Under Armor Hunting Drops Bowmars

I too am a huge fan of Steven. I could literally watch any show he produces.

I was a bit surprised to see him do a show on trapping. It was done very well but no doubt it would not sit well with the majority of viewers.

I have not seen it? I don't have cable TV so if it's just out then no I have not. What season is it on?

I love rinella and he is one of the best faces for hunting we have IMHO, but I'll refrain from comment until I see it.

There is no way around it though, trapping can be a gruesome thing, even a lot of hunters don't like or understand it. It's just something you have to grow up with I think.

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I have not seen it? I don't have cable TV so if it's just out then no I have not. What season is it on?

I love rinella and he is one of the best faces for hunting we have IMHO, but I'll refrain from comment until I see it.

There is no way around it though, trapping can be a gruesome thing, even a lot of hunters don't like or understand it. It's just something you have to grow up with I think.

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Its not out on youtube yet it was his latest episode. He did do a two part podcast with the guy though. Forget the title but was here in Texas and they were trapping pigs. Great info on trapping and private land management.
I really feel like this thread topic is dead, but I wanted to share this video for those who have not seen it, Ascent by Clay Hayes. As the GB podcast discussed, context is king when you have the content to make a hunting video. The production cost is probably higher than Bowmar's are spending, but just think of how their video could have been viewed differently if it was shared with this context.

Very well done.... Ascent - Traditional Bowhunting Muleys with Clay Hayes - YouTube

Well said^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

And, I have to agree the GB podcast was on point.
Here is what I got from it.

If you are going to show the public what we do and how we act then edit the hell out of it and make it PC. Not a bad stance but I have mixed feelings about the subject.

I also agree with Aron that UA clothes suck but they have given to several hunting organizations and should get a little slack.

The industry has had to change the way we show things (evolved). I remember when we almost never showed the butchering of animals (and never ever gutting). Now the meat is the first thing you see.

We can not get too excited on film because killing an animal needs to be somber (we just took a life)

At what point do we just stop showing hunting on TV or water it down so much that hunters lose interest?

When I watched Josh's video I thought nothing about his jumping around.. I also did not think OMG here come the anti's. I dont recall one person (pro hunting) that came out objecting to it... Until UA cut ties with his wife.
I didn't particularly care for the intestines hanging out or the bloody pictures..
Here is what I got from it.

If you are going to show the public what we do and how we act then edit the hell out of it and make it PC. Not a bad stance but I have mixed feelings about the subject.

I also agree with Aron that UA clothes suck but they have given to several hunting organizations and should get a little slack.

The industry has had to change the way we show things (evolved). I remember when we almost never showed the butchering of animals (and never ever gutting). Now the meat is the first thing you see.

We can not get too excited on film because killing an animal needs to be somber (we just took a life)

At what point do we just stop showing hunting on TV or water it down so much that hunters lose interest?

When I watched Josh's video I thought nothing about his jumping around.. I also did not think OMG here come the anti's. I dont recall one person (pro hunting) that came out objecting to it... Until UA cut ties with his wife.

It sucks but if the hunting community is going to continue we need to change the perception people have about us. Anti's will be anti's till the day they die. They are so out of touch with reality that that ship sailed long ago.

I was watching the new Sitka short the TENDOYS, and I thought it was an amazing piece. Centered on the problems and solutions HUNTERS were trying to solve. A co worker walked in to my office and asked to watch it(she does not agree with hunting, but is not outspoken against it.) she was blown away at not only the effort it took to harvest that ram but all the effort that was put in by HUNTERS to try and rehabilitate that herd of sheep. She asked if all hunters were like that as she had a completely different vision(guys riding around in a truck guns out the window) of hunters. I told her just like anything there are always bad apples in the bunch, but for the most part yes.

Hunters for the most part are blue collar guys who grind everyday of their life, we don't have time to constantly defend hunting to anti mobs, but we need to start. Not with yelling or name calling, or falling back on well it's legal. We need to show what hunters contribute to this nation, we are responsible for the restoration of ELK, whitetail, turkey, waterfowl and more in this country. Our dollars and our time and our sweat keeps these lands wild and out of the hands of landgrabs.

At the same token we as a community need to speak out against people that do it the wrong way. Nothing against Josh but he bungled that video, plain and simple, he knows it, we know it, and because he was desperate for recognition everyone in the world knows it. This instance is tuff because it was legal, and in my eyes nothing he did was THAT terrible, except film it, not edit it properly and post it for the world to see. That's all.

While it may be shitty at least we know where UA really stands(although you should have already know) there are so many companies out there that HATE hunting and hunters, but hunters use their products. It seems like we get so caught up that we tend to lose sight of things.

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To not recognize a distinction between how that video and Rinella's productions relate to and are received by a non-hunting audience is bewildering. Would hunting's popular image improve if a broader segment of the public watched Josh's full video? Would hunting's future be safer if that video were played on network primetime for a month straight? What about Rinella's body of work? The answer to those questions, if considered seriously, seems pretty clear to me.

Like it or not, hunting's future is fully dependent on public opinion. I feel pretty confident that the content of that video polarized/alienated/offended (however you want to call it) more ambivalent non-hunters than did the particular phrasing of Under Armour's press release. Too much is being read into the words they used to characterize the video--they could've played it differently, but it's better business for them to frame it as a moral issue than a branding one so that it doesn't seem like they're doing exactly what they're doing--chasing money at all costs. In the grand scheme of things, if legality of hunting bears with spears, etc. comes to a popular vote, no one is going to go to the polls and recall that a PR flack at UA used the word "reckless"....they're going to remember how they felt when they saw those video clips. And when we're pissing and moaning that the greatest threat to our sport is that a $4 billion dollar publicly traded company cares about profits more than it does about the values of an extremely small segment of their customer base, we're not doing anything productive in the long term.
To not recognize a distinction between how that video and Rinella's productions relate to and are received by a non-hunting audience is bewildering. Would hunting's popular image improve if a broader segment of the public watched Josh's full video? Would hunting's future be safer if that video were played on network primetime for a month straight? What about Rinella's body of work? The answer to those questions, if considered seriously, seems pretty clear to me.

