Cheap amazon thumb release?


Sep 21, 2022
I shoot a b3 index release, always have. Want to try a thumb release but don't want to spend $150-$200 just to not like it. Is it worth trying a $25 amazon job at first, or are they so crappy that its not even giving thumb releases a fair chance? Or should I just spend the coin and sell it if I dont like it?

If I like the thumb release style I would promptly pick up a quality release.
Let me also say…if I like the thumb release style I would invest in a quality one. Just hate to drop the coin on an expensive one just to not like shooting it.
You couldn't pay me $150-200 to use a $25 thumb release. Good way to punch yourself in the face or send an arrow into oblivion (hopefully not a neighbor).
Find a local shop, they should have release options and let you try them on their range. If they won't, I'm sure if you go to any kind of range or shoot, someone there would have one and would let you try on your own equipment.
Archery talk classifieds. There are plenty of guys with fat lips and chipped teeth selling their first thumb release even the pricey ones
I use a Tru Fire Edge thumb release, they can be found for under $100. Put a rope lanyard on it to go around your wrist so you don’t send it down range.
Highly unlikely any amazon release other than plastic will come apart. That said, I doubt the chinese version has ground sears so it might feel like sandpaper. Probably doesn't have a clean edge break either so be careful when setting the sear engagement. Might back the screw off an extra 1/4 turn just in case. You'll find out when the sear is under tension.
Nothing but releases facebook is a decent spot to find used if you go that route.
Buy used and sell for what you paid if you don’t like it. Even if you do like it you’ll end up wanting to try others.
Save yourself the $25. I can tell you right now, you’ll hate it and never want to try a real quality thumb release.
I bought a couple cheaper made releases and didn’t care for them and they were name brand. Finally made the jump and bought a Carter. I now own 2 and no finger trigger releases. You do have to make your mind up to give it a fair shake, not just a week or two.
Alright, you all talked me out of it! I’ll bite the bullet and pick up a good one. The B3 exit hunter has my eye..mainly because it has the wrist strap that I am used to using. Can be had for like $150… not too bad.

Thanks forum!
Spot Hogg Whipper Snapper is pretty good and can be found new for about $100. Very crisp trigger and you can choose open jaw or closed, 3 finger or 4.

I would first figure out if you want curve to the grip at all and watch some videos on how to hang onto and use a handheld release. I went through a bunch before I started to figure out what I like. 2 and 4 finger doesn’t work well for me, I like a flat to very slightly curved 3 finger.
Another vote for the Spot Hogg Whipper Snapper. I keep it in my pocket, If I loose it ohh well its $100. Backup wrist strap is the Spot Hogg Wise Guy, same release mechanism. My point of aim doesn't change much between the two.
Picked up a B3 exit hunter and man, I immediately enjoy shooting the thumb release. Inside of the index finger is a little sore from pressure there while drawing but im sure my hand will break in. Groups are just as good if not better right away