Summary - Struggling with tuning so here's a quick summary of what I've done so far with a few pics. Looking for any other suggestions to try!
About a month ago I replaced the strings on my EVL 34 w/ EC cam. 30.5" Draw at 69lbs, 85% letoff, 300 spine axis w/ 100gr point, 50gr HIT, and 10gr collar. 3 fletch AAE max stealth with a wrap and a nockturnal on the back.
Last year I shot the factory strings and it ended up tuning well with the arrow pretty close to parallel with the riser once I shimmed the cams to move them farther left. This year I'm driving myself crazy chasing my tail with it after the string change. There are probably 2-300 shots on the strings now as a data point.
1 - Starting at last years centershot (just inside 13/16") the arrow was not parallel with the riser and I was getting a left tear through paper, as well as broadheads and bareshafts hitting right of a fletched arrow at 20. Bareshafts had a steep tail left entry.
2 - Bringing the arrow parallel with the riser put centershot at .73" and I still had left tears.
3 - Moving the rest up did a little to help the vertical portion of my tear but I still tore left.
4 - Moving the rest back to the left to bring the arrow in line with the string and the center of the riser (the way Dudley sets up the PSEs and many others report having good luck with) still gave me a left tear.
5 - Moving to 13/16" center shot still gave me a left tear.
6 - In an effort to be smarter than my bow I decided that I probably needed to establish a good centershot and then move the nock to adjust where the arrow was pointing so I moved my cable guard in slightly. This actually made a bit of difference and reduced my left tear!
7 - If a little is good then more is better right (lol) so I moved the cable guard in a hair more and went outside.
I took a broadhead (VPA 3 blade, field point, and bareshaft outside and started shooting).
At 20 my bareshaft was about an inch right of a field point with much less of a steep tail left entry, so I moved on to BH tuning and found the BH to be about 3" low and a hair right. I moved the rest up and they were pretty close so I moved back to 30. At 30 I was still within about 3" so I move back to 40. Typically I try to get BH and FP hitting dead on at 50 and find that gets them close enough for anything closer, and even out to a bit past 60.
At 40 I shoot 3 Broadheads and they are all about 6-8" low and 4-6" left. I bump the rest up and shoot one, it hits the right elevation but is about 2" right. I shoot the second one and it's low left again. Visibly poor arrow flight. Thinking I may have pulled the shot (even though it felt good) I go pull em and shoot again. Shooting the low/left arrow again and I'm even further low/left into my table.
On the plus side the heads seem pretty durable. I put vise grips on an old arrow and hammered it out. Still spins true so shout out to VPA.
Anyways, all that to say I feel like I'm chasing my tail here. I'm thinking I need to go back to the draw(ing) board and check my timing as that's the only thing I can think of that may cause that much vertical inconsistency. I don't think I'm getting fletching contact as I should have about 3/16" clearance between vanes and cable guard, but my next thought is to slide the rest a hair right, and also move my cable guard out a bit to gain more clearance to the cables. I have the PBTS system so I could yoke tune also but I get mixed reviews on the effectiveness so I figured I'd start with the easy stuff. I do have a press if I need to yoke tune it.
If anyone is an expert PSE tuner please feel free to throw out some suggestions too.
About a month ago I replaced the strings on my EVL 34 w/ EC cam. 30.5" Draw at 69lbs, 85% letoff, 300 spine axis w/ 100gr point, 50gr HIT, and 10gr collar. 3 fletch AAE max stealth with a wrap and a nockturnal on the back.
Last year I shot the factory strings and it ended up tuning well with the arrow pretty close to parallel with the riser once I shimmed the cams to move them farther left. This year I'm driving myself crazy chasing my tail with it after the string change. There are probably 2-300 shots on the strings now as a data point.
1 - Starting at last years centershot (just inside 13/16") the arrow was not parallel with the riser and I was getting a left tear through paper, as well as broadheads and bareshafts hitting right of a fletched arrow at 20. Bareshafts had a steep tail left entry.
2 - Bringing the arrow parallel with the riser put centershot at .73" and I still had left tears.
3 - Moving the rest up did a little to help the vertical portion of my tear but I still tore left.
4 - Moving the rest back to the left to bring the arrow in line with the string and the center of the riser (the way Dudley sets up the PSEs and many others report having good luck with) still gave me a left tear.
5 - Moving to 13/16" center shot still gave me a left tear.
6 - In an effort to be smarter than my bow I decided that I probably needed to establish a good centershot and then move the nock to adjust where the arrow was pointing so I moved my cable guard in slightly. This actually made a bit of difference and reduced my left tear!
7 - If a little is good then more is better right (lol) so I moved the cable guard in a hair more and went outside.
I took a broadhead (VPA 3 blade, field point, and bareshaft outside and started shooting).
At 20 my bareshaft was about an inch right of a field point with much less of a steep tail left entry, so I moved on to BH tuning and found the BH to be about 3" low and a hair right. I moved the rest up and they were pretty close so I moved back to 30. At 30 I was still within about 3" so I move back to 40. Typically I try to get BH and FP hitting dead on at 50 and find that gets them close enough for anything closer, and even out to a bit past 60.
At 40 I shoot 3 Broadheads and they are all about 6-8" low and 4-6" left. I bump the rest up and shoot one, it hits the right elevation but is about 2" right. I shoot the second one and it's low left again. Visibly poor arrow flight. Thinking I may have pulled the shot (even though it felt good) I go pull em and shoot again. Shooting the low/left arrow again and I'm even further low/left into my table.
On the plus side the heads seem pretty durable. I put vise grips on an old arrow and hammered it out. Still spins true so shout out to VPA.
Anyways, all that to say I feel like I'm chasing my tail here. I'm thinking I need to go back to the draw(ing) board and check my timing as that's the only thing I can think of that may cause that much vertical inconsistency. I don't think I'm getting fletching contact as I should have about 3/16" clearance between vanes and cable guard, but my next thought is to slide the rest a hair right, and also move my cable guard out a bit to gain more clearance to the cables. I have the PBTS system so I could yoke tune also but I get mixed reviews on the effectiveness so I figured I'd start with the easy stuff. I do have a press if I need to yoke tune it.
If anyone is an expert PSE tuner please feel free to throw out some suggestions too.