My wife loves
I, myself, set both barrels up the same. If one gets in too close, and I can't let him go further out before shooting, I just aim lower as needed. A turkey gets to be a wider target the lower you aim. The far/close choke scheme is popular, tho. I'd want separate triggers instead of having to fiddle with the safety while a bird is close. CZ was selling one. I'm thinking it was the Mallard model.
I've only used the second barrel twice. Both times the bird was leaving out. Once I had a factory full in and killed the bird at about 25 yards. I missed the first time when I had to swing and fire on a bird that popped up at about 15 yards while I had a hen standing at about 5 yards. The other time I had killed the lieutenant and then killed the boss as it tried to exit stage left. That one was with a tight turkey choke. I normally only kill one, but the tract was about to be clear cut; ending my season early.
Stevens is a polished ATI, which is to say not highest quality. They are extraordinary in that they offer a baby frame 28ga. Other makers in the price range build their 28ga on a 20ga frame. Weights vary slightly due to wood density. You may get one that's 4#. It has
I also love shooting my cz bobwhite. Mine is set up in 12 gauge and I typically set up my rear trigger as my long range choke and my first trigger as a slightly closer range choke. I believe they are made in 20 gauge as well. And with modern turkey loads 20 gauge has more than enough power for turkeys!You cannot go wrong with the old Winchester 870 express in youth 20 gauge. It is the perfect size and my wife is about the same size and has no problem with the kick! There is also part widely available for them which makes it easy to keep them going for a lifetime.