Truth not allowed here

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Too small of a bore to hunt the big boned critters i hunt 😎 gotta be packing 30 cal or bigger.
My mind immediately came up with a dozen inappropriate double entendres involving firearms, but in the interest of not getting kicked off the forum I’ll leave it alone 😂
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can you change the description of this general section to something else?
Or just not allow it altogether?

It claims to be a place for anything and everything that doesn’t have its own section, yet that doesn’t prove out in practice.

And I know I’ll be getting banned for even suggesting this, so I’m out of here anyways.
The truth isn’t allowed to be discussed.
Between the plandemic and the planned famine, the artificial fuel crisis, the intentional destruction of our monetary system, our farmland and our god given rights, we are all in serious trouble.
Nobody seems to care.

But hey, we’ve got memes and a stock thread for meta’s and Chinese wool used boxers for sale for $55!
This site is full of guys with too much money to spend on stupid shit.
Look in the mirror- you know I’m right.

I tried talking about serious food crises coming our way and the thread got pulled immediately. Why? This directly relates to hunting/fishing/ self reliance and how we put food on the table to feed our families.

My point is, allow for the discussion of anything off-topic, or nothing at all. Anything else is censorship when there’s respectful conversation relevant to the topic at hand.

This will get shit on and banned immediately. But it’s true.
Get rid of the general topic section altogether, change its description, or allow for the respectful discussion of anything and Everything as it’s described.

Always figured it’s their house, their rules. We can either chose to participate or not.
Pretty interesting. Have you had a chance to check out any of Nietzsche’s stuff? Jung wrote at least one book about him (that I haven’t read). I may check that out.

Somewhat but I am not well versed on this stuff...I did find that video very accurate and the channel delves into other philosophers.
Appreciate your comment!
I was saving my $ in hopes I could get Jlhois to guide me to a BOAL. But now I am considering dipping into that fund to buy Chinese wool used boxers for $55.

Would I be making a mistake?
Elon, Elon, Elon

It is actually pretty sad that we’ve allowed what should be viewed as the most insignificant group of people to define what can be talked about in just about every public square. They can’t win in the arena of ideas so they have managed to shut down all discussions that they disagree with. I can’t say I disagree with the moderators not wanting to deal with whining and bitching on a scorched earth scale, but the train is off the tracks and the crash ain’t going to be pretty.
The people actually pulling the strings weren’t playing when they told us in 10 years you’ll own nothing and like it. Thats a pretty tight timeline to try and turn this around.
Thank you Rokslide for outstanding entertainment this evening! I haven't laughed this hard in a long time.
Havent been clean shaven since ~2015. Not buying razors has really allowed me to buy a bunch of 55 dollar boxers.

I am always perplexed when someone feels the need to announce they are departing. You can log out and not come back, trust me, we wont know you are gone.

I am even more perplexed when they say they are leaving but come back and continue posting...
They just want people to watch when they light themselves on fire…

And then post more when they realize no one was looking.

Or cares.
You need the Truth. I heard that was going really well.
Has anyone posted the Jack Nicholson, "A Few Good Men" meme?

I'd check for myself but I'm concerned about the tinfoil hat causing significant brain damage if I read further.
Op, the general forum on 24 hourcampfire is where you want to go to talk about what you are referring too. You can go down a rabbithole there and get as crazy or argumentative as you want. The mods here bill the site as a gear forum with allowance for some other topics which is just fine. Ryan avery laid it out accurately. The mods here have been better than many other forums. They just want to stick to the topic of hunting and that is their right to do so.

@JJJ who's truth, yours or Rokslides?

There are three ways to run a forum, total moderation, moderate moderation, and no moderation. We are in the moderate moderation camp because we find it works the best for 99% of the conversations. What you need to do is find a forum with no moderation... let me know how that works out for ya.

@Ryan Avery . As far as whose truth? There is a federal board to determine what the truth is. It is under the law enforcement agency, department of homeland security. I would suggest you moderate your forum within the policies laid out by this agency. They have the most authoritative sources on what information is truthful.

Do you have some links to 3 hour long poorly edited YouTube videos that we must watch to have our eyes opened?
Lol so true. Flat earthers and their damn videos. Here is one that poorly edited for your entertainment but its only 30 seconds. I agree that these absolute cooks like the OP are just conspiracy peddlers. I love making fun of them and their nutty theories. Can you believe they think the federal government and big techcompanies are conspiring? Truly alex jones stuff rofl.

As far as the people like the OP with the sky is falling attitude....its not as bad as you think. Cheer up man. Bear hunters in washington, hunters in california, and predator hunters in many other states will tell you that its not that bad.
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