My first backcountry trip I only brought one pair of merino briefs (Thinking i was saving weight..stupid) and i had a mountain house fart the second morning that ended up in me having to bury my drawers and base layers. (Almost had to get rid of my boots after) Had to hike out 3.5 miles (My hunting partner has never hiked so fast in front me in his life), then drive 2.5 hours to a Walmart. It's rather awkward being rung up with a pair of pants, underwear, socks, butt wipes, and butt powder. Since then i always have a backup on me. This past deer season i usually got to about day 3 before i started to get monkey butt. Between deer and elk season i had a buddy tell me to get some Prep H wet wipes, and holy cow what a game changer. It's like mother nature blowing little kisses on your back side. I bring a whole role of the best TP i can find for a 10 day trip. After every squat season it's a Prep H wipe, then dry, then spray some dove anti persperant on the cheeks. Hasn't failed me yet and ever since that first trip i'm a firm believer in doubling up on anything that you can possibly ruin if a mountain house fart happens.