Under Armor Hunting Drops Bowmars

Might not grow on trees, but interesting that it does talk. UA still supports hunting, BTW. Don't get carried away with the switch to Sanka.

If a cop tackles and arrests a dude, high fives another cop while yelling "woo hoo, we nailed that idiot.....hell yeah, up top bro, fist bump, we're the baddest cops around. Hell's yeah sucka, you going downtown....biiiiiatch"

It's OK, right? Conduct doesn't matter and the dude did need to be arrested.
if money grew on trees i would hold a public burning of all my UA stuff. I have no desire to ever kill a bear with a spear but I also have no desire to go square dancing, doesn't mean I'm going to flip out if someone else does it

All my UA stuff is going on eBay tomorrow, I am even gonna sell my fishing shirts, probably switching to HUK or pelagic

I've already transitioned into the kuiu sitka game anyways.
What sizes?

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This hunting thing is still ot pretty new to me. From where I stand this is a bit of a complex issue.

From the hunting ethics perspective: Spear hunting definitely seems to be a more challenging way to hunt. It was legal where he did it. 1,000 yard shots are legal. I wouldn't take one but I can't say they should be outlawed. Trad bows are a lot harder than compounds. I am not good enough to hunt with a trad bow but I don't think you should ban them. Bowmar was an accomplished athlete, particularly in javelin. If anyone seems qualified to hunt with a spear its him. I watched relentless pursuit and thought spear hunting was intriguing. I bought a cold steel spear and took it in to the backyard. I quickly realized my max range was about 12 yards and my effective range was about 2. I assigned it to the novelty category and went back to shooting my compound bow.

From an image and sponsorship perspective, anything that draws heat is going to be subject to scrutiny. Optics and perception matter. Especially to the non-hunting world. UA leadership has a responsibility to protect their company, their shareholders company, of which hunting is a very small part. The Decision was probably made by someone who was not particularly connected to the hunting apparel element. PR or legal counsel. Just protecting the brand in the face of public backlash.

I think it is important to remind ourselves that as hunters we are a small minority. We also depend and rely on sources of support from people and politicians who are nonhunters for a variety of things including access to land and wildlife Managment. Extreme hunters are a minority within a minority, smaller still. We need to be mindful that any public perception of the sport is a reflection on us all that will either support or erode our efforts to enjoy this sport we all love. For my small part, I stay within shooting ranges that I feel a reasonable degree of confidence with, I try to be courteous and inconspicuous in the woods - I hold tight and let hikers pass me without notice, drag gut piles far from trails and cover them, I try to avoid displaying weapons - guns, bows or knives - in and out of the woods, I cover my kills in the bed of my truck and generally try to have a low profile. I am proud to be a hunter and to enjoy this sport but I believe hunting is one of those things that looks very different from the inside tha it does from the outside. To nonhunters we appear strange, anachronistic, cruel and even dangerous. We have to be thoughtful about our actions and other perceptions of us as a group. Ultimately, the future of our sport depends on support from the broader public and we can't do or tolerate things that undermine that.
when in the spotlight or wanting to be in the spotlight, one must think ahead to others opinions and feelings.
i for one, regardless of any sponsorships would NOT have made that video public.
what he did was a legal take method, which is fine, I have no problem with that.
but sharing it for others to like or dislike was a mistake, which is why it is now down.
its another black eye for hunters IMO, sad but true, we need to be smarter and gain support, not push it away.
Kill photos, harvest video, what have you needs to be presented tastefully, for what it really is, not the chest pounding look at me attitude.
Brian Barney just posted a couple pics of a antelope he harvested on IG, thats how it should be done.
first photo is meat, and he is talking about the meat first and foremost, second pic is a trophy pic.
well done Brian Barney
Gritty Bowman podcast with the Bowmars is interesting. Offers thier perspective on the situation from the inside. After listening to it, I am a bit more concerned about the precedent UA set by acting and communicating the way they did due to external pressure. It would seem to encourage anti-hunters to attack sponsored hunters and hunting media personalities in a way that could inhibit more mainstream crossover.
Gritty Bowman podcast with the Bowmars is interesting. Offers thier perspective on the situation from the inside. After listening to it, I am a bit more concerned about the precedent UA set by acting and communicating the way they did due to external pressure. It would seem to encourage anti-hunters to attack sponsored hunters and hunting media personalities in a way that could inhibit more mainstream crossover.

