Under Armor Hunting Drops Bowmars

"The method used to harvest this animal was reckless and we do not condone it. Under Armour is dedicated to the hunting community and supports hunting that is conducted in compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws and hunting practices that ensure a responsible and safe harvest of the animal.”

They found it reckless. First line, enough said. Perhaps they felt that it was not what they deem "a responsible and safe harvest of the animal"

I'm not going to second guess them, it's their money I don't qneed an explanation. If like in this case they did, whatever still their perogative. You don't have to like it or agree with it or even in the end purchase from them again.

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If they deemed it reckless, why did UA support the Bowmar's in preparation for the hunt and the months since its completion? This hunt took place last May. Pictures of Josh Bowmar practicing for the hunt and harvest photos were on social media. It was no secret or surprise to UA that he planned to and ultimately did kill a bear with a spear last spring. In fact, I'm sure they expected to benefit from it.

I don't think many would argue if UA cited conduct as the reason for their decision. Instead they blamed the method in an attempt appease those who not support hunting. Its extremely hypocritical and demonstrates a total lack of integrity.
Personally I think I will stand up and applaud a company for pulling their sponsorship of someone associated with a bloody hunting stunt performed mainly (and obviously) for media attention. Someone please try to convince me this guy would have mounted an action cam on a spear...gone to Alberta or someplace...killed a bear to eat...and taken his video home to 'enjoy' with close friends. He did it for personal gain and ego...an argument to the contrary ignores simple evidence and logic. If it was legal fine. If his sponsor thinks it's outside the lines of acceptable behavior after the fact, that's their call to make. She/he obviously didn't have a contract on this matter. Part of this simply comes down to who finds it offensive and who does not. A huge number of non-hunters will find this video a turn-off to hunting. All anti-hunters will of course despise it. Even a significant number of hunters will find it distasteful and lacking in any sort of value. I don't see how the video does anything positive for the world's perception of hunting....au contraire...it just might do more harm than good. That video would do nothing good for UA if they endorsed it.

Spearing is as old as mankind. We all know about subsistence spearing. This wasn't close. Call it a gratuitous killing under the guise of making a self-promoting video.

I suddenly feel the need to slip on some polyester... :D
You hit the nail on the head regarding the video and the hunter Kevin. But I don't think UA gives a shit about how the bear was killed, they likely got a bunch of hate mail after all the bad press and ditched the Bowmars. Which is totally fine and up to them. This hunt happened months ago and they didn't act until the media got a hold of it. If there's no video they're probably still employed.
If they deemed it reckless, why did UA support the Bowmar's in preparation for the hunt and the months since its completion? This hunt took place last May. Pictures of Josh Bowmar practicing for the hunt and harvest photos were on social media. It was no secret or surprise to UA that he planned to and ultimately did kill a bear with a spear last spring. In fact, I'm sure they expected to benefit from it.

I don't think many would argue if UA cited conduct as the reason for their decision. Instead they blamed the method in an attempt appease those who not support hunting. Its extremely hypocritical and demonstrates a total lack of integrity.

^^^This.^^^ Also, I would be surprised if UA didn't know about the video before it was posted. I believe these two were on the Gritty Bowmen podcast, if not they were certainly part of an intro...maybe Brian can get them back on for an update. Hopefully someone will pick them up (first lite) maybe. Under Armour hunting clothes suck anyway. Didn't care much for his celebration, but have no problem at all with the spear and to each their own on how they celebrate - its not my business.
I have ZERO sympathy for those two. I have friends who were in camp at the same time as those two and the stories I heard are horrendous.
Why do you think it's OK to be offensive to others who don't share the same way of life as you?

Did he post the video on an anti-hunting website? That's the only way it would be him being offensive to others that don't share the same way of life. If people don't share that way of life then why would they go out of their way to watch these videos? There's only one reason.......so they can throw a fit and then have media cover it from sunup to sundown.

There was a girl here in CO that started getting death threats because she posted pics of her Africa bow kills. How many times do you hear of the nutjobs getting death threats when they "rescue a puppy mill"?

I've never even owned a piece of UA, so I could care less about them as a company.
I don't know how I feel about spear hunting bear, never really thought about it before. But, as hunters, do we have to accept any legal method of hunting? If some state made dynamite hunting legal, would it be ok place dynamite under a bait pile and hide behind a tree with a plunger, waiting for a bear?

