Which way to move cams to correct left/right tears?

Dylan Sluis

Nov 8, 2021
So I was just looking at this. When moving your cams to fix tears you move them the direction your tear is. So if you have a nock left tear you move your cams left and if right tear then the same applies. This applies for right hand bows. Then I heard it’s the opposite for lefties. Im a lefty myself so i would like to know.

So for lefties if I have a nock left tear then I move my cams to the right? And vice versa. Thanks for any help!!
I’m a southpaw too and following the chart below has always worked for me…nock left tear = shim cams left (regardless of if you’re right-handed or wrong-handed).

Some tuning guides refer to horizontal adjustments “toward the riser” and “away from the riser”, which are opposite directions for a right-handed vs. left-handed shooter and can cause confusion. Saying “left/right” (from the shooter’s perspective) instead of “toward/away from riser” avoids the potential confusion.

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I appreciate the help!! See that’s what I thought to. I didn’t think handiness would affect which way to move cams. But thanks again!