I listened to half the GB podcast last night with Brian interviewing the Bowmars. Very very interesting. So did anyone know that this dude was a collegiate All American, record breaking javelin thrower???? So can we concede he's a highly trained spear chucker?? He is, for sure, still a beast athlete. Dudes that do Crossfit with Josh use the word "freak" regularly. Did anyone know the hunt video was up since May and UA was showering this dude with congrats all over social media after the hunt, thanking him for wearing UA gear and all the free exposure he gave the company(he's not sponsored like his wife was)??? Did anyone know that UA was in the loop from the beginning and was openly encouraging him to do this type hunt??

Sorry if any of this was in this thread already. Like I've said from the beginning of this cluster, UA made their bed. UA caved to an online PETA petition with 4000 electronic signatures. UA reacted by selling out two hunters that participated in a 100% legal hunt, during which the hunter made a quick, clean, ethical kill. Instead of separating quietly, UA felt the need to publically deem this hunt reckless.

The Anti's made their move. UA made their move. Now we need to make our move. I sold my UA stock last week. I've never owned their hunting clothes.
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I listened to half the GB podcast last night with Brian interviewing the Bowmars. Very very interesting. So did anyone know that this dude was a collegiate All American, record breaking javelin thrower???? So can we concede he's a highly trained spear chucker?? He is, for sure, still a beast athlete. Dudes that do Crossfit with Josh use the word "freak" regularly. Did anyone know the hunt video was up since May and UA was showering this dude with congrats all over social media after the hunt, thanking him for wearing UA gear and all the free exposure he gave the company(he's not sponsored like his wife was)??? Did anyone know that UA was in the loop from the beginning and was openly encouraging him to do this type hunt??

Sorry if any of this was in this thread already. Like I've said from the beginning of this cluster, UA made their bed. UA caved to an online PETA petition with 4000 electronic signatures. UA reacted by selling out two hunters that participated in a 100% legal hunt, during which the hunter made a quick, clean, ethical kill. Instead of separating quietly, UA felt the need to publically deem this hunt reckless.

The Anti's made their move. UA made their move. Now we need to make our move. I sold my UA stock last week. I've never owned their hunting clothes.

A javelin is a completely different thing than a spear with a go pro strapped on to it. He didn't throw it like you do a javelin so let's stop comparing the two.

If he practiced and thought he was proficient enough that's good enough for me, he doesn't need to justify the spear.

Listening to the podcast actually makes me like them even less, and Brian didn't bring up his conduct in the video once, which for me is the real sticking point. And not even him acting like that, but videoing it and letting anyone see it.

It's pretty clear in a few instances the guy clearly regrets the video, and he's taken it down to boot. He posts it to YouTube yet didn't video or edit it for people to see? I don't buy that either.
The way he described how he should have made the video is exactly how he should have done it, describe the thought process of the hunt, show the work that went on to it, show the hunt, closing thoughts. Sitka, and meateater do it in 25 min or less.

The entire podcast is justification after justification, when it's not needed, especially with what the target audience is for gritty bowman.

It could have been a really good video, now it's a piece of anti propaganda that will be run for a LONG time, and will probably result in the banning of spear hunting in Alberta.

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Absolutely nailed it again, tipsntails. Everything I wanted to say but I've become too jaded by the whole thing to put the energy into a response. If you are mad at UA for how they handled it, fine, I agree, they botched it too.

It's not about UA, it's not about the spear, it's not about the shot placement, it's not about antis or PETA. It's about the extremely poor judgement he used in representing himself to the world as a hunter. Policing our own ranks isn't debating crossbows or long range shooting or whatever other divisive shit is out there, its about calling people out when they are acting like assholes, endangering the future of hunting and disassociating with them accordingly. It's about being proactive for the common good not reflexively defending the idiots.

I am disgusted at how badly some hunters are missing the bigger picture in this situation.
I completely agree with tipsntails
I am disappointed with the GB podcast as well.
Also, my initial thoughts were confirmed.

IMO, I think he really wanted to do this, but for reasons that unfortunately also included more attention for his social media and possible sponsorships.

I'm perfectly fine with the harvest of the animal. It was a legal method.

It's just been done in poor taste.

Another black eye.

As far as UA, I do not own any UA gear, I'm not going to boycott it though,
Huge company , if Cam had done this same thing , same outcome.
Difference is he doesn't make these poor decisions.

