Under Armor Hunting Drops Bowmars

The more I sit and think about this maybe it's not such a bad thing yes i support the bow Mars but I'm thinking that under armour is helping hunting because we live in a time where we are out numbered by anti hunters because that's the generation we are in but if kids who don't hunt yet see a big name companies and people wearing it and watch hunting videos of let's say cam Hanes it might make them change their minds about hunting when they are able to get their hunting licence and if there friends see them having fun hunting they might start hunting and the tradition grows but if people see the content from outside of the hunting world not knowing that it's ok to spear hunt they get upset and blow it out of proportion if good content is shown to the public more people might change there minds. The general public thinks hunting is drive around in a truck see a animal pull over and shoot it or go drinking with your buddy's and shoot a helpless animal because that is how the older generation has portrayed it if everyone cares so much maybe they should focus more on the adventure side of the story not the drinking parts because people always focus on the bad not the good people don't remember the 100 times you did something rite but they sure remember when you did something wrong if everyone wants to gain support from non hunters start acting like it or start something like Facebook but you have to have a valid hunting licence to join and keep the content for hunters so people don't get upset
Have not read everything nor seen the video. My only comments are respect the animal, we are responsible for our actions, it is UA's company and money and my elk seasons starts in 19 days I can't wait👍i will feel pain soon and will enjoy it. Good luck to all fellow elk hunters!
Instead of looking at this like the Bowmars are the victims maybe we should be asking why were they and Cameron now working for a company that doesn't support our sport?
If you say,well duh! it's because of the money then they are no different than UA,in the end it's just about money.

Just a thought
It's about money to UA, the Bowmars and Haines. Any statement to the contrary is a smokescreen. The hunters can say it has nothing to do with money and they receive none from UA or other sponsors. If they receive valuable goods or discounts on them...it's about money. It takes money to hunt and to buy the gear used for it. It's a lot more complicated than that. It's also about ego and reputation. Let a sponsor toss them in a public way and it will lead to other sponsors looking hard at their actions. Maybe it gets harder to be published. A ripple effect?.....perhaps. The company wants no part of something which brings controversy and negative attention. Spearing a bear and acting out after the fact brought controversy to UA.

I've said it before in a different way. If a pro athlete (let's say a boxer) does something legal but considered socially nasty and then documents it for media publication...his sponsors are very likely to drop him. No laws were broken. The sponsoring company simply doesn't agree with the behavior for whatever their reasons. He's booted. That doesn't mean the company is against boxing or boxers. It doesn't mean they aren't 100% behind the sport. It means they are against the incident and the behavior....which goes to the man....and he doesn't deserve their sponsorship. The sport of boxing or hunting...take your pick...isn't being insulted by this despite words to the contrary. There's a solid argument that this sends a message to hunters and hunting media: hunt with honor and portray hunting with care. Insisting on anything-goes might end up costing all of us opportunities.

For the record: I will fight like hell to defend legal hunting. I won't help or support anything which is going to be broadly viewed as socially unacceptable and generally damaging to the sport I love.
I've said it before in a different way. If a pro athlete (let's say a boxer) does something legal but considered socially nasty and then documents it for media publication...his sponsors are very likely to drop him. No laws were broken. The sponsoring company simply doesn't agree with the behavior for whatever their reasons. He's booted. That doesn't mean the company is against boxing or boxers. It doesn't mean they aren't 100% behind the sport. It means they are against the incident and the behavior....which goes to the man....and he doesn't deserve their sponsorship. The sport of boxing or hunting...take your pick...isn't being insulted by this despite words to the contrary. There's a solid argument that this sends a message to hunters and hunting media: hunt with honor and portray hunting with care. Insisting on anything-goes might end up costing all of us opportunities.
Recent example: Ryan Lochte
Ryan Lochte loses all four commercial sponsors after Rio Olympics incident - The Washington Post
Maybe UA should stick to making spandex pants. Wasn't Josh a javelin thrower? I looks like a clean ethical kill, now the fist pumping is a little overt the top, but whatever. He looks like a hunting pretty boy, UA fits him and her well...
Kevin said it best.....personal gain and ego.
I love Rinella's thoughts on not wanting to be in the same boat as the people shooting holes in it!
No sympathy for the people who are in it for attention.
Mossy Oak is NO LONGER a partner with UA. After years and years they have called it quits. I do not know who quit who or why. I am glad they are not a partner any longer. I do have UA gear, but from this point on I will not wear any of it for hunting nor will I purchase any UA gear in the future. I will continue to get sweat all over the workout gear I currently own. I totally disagree with their decision. Tim Wells has aired pig kills on his show via Cold Steel spear. No public outrage or sponsor quitters. Why should a bear be different. And bear hunting over bait is the most common way to hunt them anyway. I think its more sporting than using dogs myself. AND who says the bear was "relatively tame"? I am disappointed in elkyinzer`s comments personally.
Yeah that is kind of weird Mossy Oak and UA no longer partners. It seems Mossy Oak is slipping a little on the big game side. It's mighty tough to find western gear in their patterns. I wonder what the Shockeys will do. I bought a few UA items last year and they were ok. But I ended up selling the one Jacket before the story broke and bought a huge amount of First Lite in brown!
I think we need to rebound from this no matter what your opinion may be and unite again as hunters. This issue has done more damage to the entire community than just the Bowmars. Won't be long before the Antis ruin us if we stay divided.
If you want to hunt with a spear, trad bow, crossbow compound, rifle, handgun or long range rifle I don't care. Just as long as you're hunting fair chase in accordance with the local laws!
Mossy Oak just released Mountain Country pattern at the end of June. This will be widely available by next year in quality garments. Hoping sooner than later as I really like the pattern.

