UPS Strike


Mar 16, 2020
I find it funny that people think this CEO is actually grinding 24/7 for 20m/year. She barely hits 40 hours a week, guaranteed. Some of y’all really need to quit drinking this kool aid.
The same folks who try to justify a single person making multi millions are arguing that someone who isn't "skilled" shouldn't make enough money to afford basic things and should probably just move or be miserable until they're no longer poor, or something?


Jul 15, 2021
IBEW? Best thing I ever did was bail on them. Made bank in a merit shop.
The BAs were taking bribes in the form of safaris and Alaska trips to put our money in bad investments, and they took a big dump.
That sucks. My experience had been the opposite.


Mar 16, 2020
IBEW? Best thing I ever did was bail on them. Made bank in a merit shop.
The BAs were taking bribes in the form of safaris and Alaska trips to put our money in bad investments, and they took a big dump.
I've been with the IBEW for 18 years now and I think you're the first person I've heard share such a negative experience. Interesting.

D S 319

Jan 17, 2021

Make it make sense fellas. I wish people could come together on these issues. We’re all poor folks at each others throats while they rake in the money off our backs. They aren’t making them numbers without cutting corners somewhere.


Dec 20, 2022
It blows my mind that, back in “the day”, you could get a good job in a factory, work 40hrs a week, support a family, buy a small house, afford a car, and live your life. ALL ON ONE INCOME. I know because that’s what everyone in my family did and they weren’t Union.

Nowadays? Forget it.
I laugh at this. We buy so much crap now. I was told my 3 bedroom house is starter house, it has 1.5 baths. Didn't have second toilet until 20s.

Now we got big houses, multiple garage, multiple tvs, phones, video games.

You had a tv, 1-2 cars, no ac, 2 keep kids in a bedroom, record player.

Go back to that, and you will have lots of money and retire early.
UPS made record profits. They can't profit without workers, workers unite and negotiate more money and better conditions. Seems fair to me.
A guy can't do nothing unless someone give home an opportunity. They are just a hammer waiting for someone to place a nail in front of them

I come front contracting family. My dad signed his deed over to suppliers.

I get tired of people who go home at quiting time, with zero risk, whining, because no one does more for them.


Dec 20, 2022
Let the strike. Everyone else will make money and gain market. Seems to be that happened after 90s and everyone hated them for stealing their property, which is what you are doing if you don't give me what I own.
Mar 27, 2017
North Carolina
From what I’ve read from workers they are far less concerned with AC in trucks (which honestly they should have imo, I can not imagine working out of my vehicle in the south without it) than they are with wage not keeping up with inflation over the past 5 years.

With housing and grocery surpassing inflation baseline that’s a problem. Especially when the company is extremely profitable and shareholders/upper management aren’t having that issue.

The idea that large corporations have convinced the general public that it’s shameful to want a fair wage is sad. Especially when you see the writing about how CEO’s have so much more pressure. Give me a break, ceos and cfos and their like fail all the time the penalty is a large severance package the size of a decade of worker wage and a new job to go destroy the next company within 2 months. Seen it happen multiple times. They are ruining the American dream and convincing us to cheer them on.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
I find it funny that people think this CEO is actually grinding 24/7 for 20m/year. She barely hits 40 hours a week, guaranteed. Some of y’all really need to quit drinking this kool aid.
sure comrade, all the CEOs just sit on their private jets all day flying from vacation house to vacation house. That’s how you get to be the head of a Fortune 500 company…. In a publicly held company I’m sure you know what it’s like in the C-suite? There are so many other joes gunning for your job if have an off year let alone a couple of off quarters you are gone

D S 319

Jan 17, 2021
sure comrade, all the CEOs just sit on their private jets all day flying from vacation house to vacation house. That’s how you get to be the head of a Fortune 500 company…. In a publicly held company I’m sure you know what it’s like in the C-suite? There are so many other joes gunning for your job if have an off year let alone a couple of off quarters you are gone
Quit being delusional.


Mar 16, 2020
sure comrade, all the CEOs just sit on their private jets all day flying from vacation house to vacation house. That’s how you get to be the head of a Fortune 500 company…. In a publicly held company I’m sure you know what it’s like in the C-suite? There are so many other joes gunning for your job if have an off year let alone a couple of off quarters you are gone
A CEO could retire after a month or so. My wife worked for a non-profit, Christian care facility (Good Samaritan Society) and the CEO was fired and received a 40ish million dollar severance package. At the same time they couldn't find any help because nobody wanted to work a very demanding job for $12 an hour when they could get the same or more elsewhere. Staff was pleading for help and upping wages to attract workers and told that it "just wasn't sustainable". The sad part is that a lot of the staff agreed, even after the news reports of the CEO's severance package.


