Tuning help


Jan 17, 2024
I’m having issues turning a PSE xpedite NXT. 70 lb draw, 29” draw length. 27.5 inch arrows carbon to carbon. 300 spine. 100 grain insert, 100 grain Broadhead, arrow wrap and 3 fletch on the back. I’m consistently getting a left tear. I’ve shimmed the cams left, moved the cable guard all around, and moved the rest. I’ve had other people shoot it as well so I don’t think it’s a grip/torque issue. Am I too weak on the spine? Or is it something else. Thanks
How large a tear? Have you confirmed the tear with multiple arrows at multiple distances from the paper?

Have you checked for vane contact?

If you want to test the effect of stiffening your dynamic arrow spine, back your limb bolts out a couple turns and see what happens.
Pretty nasty tear.
Multiple arrows at different distances
Bare shaft and fletched arrow.

I’ll turn it down tomorrow and shoot a couple more.
If shimming cams or moving rest doesn't seem to do anything at all, then first thing I'd look for is fletching contact. Spray vanes with athlete's foot powder, let it dry, then shoot a few and see if there are any streaks or signs of contact.
Any time you are concerned about too weak of an arrow spine, you can simply turn the bow poundage down and see if it makes any difference. I would be surprised if that is your issue though.
When Im that situation, I go back to the basics and put a microscope on my bow. Verify and validate the bow is as close to manufacturer specs as possible. ATA, BH, timing, cam bearings not binding and free-spinning, etc etc etc
Have you verified and validated that your rest is timed correctly/reasonably? How about your nock fit? Is it perfect/reasonable? At full draw? Instead of 200 grns front, how about 125/150 grns front?
Deflection numbers are correct on the limbs

Shooting bare shafts so vane contact isn’t the issue.

The rest is timed and working correctly.

I checked all The specs and everything is dead on.

nock fit is good and not pinching.

I tried 110 up front, 200, and also shot a 250 spine and a 340 spine. All had the same left tear.
Can you share your deflection number on each limb and their position? I had a PSE EVO NXT 35 and I had to change the position of the limbs to get it to tune. This isn't uncommon on these PSE as some times the difference in limb deflection can result in a persistent lean problem
Just curious too, what arrows are you shooting? 4mm, 5mm? I've had cheaper arrows do stuff like this to me in the past regardless of what I do or if they are older and shot a lot. I've also had just simply bad arrow batches that wouldn't tune.

Another thing I might suggest is to try a round of nock tuning and see if it changes the tear any on your bare shaft. That would tell you pretty quick if it was the bow/limbs or the arrows itself.
Have you tried a different brand/model of release? Are you punching the trigger on your release? Might try wearing a slippery leather glove on your bow hand to try eliminating bow torque.
How much clearance between the jaw of your release and the nock? I've had issues in the past with using too small/short of a d-loop. The jaw of the release was contacting the nock at the release instant. Maybe try lengthing the d-loop.