Like it or not, hunting's future is fully dependent on public opinion. I feel pretty confident that the content of that video polarized/alienated/offended (however you want to call it) more ambivalent non-hunters than did the particular phrasing of Under Armour's press release. Too much is being read into the words they used to characterize the video--they could've played it differently, but it's better business for them to frame it as a moral issue than a branding one so that it doesn't seem like they're doing exactly what they're doing--chasing money at all costs. In the grand scheme of things, if legality of hunting bears with spears, etc. comes to a popular vote, no one is going to go to the polls and recall that a PR flack at UA used the word "reckless"....they're going to remember how they felt when they saw those video clips. And when we're pissing and moaning that the greatest threat to our sport is that a $4 billion dollar publicly traded company cares about profits more than it does about the values of an extremely small segment of their customer base, we're not doing anything productive in the long term.

Do you think that the Outdoor Channel, Pursuit, etc. should eliminate kill shots? I would think that the outlyers don't want to see those either.
One of the greatest assets to the anti-hunting movement is the advent of the entire genre of the self-made hunting video ("hunting selfies?") which is what all these "look at me" youtube channels have become.
(yes there are exceptions like Clay Hayes and Donnie Vincent. Rinella is excellent and at a totally different level in content and appeal to a wide audience)

I suffered through the entire GB podcast with the Bowmars and feel cheated out of that entire 99 minutes of my life. Luckily I was driving cross country at the time.
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Rinella is excellent and at a totally different level in content and appeal to a wide audience)

I suffered through the entire GB podcast with the Bowmars and feel cheated out of that entire 99 minutes of my life. Luckily I was driving cross country at the time.

Couldn't agree more with this.

I did like that the Gritty podcast called out the lack of context (this is why Rinella can chase pigs with dogs & stab them with a knife. If he only showed the dogs pinning the boar, it screaming, & him stabbing it, he would get the same attention).

I also think UA mishandled the situation, but I am not surprised or blame them for dropping them.

A few other thoughts:

I don't care if a guy hunts a bear with a spear, but if you are going to post a video about it, you have to have some situational awareness to know you need to provide context & handle yourself appropriately. These two clearly have very little or foresight to see the backlash that was sure to come.

Josh didn't help his cause on that podcast. I thought he came off as immature & didn't truly take accountability for his actions.

I am tired of the Gritty podcast, Bowmar's, Rogan & others using livestock production as a scapegoat for why they hunt. When they talk about agriculture, they sound as ignorant as the anti hunters talking about hunting. Yes, there are a few idiots in the bunch that give a bad name to the majority of farmers, but basing your entire impression of an industry on your Google search is as dumb as anti hunters basing their impression on hunting from this spear video. Enough with the "wild animals have a better & happier life" bull shit. I have grown up & around Ag all of my life & have seen nothing but respect for farmers for their livestock & land. Do things go wrong at times that look bad, absolutely; just like when our shots don't hit their mark once in a while.

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Ok excuse me if I'm redundant I haven't gone through this thread at all so I may be regurgitating what other people have already said.

UA Dropped the ball. They could handled it better. However let's not forget the the bowmars put the ball in their court with their asinine video. If I was running UA I would have shit canned them as well however I would have went about it in a different way that supports hunting.

On the GB podcast with the bowmars. I just listened to. I think I lost few IQ points suffering through that self justification and pontification. Very disappointed in the podcast. However after listening to it I'm convinced that under armor made the right choice and dropping their sponsorship of the bowmars however they could have went about it in a way that better supported hunting.
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Couldn't agree more with the statements about the Bowmars on Gritty Bowman not helping their cause. I also suffered through the whole podcast and ended up feeling cheated and losing IQ's points. Josh came off as childish, unaccountable and spent the whole time trying to justify a stupid self-act of grandizment.
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I've heard this on other forums,care to elaborate?

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I've heard the same thing through the grapevine.. It's a small world, if they choose to talk about it, it's there deal.

Judging on the lack of social media pictures put out by them from that trip, I'd guess the guy is a complete douche.
I am tired of the Gritty podcast, Bowmar's, Rogan & others using livestock production as a scapegoat for why they hunt. When they talk about agriculture, they sound as ignorant as the anti hunters talking about hunting. Yes, there are a few idiots in the bunch that give a bad name to the majority of farmers, but basing your entire impression of an industry on your Google search is as dumb as anti hunters basing their impression on hunting from this spear video. Enough with the "wild animals have a better & happier life" bull shit.

To be fair, Brian is referring to big ag and more specifically on other episodes mentions inspecting the slaughter house and feed lots in Greeley (previously owned by the Monfort's who now own the Rockies) and as someone who grew up there and has been by there plenty I would hesitate to call that farming or agriculture. There isn't a blade of grass in sight. I know plenty of farmers and ranchers and the range cattle live pretty much the same life as an elk, maybe better because they are not being shot at and chased all over for 3 months a year. But in order to be sustainable, we NEED big ag's methods to keep up with demand whether it be for meat or pants. If we stopped using feed lots or genetically modified crops no one would be able to afford to feed their families without making some major sacrifices.

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