Yes tracking. I’ve been following that too. It “appears” most of those have been on very high power rifles with short barrels. If I recall most 300prc or 7prc. I’m not convinced personally that is a can defect, but I do think they were probably a tad aggressive with advertising barrel lengths for the bigger cartridges.There’s another thread documenting scythes breaking, yes they have great cs.. you know what’s better that great cs, having to not use it.
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FWIW I shoot a 7wsm in a 20” and that matches performance of a PRC. I haven’t had an issue “yet.” Obviously hoping not to.
I haven’t seen any complaints on the DD products.
Here’s that thread for others consideration.
Silencerco Scythe TI review
I don't remember where I read it, but I think there was some measurements taken on recoil reduction and in most cases you can only expect maybe a 25% reduction in recoil from a suppressor. The major benefit you get from a suppressor is reducing the blast to hearing safe levels and potentially...