I think there are limits.
I don't know how I feel about spear hunting bear, never really thought about it before. But, as hunters, do we have to accept any legal method of hunting? If some state made dynamite hunting legal, would it be ok place dynamite under a bait pile and hide behind a tree with a plunger, waiting for a bear?

I think there are limits.

It is legal in Texas. Not for bears of course but hogs. Year round, unlimited, any method possible, no hunting license required unless trapping them. Now I wouldn't call this hunting more like pest control, and pretty dangerous way of doing it at that.

^^^This.^^^ Also, I would be surprised if UA didn't know about the video before it was posted. I believe these two were on the Gritty Bowmen podcast, if not they were certainly part of an intro...maybe Brian can get them back on for an update. Hopefully someone will pick them up (first lite) maybe. Under Armour hunting clothes suck anyway. Didn't care much for his celebration, but have no problem at all with the spear and to each their own on how they celebrate - its not my business.

I don't think First Lite or anyone for that matter will be picking these dipshits up.

Kevin is spot on above as well.
would it be ok place dynamite under a bait pile and hide behind a tree with a plunger, waiting for a bear?

Just because of how we feel doesn't change the legality of something. I don't think sitting in a tree waiting for something to come by is "hunting", but it's perfectly legal and I'm 100% OK with people doing that.
Legal and right/ethical/moral are two completely different things. Can you imagine suggesting to someone living a primitive lifestyle (now or hundreds or thousands of years ago) that a spear is an unethical hunting weapon? UA does have every right to drop them, but I will enjoy boycotting their products. We need to be expanding our hunting rights, not bowing to the whims of whiny, mentally ill anti hunters who themselves jump at every opportunity to chip away at us.

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Relentless pursuit as been on the TV network for years. He has speared all kinds of stuff including African game.

Still don't get the big deal
Did he post the video on an anti-hunting website? That's the only way it would be him being offensive to others that don't share the same way of life. If people don't share that way of life then why would they go out of their way to watch these videos? There's only one reason.......so they can throw a fit and then have media cover it from sunup to sundown.

There was a girl here in CO that started getting death threats because she posted pics of her Africa bow kills. How many times do you hear of the nutjobs getting death threats when they "rescue a puppy mill"?

I've never even owned a piece of UA, so I could care less about them as a company.

Actually she's a 12 year old from Utah, I know this because I work for her dad and actually rent a place from them. I'm an admin on one of the hunting pages they posted the pics up on, you wouldn't believe some of the comments that and threats she has gotten. Do I think they could have done things differently in posting those pics? Sure. But, she wanted the exposure...now, multiple national news outlet interviews later and dealing with it for the past couple of weeks...I think she's beginning to see just how many people in the world don't approve of the hunting culture and lifestyle. I'm staying out of that fray as much as possible, I like to fly under the radar and just hunt the way I like to hunt and to let others do the same. I don't want that kind of fame, or is it infamy?
I think there's a perception that gratuitous 'hunting' videos posted on websites are only ever found by people who go there intentionally to see them. That is completely overlooking the way modern media (social, news, etc) is disseminated and used. Sure....a guy spears a bear or arrows a lion legally. Good deal. He videos it. Still good. He posts it on the web thinking it's fine and nobody but hunters will care to see it. THAT'S the mistake right there...assuming the video seems more about the graphic kill than a quality outdoor adventure. It's a mistake because people WILL find it and WILL use it to influence public opinion of hunting. Videos and images are copied and shared every second...links are mass emailed everywhere. The antis are always waiting for an opportunity to prove we are barbaric killers and abusers of wild animals. Nothing says that better to an impressionable person / child than some guy throwing a spear equipped with a camera through a fine black bear...then celebrating the presence of blood and gore.

The antis are using this stuff to do more damage to us than we can ever imagine....and such videos do not portray what most of us really know are the true values of a considerate and ethical hunter. I'm not saying the Bowmar's aren't good people. I'm saying that videos like this...while legal...are more about pulling off a stunt and proving something. The proliferation of such videos is rampant in everything from skateboards to bully-whacking. "Watch what we're about to do!" It's done for ego, for attention...and for money. The end result is often outrage and consequences. Legal...yes. Advisable...not in my world. You simply don't help people like you (and your sport or lifestyle) by having them frequently exposed to material which offends them. I'm not talking about anti-hunters. I'm talking about your neighbor or co-worker.