Urinating while in a stand

I did a quick search but didn't come up with anything.

I'm wondering how many of you that sit in a blind or in a stand for any length of time will urinate on the ground where you're at. Or how many of you take a bottle to urinate in if you plan to be there a couple or three days.

I grew up hunting high pressure whitetail, so peeing near your stand was a big no-no. I've been wondering about this with elk. If I sit in one spot all day on a hill side, I'll eventually have to switch sides of the trail or meadow due to changing wind. If I pee in one side in the morning, that's ok, but come afternoon when the wind changes and I switch sides, my urine scent will still be there.

Depending on your range (pee stream) if you pee out of your stand and deer get alerted by it I would tend to think they are close enough to kill. I've killed a pile of deer out of stands I pee out of.
I pee out of the tree and in mock scrapes and have not experienced any negative results. The only thing I will suggest is to pay attention to your surroundings while watering the grass. One rifle season my pap had to answer nature's call and was about halfway through and a buck came running at him over the hill. Ended up not getting the buck and pissed all over himself LOL.
Do it...from a scientific approach, your urine begins to break down immediately, and after I believe 15 mins it is indistinguishable from other urine.

This is correct^^
Urine starts breaking down almost immediately to ammonia.
Additionally, Fresh human urine is sterile and so free from bacteria.
Don’t think “whitetails” too much. Sometimes the best deer hunters struggle with elk. Afraid to snap a twig. Sneak too slow and never cover enough ground to find them. Etc. Carrying pee around in a bottle when elk hunting would be some funny chit!
☝️ this!!!! Took me a bit to figure this out but its so true!!!
I’ve always peed right out of the stand. I was told a long time ago the animals don’t know the pee came from a human. Idk how true that is but it’s never affected the deer movement
This is correct^^
Urine starts breaking down almost immediately to ammonia.
Additionally, Fresh human urine is sterile and so free from bacteria.

I start mock scrapes for whitetails around the farm in early August, just to see who’s around. As long as you’re practicing scent control with everything else, a fresh bladder dump keeps brining them in on the regular.
Scent control is for between your ears.

In reality, nothing you do makes any appreciable difference in your scent, as it pertains to a deers olfactory system.
i've been told elk let you get closer than deer. my experience has been that i get much closer to deer by accident 20-40 yards before they bump. elk slip off long before you get there and leave a steaming pile or fresh urine. when an elk is about to bolt they'll often urinate while they decide to bail or not.

if you want to get an education in why the elk stand there an look at you while they are down wind, look into "scent theory".

Yea whitetail will definitely attempt to hide until it is clear that you know they're there. I think that comes from them being so we'll camouflaged in the hardwoods. The wind could be blowing right at them and a person could walk within ten feet of the deer and as long as the person doesn't stop or act like a predator, that deer will generally stay put.

Elk on the other hand know their advantage is taking off when they know a potential threat is there... They're certainly not going to hide from anyone very well, especially not in herds. Chasing off a few elk is how I got to know the characteristics of ultra fresh scat!

That scent theory sounds very interesting. Do you have any specific books or web sites you could recommend?
Just my opinion, but I think it has an effect on deer. When you are hunting a spooky mature buck, everything has to be on point. There will be those days when an old mature buck is rutting and all senses are out the door, then they will not care at all. I personally carry a 32oz nalgene wide mouth canteen. I rinse it out in the creek after every use. At the end of each season, I clean it with a water/chlorine mixture. This may be overkill, but when you spend the time that I do on hunting, I want to make sure that I am not the factor.
I guess I never actually answered your question. Yes, elk and many other animals can tell your urine is not from another animal in the woods. It's whether or not they care that should be questioned.