Don't know if you are buying new or used, but if you can find a solid used truck with everything you want you can save a ton. My last two trucks have been used and unless I win the lottery I doubt I'll buy new anytime soon. That initial hit on value hurts, so I let somebody else absorb it for me. Good luck!
Don't know if you are buying new or used, but if you can find a solid used truck with everything you want you can save a ton. My last two trucks have been used and unless I win the lottery I doubt I'll buy new anytime soon. That initial hit on value hurts, so I let somebody else absorb it for me. Good luck!
Thanks for all the feedback guys. I have resigned myself to dropping into a Sport or XLT and giving up the auto feature mainly to get the payment down. I like the Lariat with leather and 4Auto but as stated here I can live without it.