Time to go


Aug 25, 2015
Snyder posted this up today

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Yes, Be like Bill. : ) lol


Apr 21, 2018
Northern Nevada
Best of luck OP! Remember though, it's real easy to take the written word out of context. Some people are very sarcastic and straight forward and some are a lot more laid back and quite. Go punch some tags this fall.
Dec 30, 2014
May you find what you're looking for.


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Oct 4, 2014
I'm more inclined to appreciate someone's opinion if I've seen them post a gear review, assist someone with relevant info, or even better - a trip report.

Some people only seem to chime in on threads that are argumentative or rehashing the same contentious subject over and over. I guess it's like the guys asking for specifics on a unit or who don't use the search function before asking about a question already discussed a million times... it's just annoying. The obvious solution is just to ignore these people, but I'm glad I've never met some of these guys in person.
Feb 17, 2017
I'm more inclined to appreciate someone's opinion if I've seen them post a gear review, assist someone with relevant info, or even better - a trip report.

Some people only seem to chime in on threads that are argumentative or rehashing the same contentious subject over and over. I guess it's like the guys asking for specifics on a unit or who don't use the search function before asking about a question already discussed a million times... it's just annoying. The obvious solution is just to ignore these people, but I'm glad I've never met some of these guys in person.

Well said. Some people are just obviously confrontational without providing anything of substance. Just don’t read their posts.

Good luck Gordon. I would suggest sticking around as a lurker though...too much good stuff to ignore here.

Ryan Avery

Staff member
Jan 5, 2012
I'm more inclined to appreciate someone's opinion if I've seen them post a gear review, assist someone with relevant info, or even better - a trip report.

Some people only seem to chime in on threads that are argumentative or rehashing the same contentious subject over and over. I guess it's like the guys asking for specifics on a unit or who don't use the search function before asking about a question already discussed a million times... it's just annoying. The obvious solution is just to ignore these people, but I'm glad I've never met some of these guys in person.

Nailed it!

I have been watching this a lot on here lately. They only show up to argue, "I am right, you are wrong no matter what....I push my opinions as facts if you disagree, I attack you personally." It's a disease that is spreading.


Mar 4, 2017
I think a lot of it stems from anonymity. My user name is first initial, middle initial, last name. Anything I write can be seen by my wife, boss, pastor, the guys I hunt and fish with. Keeps things honest. I don’t write things I wouldn’t say to somebody’s face. In cursive.
Aug 17, 2016
If you don't like this forum, do not join 24hourcampfire or archerytalk. This forum and predatormasters is the most civil and best forums I've been a part of.


Apr 26, 2015
I left Facebook for exactly the same reason. I'm sure there are plenty of people who disagree with my opinions here, as I disagree with plenty of opinions on here. But I have also gotten some great advice here and hope that I have helped some people here along the way too. Plus I like selling my gear on the classifieds!

But I agree...More people need to be like Bill, not only on the interwebs, but in life in general. Personal resiliency is becoming a lost virtue in this country, and I am trying to be damn sure to pass it on to my kids. If you get offended by something that is on you, not the person who made the statement. Think about their perspective, try to learn something from it, and then move on.


Dec 6, 2015
I believe in praising when they do good and reprimanding when they do bad. What’s the point of not calling an organization out when they do something you feel is wrong? If I continued to support the NRA but disagree with their tactics how are they going to change? It’s like politics, if you keep voting for a guy because he had the right title but he doesn’t do what you want, how do you expect him to change? The NRA does a lot of good but I strongly disagree with their tactics of raising funds and therefore have stopped supporting them with funds. Not calling them out in public is literally a direct effect of the if your not with us your against us. You are so scared to be labeled an outsider that you are unwilling to saying anything. Group think mentality at its finest.

By loot and plunder I mean exactly what it sounds like. Do we need logging, yes but do we need to cut every tree down? Does there need to be a house on every acre of land? I deal with people everyday that think they should be able to ride their quad to the top of every mountain. My mother in law believes that unless your growing crops on every inch of land your land is not being productive and that’s against the Gods plan. Maybe I look at your home state of California and say like hell your going to develop my home state to the extent it is there.

If you consider me a liberal I would hate to see what your definition of a conservative is. I am middle of the road on the political spectrum and refuse to blindly follow one side or the other. I vote based on what I feel is best and not based on the title one gives themselves.

