Advice on my next suppressor


Jul 29, 2016
TX - Texas
I have read suppressor threads here, spent time on other websites and youtube. information overload

I currently have a 243 my kids shoot and a 6.5 creedmoor that i shoot. I have a Dead Air Nomad Ti that I swap between those two rifles. I really like that suppressor, but it's also the only one I've ever experienced. I'm planning to buy a bolt action 223 and 300 blackout next. then likely a 300 win mag sometime in the future

Should I start buying caliber specific suppressors?
Or should I get a 6mm suppressor and use on the 243 and 223? (and use my current 30 cal on the others)
Or should I just get another 30 cal and be done?

Thanks in advance
I would say get the .30. To me, a caliber specific can would be for a specific use on a specific gun, for example, having a dedicated RC2 on my AR.
Just get another 30 and be done. If the one you buy has swappable end caps you can do that to get another 1db in suppression or so.
Or should I just get another 30 cal and be done
Sounds like a good plan to me.

As for which can to get next would depend on if you want a smaller 1.5 diameter can or if you don't mind the larger diameter cans like the Nomad Ti you already have. If you want to go with a slimmer smaller diameter can then I'd look at a TBAC Ultra 7 or Ultra 9. If you don't mind having a larger diameter can I'd get the new version Nomad Ti XC or the longer LTi XC. The LTi XC by nature of its bigger volume is going to be quieter but as you know from having one the shorter Ti Nomad is still a pretty badass suppressor and the newer version Ti XC is at least as quiet and slightly lighter. I have the new Nomad LTi XC and just put a direct thread mount on it and for its size it is still pretty LW at only 11.6oz Or you could get the one made from Ti and that would put it just under 11oz
All my centerfire cans except one 46 cal can are 30 cal. I just do it for versatility and not having to worry about getting a 223 can on a 308 gun. The sound difference isnt much to my ear and I also try to idiot proof my setups as much as possible.
I was at the range today, guy next to me was shooting a 24in 7prc with a newer dead air nomad ti xc, it was QUIET, very. I was shooting my 300nmi with the diligent LTI with dead air E brake attached. Switched back and forth a few times to my ultra7. The DD with ebrake(which weigh about the same) had noticeably less recoil. It is a larger volume can being 1.2in longer and slightly larger diameter. I have a Nomad LTI XC on order, and I just may get a TI XC after seeing how quiet it is, I was really impressed. The TBAC suppressor summit does shot the new Dead Air cans metering extremely well at shooters ear, and it shows in person as well.
Get a 30 cal with a k config...then you can break it half for 223, 243...I have a 30 cal k config, run full length on 30 cals, and the short version on everything else, 556, ect.
Fwiw I don't shoot surpressed for sound, I shoot surpressed so I can see my impacts in the scope.
I was at the range today, guy next to me was shooting a 24in 7prc with a newer dead air nomad ti xc, it was QUIET, very. I was shooting my 300nmi with the diligent LTI with dead air E brake attached. Switched back and forth a few times to my ultra7. The DD with ebrake(which weigh about the same) had noticeably less recoil. It is a larger volume can being 1.2in longer and slightly larger diameter. I have a Nomad LTI XC on order, and I just may get a TI XC after seeing how quiet it is, I was really impressed. The TBAC suppressor summit does shot the new Dead Air cans metering extremely well at shooters ear, and it shows in person as well.
That nomad Ti xc sounds very impressive. Was going to get another scythe but it might be hard to do that over the ti xc. I was going to use one scythe with 3 port anchor brake as range/NRL can and one with flat cap as hunting but might need to go with ti xc for the hunting can.
Anyone have first hand experience with Dead Air customer service as of recently? I've heard they've really gone down hill as far as that is concerned.
Anyone have first hand experience with Dead Air customer service as of recently? I've heard they've really gone down hill as far as that is concerned.
Dead air caught a bad name in their QC department with how they handled the faulty weld issue inside their Sierra suppressor line. They dropped the ball, took a long time to publicly take blame, and even longer to get all the customers squared away. They have gotten better on all accounts. You hear of a few failures here and there still, but I also know guys who've blown apart Scythe-Ti and harvesters on not so short barreled short mags, situations where the can 1000% should haven't failed. Stuff happens and it's how the company resolves it I guess? I for one will be trying out a few.
Thanks everyone for taking the time to reply here. My local dealer has a few different suppressors in stock. I ended up going with the nomad lti xc. I figure I’ve already got the shorter legacy nomad. The long one will give me the added suppression if I want it. Also plan to keep 30 cal end cap, Just so I don’t accidentally forget one day.

Now looking for the 223 rifle. will mainly be for my kids. The bergara stoke is interesting. As is the Ruger American ranch gen 2. I was thinking to get the Cva cascade. But it’s heavier and the finish on the cascade I currently have is wearing off. That rubberized coating on the stock doesn’t seem to last. I really like the way it shoots though