Feb 3, 2017
So - someone sits down fills out an application - maybe includes a resume, agrees to sit down for an interview for a part time job on the night shift - then said person is ultimately offered a job. The person is told up front you will be making $16.00/hr loading packages, your hours will be XYZ - it is physical work and it is often hot, cold...etc. Person accepts job - about 2-3 weeks later person is bitching about working night shift and can't believe those SOBs are making them work in the heat...etc. Nobody is making anyone accept or stay in a job. UPS has been delivering packages through the heat of summer since the early 1900's, now all of a sudden everyone's health/life are in danger. - must be climate change.
I know a number of people who made a good career out of UPS and live a pretty nice life. Got out of high school with no skills, started slinging packages, and worked their way up. By the time they were 50-55 they had 30 years in and retired. Problem is people today expect to make a "living wage" and raise a family with a part time position or expect $30/hr right out of the gate as their first starter job.
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Jan 29, 2022
The West
A CEO could retire after a month or so. My wife worked for a non-profit, Christian care facility (Good Samaritan Society) and the CEO was fired and received a 40ish million dollar severance package. At the same time they couldn't find any help because nobody wanted to work a very demanding job for $12 an hour when they could get the same or more elsewhere. Staff was pleading for help and upping wages to attract workers and told that it "just wasn't sustainable". The sad part is that a lot of the staff agreed, even after the news reports of the CEO's severance package.
Problem there is sounds more like a scam, non profit where ceo is earning into the millions? Just like good will, I’m talking publicly traded for profit companies.


Mar 16, 2020
So someone sits down fills out an application - maybe includes a resume, agrees to sit down for an interview for a part time job on the night shift - then said person is ultimately offered a job. The person is told up front you will be making $16.00/hr loading packages, your hours will be XYZ - it is physical work and it is often hot, cold...etc. Person accepts job - about 2-3 weeks later person is bitching about working night shift and can't believe those SOBs are making them work in the heat...etc. Nobody is making anyone accept or stay in a job. UPS has been delivering packages through the heat of summer since the early 1900's, now all of a sudden everyone's health/life are in danger. - must be climate change.
I know a number of people who made a good career out of UPS and live a pretty nice life. Got out of high school with no skills, started slinging packages, and worked their way up. By the time they were 50-55 they had 30 years in and retired. Problem is people today expect to make a "living wage" and raise a family with a part time position or expect $30/hr right out of the gate as there first starter job.
Is this just speculation? If I'm going to guess, UPS hires lots of part time folks to avoid paying full time benefits/wages and like lots of places, the days of making a good living need to be fought for. I'd also guess UPS isn't ever going to voluntarily share extra profits. Maybe a Jelly of the Month membership..?


Jan 29, 2022
The West
That's our for profit health care system.
What? You were talking about CEOs of non for profit companies I was speaking on the CEO of UPS, ie a publicly traded for profit company… not sure what you are getting at. I get it everyone hates the rich. Everyone thinks that they should work 30 hours a week and make 250k a year. Funny thing is just about everyone on this website is probably in the top 3% of the wealthiest folks on the planet. If you realize it or not


Dec 20, 2022
There are also different pots of money in big companies. CEO may be getting paid out of the money to share holders.

Also hiring a CEO is not like hiring some guy you hope shows up for his shift.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
There are also different pots of money in big companies. CEO may be getting paid out of the money to share holders.

Also hiring a CEO is not like hiring some guy you hope shows up for his shift.
Exactly, I agree that workers should be compensated fairly, but the guy licking stamps, doesn’t get the same pay as the guy running the company, the commies that think this work should hang out in Venezuela, Cuba, or Russia and see how amazing it is over there
Aug 21, 2016
The same folks who try to justify a single person making multi millions are arguing that someone who isn't "skilled" shouldn't make enough money to afford basic things and should probably just move or be miserable until they're no longer poor, or something?
Or you just work at bettering yourself and become a skilled worker so you’re actually more valuable to an employer and they will in turn pay you more.

Of course, that takes time and effort on someone’s part without immediate gratification. It’s becoming exceedingly difficult to find individuals in todays workforce that are capable of putting in the effort to actually EARN those higher wages. They seem to truly believe they’re entitled to high wages just for showing up and punching a time clock.

Likely a result of the excessive screen time and consumption of social media from a very young age of those entering the work force now. They’ve no doubt been subjected to all the progressive propaganda and ridiculous messages being pushed on those platforms. Livable wages for all for example. Actual mature thinking individuals know that concept is absolutely asinine but the 12-17 yo demographic that stare at phones all day without parental supervision do not so they believe livable wages for all is doable when they begin to enter the workforce. I blame their crappy parents for their initial naivety and lack of work ethic as they enter the working world.

Now, if an individual is already an adult with some responsibilities and they still believe this type of stuff i don’t know what to tell someone like that other than theyre going to have a rough go of it until they learn the world doesn’t owe them anything they need to earn what they need/want.
Mar 27, 2017
North Carolina
No one thinks they should get paid the same. They just think the guy sorting your vortex crossfire should be able to buy his kid fresh broccoli if the cfo can get a half million dollar thank you for getting fired.

The “you’re a commie” gaslighting for wanting a fair wage that keeps up with inflation while the company is extremely profitable is ridiculous