Ultralight/Compact .30 cal Hunting Suppressor

There’s another thread documenting scythes breaking, yes they have great cs.. you know what’s better that great cs, having to not use it.

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Yes tracking. I’ve been following that too. It “appears” most of those have been on very high power rifles with short barrels. If I recall most 300prc or 7prc. I’m not convinced personally that is a can defect, but I do think they were probably a tad aggressive with advertising barrel lengths for the bigger cartridges.

FWIW I shoot a 7wsm in a 20” and that matches performance of a PRC. I haven’t had an issue “yet.” Obviously hoping not to.

I haven’t seen any complaints on the DD products.

Here’s that thread for others consideration.

I have a Scythe, ab raptor 10, and a dilligent wolfhunter which is a 6mm variant of the enticer S Ti.

When comparing all of the factors, the Dilligent is the choice I would make again. Cost, sound, and weight being the top three factors.
Yes tracking. I’ve been following that too. It “appears” most of those have been on very high power rifles with short barrels. If I recall most 300prc or 7prc. I’m not convinced personally that is a can defect, but I do think they were probably a tad aggressive with advertising barrel lengths for the bigger cartridges.

FWIW I shoot a 7wsm in a 20” and that matches performance of a PRC. I haven’t had an issue “yet.” Obviously hoping not to.

I haven’t seen any complaints on the DD products.

Here’s that thread for others consideration.

Yea. Check out this thread. Seemed like a few guys in this thread were having poi shift issues with DD cans. Other guy had a can blow up

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Yea. Check out this thread. Seemed like a few guys in this thread were having poi shift issues with DD cans. Other guy had a can blow up

There's a poi shift with all suppressors. What counts if it's consistent and predictable. Let's be honest though, once you get a couple cans, you're not shooting without them so I've not found it to be a problem.

All three of the cans I mentioned (AB, SiCo, DD) are very predictable and repeatable running them direct thread. I imagine that all three companies would bend over backwards to resolve any issues.

I've been shooting my Scythe on my 22" 300prc exclusively. Probably 100 shots down it. I see no signs of any bad welds or anything. A lot of those rounds have been in 5rd strings too.

Not trying to sway you in one direction or the other, just stating my experience. The DD WH on my 18" 6 creed is stupid quiet as a bystander. It's my favorite out of the 7 I own. You're smart to be looking for a small and lightweight can over suppression levels. Seems like that never happens for new suppressor owners on their first can.
There's a poi shift with all suppressors. What counts if it's consistent and predictable. Let's be honest though, once you get a couple cans, you're not shooting without them so I've not found it to be a problem.

All three of the cans I mentioned (AB, SiCo, DD) are very predictable and repeatable running them direct thread. I imagine that all three companies would bend over backwards to resolve any issues.

I've been shooting my Scythe on my 22" 300prc exclusively. Probably 100 shots down it. I see no signs of any bad welds or anything. A lot of those rounds have been in 5rd strings too.

Not trying to sway you in one direction or the other, just stating my experience. The DD WH on my 18" 6 creed is stupid quiet as a bystander. It's my favorite out of the 7 I own. You're smart to be looking for a small and lightweight can over suppression levels. Seems like that never happens for new suppressor owners on their first can.
I 100% agree with this.

However that thread appears to be something different with first round which I agree would be concerning. I haven’t had that issue with any of mine, but sounds like a few have. Many in that thread say the same that they experience no issues.
All my cans as well as my buddies cans and all cans I have used both personally and professionally have poi shift from no can to can mounted. all my cans are very repeatable and accurate though from sico, tbac to surefire. None seem to improve or degrade accuracy just help with recoil and noise and help me shoot the rifles more easily imo. I don’t think price will really change that from brand to brand it’s almost nuance. Just my .02 cents.
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I 100% agree with this.

However that thread appears to be something different with first round which I agree would be concerning. I haven’t had that issue with any of mine, but sounds like a few have. Many in that thread say the same that they experience no issues.
I have seen those reports as well. I helped a guy setup a new rifle a few weeks ago. There was a small POI change with his DD Enticer S but no first round POI changes confirmed over several range sessions.
I’m looking for a similar set of features at the moment.

My search has me looking at the Griffin Sportsman Ultralight HD.

Seems like a pretty simple design, and simple material choices, keep the price down.

Half the cost of TBAC. Just a few ounces heavier than the Scythe. Full auto rated, so should be more than durable enough for bolt action hunting use.

Another option for the OP to look at.

Anyone else have experience with those? Sounds too good to be true, so where did they cut corners? Or is it just a good simple design that is not overpriced?
I’m looking for a similar set of features at the moment.

My search has me looking at the Griffin Sportsman Ultralight HD.

Seems like a pretty simple design, and simple material choices, keep the price down.

Half the cost of TBAC. Just a few ounces heavier than the Scythe. Full auto rated, so should be more than durable enough for bolt action hunting use.

Another option for the OP to look at.

Anyone else have experience with those? Sounds too good to be true, so where did they cut corners? Or is it just a good simple design that is not overpriced?
So not super familiar but did google a dig around a bit. Potentially a few things to be aware of.

Those specs (6.09” and 10oz) are without the hub assembly. So although those values are in fact a few more than the scythe or the like, they will go up some. I’m guessing closer to 6.5” and 11-12oz depending how you configure. And it’s only a 1.5” can vs many of the others we are discussing (besides the ultra series) are 1.7”+. Volume is still king. There is little chance it will perform sound wise as well as a “longer and thicker” can.

Also keep in mind you are dropping $200 and potentially waiting a bit (this argument is shrinking some), so is saving $100-200 over the next best really worth as much? These are typically life long purchases and most end up with more than one. Get the one you want/think is best….otherwise you’ll end up with it anyway.
Also keep in mind you are dropping $200 and potentially waiting a bit (this argument is shrinking some), so is saving $100-200 over the next best really worth as much? These are typically life long purchases and most end up with more than one. Get the one you want/think is best….otherwise you’ll end up with it anyway.

That's good advice but it's tough because it's not always a "get what you pay for" kind of deal. One of my most used cans YHM R9 is super cheap. The DD stuff is cheaper than the other high end stuff too. Crucial to do your research.