Obviously hunting has become a ticket to glory and recognition for some people. And like all things we need to make sure we have the right people representing us.

Plenty of high quality individuals we can support.

We need to pick these people very wisely!
I completely agree with tipsntails
I am disappointed with the GB podcast as well.
Also, my initial thoughts were confirmed.

IMO, I think he really wanted to do this, but for reasons that unfortunately also included more attention for his social media and possible sponsorships.

I'm perfectly fine with the harvest of the animal. It was a legal method.

It's just been done in poor taste.

Another black eye.

As far as UA, I do not own any UA gear, I'm not going to boycott it though,
Huge company , if Cam had done this same thing , same outcome.
Difference is he doesn't make these poor decisions.

Obviously hunting has become a ticket to glory and recognition for some people. And like all things we need to make sure we have the right people representing us.

Plenty of high quality individuals we can support.

We need to pick these people very wisely!

Some salient points with respect to egotistical motivations and who we support. But who are "we". In the social media age people have incentive to behave like buffoons.

Should hunter education these days include instruction about how not to embarrass the hunting community as a whole? How else do we address this, because it's clearly going to happen again, just a matter of time.
Listening to the podcast actually makes me like them even less, and Brian didn't bring up his conduct in the video once, which for me is the real sticking point. And not even him acting like that, but videoing it and letting anyone see it.

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Edited: in the second half of the podcast, Brian did discuss Josh's reaction to the shot/kill in the video.
They discussed in length whether we, as hunters, should have to conform to an "acceptable" type of reaction after harvesting an animal.

UA reacted poorly and it will cost them dearly.

And for the record, from a wanna be decathlete back in the day and father of a current all state thrower, launching a jav is the same exact body motion as throwing a spear, minus the GoPro of course.
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And for the record, from a wanna be decathlete back in the day and father of a current all state thrower, launching a jav is the same exact body motion as throwing a spear, minus the GoPro of course.

Not to bicker, but there is a significant difference, and it's called accuracy. It's like comparing the long drive contest to the pga tour. Or the 50 power pitchers drafted each year to Greg Maddux.
Should hunter education these days include instruction about how not to embarrass the hunting community as a whole? How else do we address this, because it's clearly going to happen again, just a matter of time.

You may be on to something here. Many professions, police, teachers, etc, receive yearly training on proper social media conduct.
A javelin is a completely different thing than a spear with a go pro strapped on to it. He didn't throw it like you do a javelin so let's stop comparing the two.

If he practiced and thought he was proficient enough that's good enough for me, he doesn't need to justify the spear.

Listening to the podcast actually makes me like them even less, and Brian didn't bring up his conduct in the video once, which for me is the real sticking point. And not even him acting like that, but videoing it and letting anyone see it.

It's pretty clear in a few instances the guy clearly regrets the video, and he's taken it down to boot. He posts it to YouTube yet didn't video or edit it for people to see? I don't buy that either.
The way he described how he should have made the video is exactly how he should have done it, describe the thought process of the hunt, show the work that went on to it, show the hunt, closing thoughts. Sitka, and meateater do it in 25 min or less.

The entire podcast is justification after justification, when it's not needed, especially with what the target audience is for gritty bowman.

It could have been a really good video, now it's a piece of anti propaganda that will be run for a LONG time, and will probably result in the banning of spear hunting in Alberta.

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All the above is noted and to a point agree and disagree with some of it, with that said UA still choose thier exist by calling it unethical and reckless. They could of simply stated it wasn't the Face of Under Armor they wanted. Boom end of story and at that point it's just business. Yet instead now UA is classifying what is reckless and unethical for hunters with out consideration to legality, fact they supported the hunt and congratulated him right up until the fall out of anti's and thier very pointed press release should say enough about what the board of directors is truly concerned with.

If I was an UA sponsored Athlete I'd sure take note. When ever Kip retires I bet the hunt line dies. Save that money while you can. I sure wouldn't post any kills with zebra's, giraffes or any other touchy animal European's will cry about.
Not to bicker, but there is a significant difference, and it's called accuracy. It's like comparing the long drive contest to the pga tour. Or the 50 power pitchers drafted each year to Greg Maddux.

I hear ya but my daughter smokes my 3D target wit the jav like its her job. I would hate to b a bear in Canada in front of her.