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Everyone please listen to cam Hanes pod cast he states that under armour is a public company and it was the share holders decision not directly the main guy who happens to be a hunter and that we have to be careful of what content you put out on social media
No doubt large institutional investors can pressure management to make decisions. However the only thing forcing management to listen to their threats is their concern for making money above all else. I like supporting hunting first companies as much as possible. First Lite, Kuiu and Kifaru are a few of the good ones and all still privately held.

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I believe I recently read that Scent Blocker was taking advantage of the UA situation by offering SB gear at half off...not sure what the exact offer was...to entice UA-angry hunters to buy SB gear. To me that's a rather no-brainer thing. SB is a 100% hunting-oriented company and has the luxury of taking blanket approach to defending anything they deem as negative to a sponsored hunter. Of course they'd make that offer. UA is their competitor and it's a business-first move for SB...and they can dress it up in a 'we support hunters' gown. It's always about business, and any larger company which doesn't put the bottom line ahead of personal politics isn't doing a good job for investors. Privately held companies can do whatever the heck they want of course, assuming they can stand the heat.

I was thinking today that one of the first primitive weapons was a stone. I wonder if I could take a modern bowling ball and rig it with an action camera...then dress in the latest synthetic clothing....and finally kill a game animal by climbing a tree and dropping my 'stone' on its head? If I whooped and celebrated finding some grey brain matter strung out would all that make for a great hunting video or show? I could do it. So could you. I'm sure there's a sponsor just waiting to supply some gear and maybe a camera guy. There are also a legion of people waiting to crucify you, me and every last hunter while we of course all are asked and expected to support it as part of our right to hunt.

Interesting times.
The DudeBro hunters...

Everyone please listen to cam Hanes pod cast he states that under armour is a public company and it was the share holders decision not directly the main guy who happens to be a hunter and that we have to be careful of what content you put out on social media

Hanes and Rogan join in the chorus of anti-hunters and further implicate fellow DudeBro hunter Bowmar as being the wrong type of hunter. Hanes is not helping himself, Rogan or any hunters with this type of podcast....they yammer about UFC for about a half hour before discussing the Bowmar video. Rogan and then Hanes perfectly make the case about why the Bowmars need to be supported around 1:23 of the podcast IIRC - then instead of supporting them they go on to further slam Bowmar's actions. This is not what the hunting community needs.

Bowmar needs a private walk behind the woodshed not a public pillory. I would be much more comfortable with this situation if there were no media uproar and UA decided to distance themselves from Josh. However, the anti-hunters took a hostage and UA paid the ransom. The antis will not stop taking hostages. It doesn't matter how over the top or reverent someone is about the game they kill. Antis have no qualms about lying in order to take away our rights. We cannot apologize for the most natural and primal of activities and ways of life - the hunt. The hunting community must stand together or we will continue to see our rights erode.
Hanes and Rogan join in the chorus of anti-hunters and further implicate fellow DudeBro hunter Bowmar as being the wrong type of hunter. Hanes is not helping himself, Rogan or any hunters with this type of podcast....they yammer about UFC for about a half hour before discussing the Bowmar video. Rogan and then Hanes perfectly make the case about why the Bowmars need to be supported around 1:23 of the podcast IIRC - then instead of supporting them they go on to further slam Bowmar's actions. This is not what the hunting community needs.