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If you want to call me liberal for not wanting a subdivision on every patch of blm go right ahead, I guess I’ll just have to deal with it


Nov 7, 2012
Kicker338. You may have proven your point just by starting this thread. I avoided reading it for 3 days just because I knew it would be this. Bottom line is that all Internet forums consist of a percentage of bored, disrespectful cowards who address their keyboards as if they were Mike Tyson. Those same folks will not look another man in the eyes in public, nor run their mouths in the same language that their keyboards speak. The last year or so Rokslide has definitely gotten bombarded with members looking to start shit, and not help other hunters. There is a bunch of great folks on here to bounce info and stories off of. Just be careful which thread you decide to be part of and rokslide will still be very valuable for you. Good luck whichever direction you go.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Feb 26, 2012
Behind you
Kicker338. You may have proven your point just by starting this thread. I avoided reading it for 3 days just because I knew it would be this. Bottom line is that all Internet forums consist of a percentage of bored, disrespectful cowards who address their keyboards as if they were Mike Tyson. Those same folks will not look another man in the eyes in public, nor run their mouths in the same language that their keyboards speak. The last year or so Rokslide has definitely gotten bombarded with members looking to start shit, and not help other hunters. There is a bunch of great folks on here to bounce info and stories off of. Just be careful which thread you decide to be part of and rokslide will still be very valuable for you. Good luck whichever direction you go.

True words here. One likes to think that a group of people that seem to be like-minded would be supportive and not project their ego, self inflated value, and sideways ideology. Debate is not a bad thing as we will not always agree but there is a right way to disagree. Many jackasses that replies to the OPs messge fit the bill of unnecessary pretenders. Their messages should be taken for their actual worth-which is zero.

I try to always post things that I would be able to say to a man in person. I have had great dialogue on a very few sites like this, Kifaru and others. However much like being in groups in the real world-there are a limited few that I give a sh*# about as far as their input or opinions.

I have had some truly awesome people here though such as one guy that actually added to the asking price of an item I sold to cover PayPal fees. I did not ask or expect this but I will not forget this and I will reciprocate any way I can to help this guy. I have had offers of hunting partners, advice on out of states hunts and generous offers to lend items that went above and beyond. I choose to remember these guys and not the few folks that are miserable in life as they try to look for others to dump their misery upon.

Here is a quote that pretty much sums it up:

Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something. Plato


Nov 7, 2012
True words here. One likes to think that a group of people that seem to be like-minded would be supportive and not project their ego, self inflated value, and sideways ideology. Debate is not a bad thing as we will not always agree but there is a right way to disagree. Many jackasses that replies to the OPs messge fit the bill of unnecessary pretenders. Their messages should be taken for their actual worth-which is zero.

I try to always post things that I would be able to say to a man in person. I have had great dialogue on a very few sites like this, Kifaru and others. However much like being in groups in the real world-there are a limited few that I give a sh*# about as far as their input or opinions.

I have had some truly awesome people here though such as one guy that actually added to the asking price of an item I sold to cover PayPal fees. I did not ask or expect this but I will not forget this and I will reciprocate any way I can to help this guy. I have had offers of hunting partners, advice on out of states hunts and generous offers to lend items that went above and beyond. I choose to remember these guys and not the few folks that are miserable in life as they try to look for others to dump their misery upon.

Here is a quote that pretty much sums it up:

Wise men speak because they have something to say; Fools because they have to say something. Plato
Well said. And I completely agree with your positive experiences on here. I have had the exact same experience with others on here. I’m very thankful for that.


Dec 30, 2012
Well I believe I read a post that was very pointed and personal toward Kicker. He stated a position and it seems he was personal called .....Its to bad some have to go so far to get their point across.


Mar 16, 2016
Well I believe I read a post that was very pointed and personal toward Kicker. He stated a position and it seems he was personal called .....Its to bad some have to go so far to get their point across.
I am assuming here that your referring to my post in comment to him in another thread and I see how one could view it as personal. All I was stating is that he had multiple reasons for why he should be allowed to drive where ever he wanted, each one getting more and more ridiculous. All I said was you sound like the guy that had the times of doing what you wanted to and you want that back. I have no problem with any opinion that anyone has. I do have a problem when you push your motives as a disguise of other motives.