Toilet paper or wet wipes?

Cracked up at this, but it's a fair question.
Keep the dude wipes in your sleeping bag - keeps them warm over night vs. pulling the icy wipes out of the pack for morning duty... of course, that advice works for the morning duty less so for the impromptu mid-day/mid-hike business
Cracked up at this, but it's a fair question.
Keep the dude wipes in your sleeping bag - keeps them warm over night vs. pulling the icy wipes out of the pack for morning duty... of course, that advice works for the morning duty less so for the impromptu mid-day/mid-hike business
That’s literally why God invented chest pockets on midlayers.
Use both, and bury it. But I don't get the dehydration of wet wipes, if there's plenty of water sources around ones hunting area, ok, I guess I kind of see a benefit, but wouldn't it be easier for you to just purchase the compressed coin towelettes and use those instead?
I guess we wiped would be ok if they are truly decomposable (unlike Toby Keith’s Red Solo Cup). I would carry wet wipes if that’s the case and they were sent free. I think many of them are going to have a fairly strong scent. Otherwise, I’m fine with just toilet paper.

But either way, just dig a hole to bury it. No one wants TP or wet wipes blowing around the mountain.
I guess we wiped would be ok if they are truly decomposable (unlike Toby Keith’s Red Solo Cup). I would carry wet wipes if that’s the case and they were sent free. I think many of them are going to have a fairly strong scent. Otherwise, I’m fine with just toilet paper.

But either way, just dig a hole to bury it. No one wants TP or wet wipes blowing around the mountain.
Yep. I see I’m the FNG status. Wow, no edit feature. I’m bad at proofing my texts. I use swipe on my phone. Sorry for typos.
Tried out a backcountry bidet this year and have to say I’m a fan. I also live by the words of the great Redd Foxx: “you gotta wash your ass”.
If MountainHouse is involved, it’s not even a question… wet wipes with aloe all day long!
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