Tourniquet Recommendations


Feb 26, 2020
Mountains of CA
Looking for recommendations on a quality, preferably lightweight, tourniquet. I have one from my firefighter friend currently, but it is “expired”, and in a bag that keeps it moist. Im assuming its potential shelf life is due to it drying out and becoming useless. So, looking for something lightweight, functional, quality, that doesnt “expire”. Current one weighs around 3 oz, but with safety being a priority, weight is the last priority. Thanks!
Get a CAT tourniquet. A lot of the cheaper copycats are fine as well, but some are junk. I’d recommend practicing self applying it too so you’re ready if you ever need it. Before each season should be often enough.
Just grab a CAT and run it. It shouldnt expire. They are simple.

Iv not seen a super light, non bulky option that can be put on quick.

I’m not sure where your going with the drying out thing. Iv never seen a tourniquet that would expire to the point I wouldn’t carry it for personal use. If your carrying it might as well open it up and test it in case you actually need it.
If it dries out and expires I am guessing it might be an occlusive dressing and not a tourniquet. I would recommend a CAT as well. It’s what we carry at work and our local SWAT team uses them as well. With that said I carry a RATs one. Look on amazon and check them out and figure out which one you want. Then uses them a few times to get comfortable with it. Hope this helps
Ill second the others. Get a CAT style. That is what the military and first responders carry. I sat through a stop the bleed course a couple months ago and they recommended we get them as well at our business. We ordered two for each building.

I will also recommend getting a couple extra for training. You don't want to use the training ones for a real emergency. They could be weakened.
Cats or rats... both good. I have CATS however i don't carry it if weight is a consideration.
If you choose a CAT, make sure it’s an original and not a made in China knock off. They work. The SOF T is another that works very well.
Get a CAT. I’ve seen them work a ton as a street cop. On my backcountry hunts I carry a CAT, combat gauge, pack of chest seals. The CATS if stored properly do not expire though heat and sunlight can degrade the plastic.
I'm assuming whatever you got from the FD employee is fine..probably a CAT, expiration means nothing besides buaracratic bullshit regs. Next take it out of the plastic because that is packaging and should be removed anyway. If you really want to geek out, check out North American Rescue and or take a TCCC course. Good to see people being prepared, good job.
I'm assuming whatever you got from the FD employee is fine..probably a CAT, expiration means nothing besides buaracratic bullshit regs. Next take it out of the plastic because that is packaging and should be removed anyway. If you really want to geek out, check out North American Rescue and or take a TCCC course. Good to see people being prepared, good job.
Yes I agree, take it out of the plastic. If the time comes when you need to use it you don't want to fumble with taking off the plastic.
I will be looking at all of your suggestions and ordering a new, proper tourniquet. The one I have in the packaging is a tourniquet (at least says it on the bag), but i will take it out and look at it since ill be replacing it. Will probably buy 2, one for practice and the other to carry. All gear is stored in my garage or a pack bag so no worries about degrading. Ill have my medic friends go over it with me in depth. Ive done some homework and have had some instruction but full confidence is necessary. Hope to never have to use it but i hunt alone a lot and prefer to be well prepared. Would like to get into volunteer search and rescue too so would be good to have more skills in that respect. Every year at least a few people are rescued from where I hunt.
Man I would take a hard look at OMNA Tqs. For that we do it may be a better TQ. It has better materials and is designed for a marine environment.. I use them on my weight belt diving and they hold up great to sun and salt.
Do NOT get a RATS. There are multiple reasons that they are not TCCC approved. Take a Stop The Bleed class when things calm down.

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CAT (combat application tourniquet) is easy to use, durable and lightweight. Developed and used by the military, so it has been tested thoroughly.
It is worth posting again.....

It was posted on a thread in the past....


This class is definietly worth going to....alot of places don't charge for the class. The one I went to gave away tourniquets, pressure bandages, and first aid kits. They teach you hands on applications. The class I took had paramedics, first responders, school teachers, and medical staff.
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