of it than the human pee on it. If you've ever smelled buck pee, even a human nose can tell the difference. As far as mouth smell mostly is an exaggeration (not being able to read their thoughts makes it hard to tell) but they certainly can smell you breathe.

I would like to do an experiment after this season with sweaty clothes on a deer feeder and see how long it takes for deer to come back to it.

sorry for the long winded post.
I piss right before I get in my stand and as needed while in it. Deer are very much bothered by a boot trail but not by urine. Deer don't come an more pressured than they do here in PA.
Really??? Where do you get this information? I've always figured that deer get spooked by smells that aren't usually in their woods. So even if they smell your pee it may spook them because I would think my coffee laden pee smells different than coyote pee. That may not b true, it's just what I've always thought. I figured elk wouldn't be quite as sensitive to that as deer, since deer just seem to be so much more on edge.

But that's really interesting about the smells coming from the mouth. I'm sure there's tons of scent coming off our bodies that we can't detect that they can.
Take your finger and rub it down the depression between your nose and face. If that smell won't gag a maggot, I don't know what will. And that's just one part of your body.
Good advice. I have also created mock scrapes in this way as stated by others above.
I figured elk wouldn't be quite as sensitive to that as deer, since deer just seem to be so much more on edge.

But that's really interesting about the smells coming from the mouth. I'm sure there's tons of scent coming off our bodies that we can't detect that they can.

i've been told elk let you get closer than deer. my experience has been that i get much closer to deer by accident 20-40 yards before they bump. elk slip off long before you get there and leave a steaming pile or fresh urine. when an elk is about to bolt they'll often urinate while they decide to bail or not.

scent rafts are coming off your body every second. there's nothing we are going to do in the field to eliminate that. that and our breath would be hot scent. where we sat, urinated days ago and the glove you forgot there would be cold scent. avalanche dogs often dig into a live subject at the head due to the hot scent. if you want to get an education in why the elk stand there an look at you while they are down wind, look into "scent theory". there are plenty of reasons animals don't smell something when the wind is seemingly favorable for them. knowing these situations help dog handlers read the situation and have successful searches. for the hunter, the same is true but we often start and stop with catabatic/anabatic winds (diurnal). those seem to be the easiest concepts to grasp.