Bowmar needs a private walk behind the woodshed not a public pillory. I would be much more comfortable with this situation if there were no media uproar and UA decided to distance themselves from Josh. However, the anti-hunters took a hostage and UA paid the ransom. The antis will not stop taking hostages. It doesn't matter how over the top or reverent someone is about the game they kill. Antis have no qualms about lying in order to take away our rights. We cannot apologize for the most natural and primal of activities and ways of life - the hunt. The hunting community must stand together or we will continue to see our rights erode.
The hunting community needs to set a good example that is palatable to the 90% in the middle. Imho the bowmars video does not portray us well.

When you get on social media and say we must support them because it's legal, what does the non hunting community? These are the people we need to vote with us on the next humane society sponsored ballot measure.

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I don't mind that UA stood up and said "don't act like an asshole". But some of the attitudes seem BLM'ish. As in a black kid commits a crime and is arrested because "cops don't like blacks" not because he commited a crime. So now UA is "against all hunters" because they didn't like the actions of this yahoo.

It's the same for Ryan Lochte, Speedo & Ralph Lauren.

Dunno, something like that.
I'm pretty positive that in the contract signed by the Bowmars there is a clause there that says if you do something that causes a big old pile of stink then we reserve the right to drop you like a hot rock. That's a pretty typical clause for any pro-deal, pro-staff, sponsorship, etc. in any sport...Lochte just got dropped by Speedo for his Rio escapade, and Tiger Woods got dropped by a bunch of folks after his affairs came to light. Tiger didn't break the law and reportedly Lochte didn't either.

Sponsorships aren't about the sport- they're about money and marketing. Dropping the Bowmars didn't have anything to do to bears, antis, hunting or legality. It was damage control for a brand image. The Bowmars knew that going into the deal that when you wear a brand on your back for cash- there will be blowback for carelessness in the public eye. Just cause something is legal doesn't make it good brand marketing.

Spearing a bear on video was bad for the brand image... a brand image that is perfectly ok with shooting arrows and bullets into bears BTW so I'll give them the credit where it's due. For a major brand to roll the dice on hunting is ballsy enough, the fact they cut it off at spears isn't surprising and....completely justified.
Under Armor hunting is a small department of a billion dollar publicly traded company. I don't think the value of public perception is being expressed enough in this thread. I personally like the celebrity hunters, as it does a lot for how positive hunting is. A spear killed bear was just to much to soon for the internet. I listened to the Cameron Hanes podcast and I would recommend it to anyone who is trying to decide what side to take on this.
Hanes and Rogan join in the chorus of anti-hunters and further implicate fellow DudeBro hunter Bowmar as being the wrong type of hunter. Hanes is not helping himself, Rogan or any hunters with this type of podcast....they yammer about UFC for about a half hour before discussing the Bowmar video. Rogan and then Hanes perfectly make the case about why the Bowmars need to be supported around 1:23 of the podcast IIRC - then instead of supporting them they go on to further slam Bowmar's actions. This is not what the hunting community needs.

Bowmar needs a private walk behind the woodshed not a public pillory. I would be much more comfortable with this situation if there were no media uproar and UA decided to distance themselves from Josh. However, the anti-hunters took a hostage and UA paid the ransom. The antis will not stop taking hostages. It doesn't matter how over the top or reverent someone is about the game they kill. Antis have no qualms about lying in order to take away our rights. We cannot apologize for the most natural and primal of activities and ways of life - the hunt. The hunting community must stand together or we will continue to see our rights erode.

As someone who lives in a state where baiting and trapping are no longer allowed through voter referendums I strongly disagree with your post. It's not about the anti's, its about public perception and under armor made a difficult business decision.
if money grew on trees i would hold a public burning of all my UA stuff. I have no desire to ever kill a bear with a spear but I also have no desire to go square dancing, doesn't mean I'm going to flip out if someone else does it

All my UA stuff is going on eBay tomorrow, I am even gonna sell my fishing shirts, probably switching to HUK or pelagic

I've already transitioned into the kuiu sitka game anyways.