Do not engage with the Small Caliber Convertists. Don't make eye contact. Just keep walking.
They will lure you in with phrases like, "good day, sir. Do you like to or want to shoot bear, elk, and moose?" Or, "do you shoot most of your animals inside of 600 yards?" Then its, "Id like to talk to you about small caliber hunting rounds to save you from your path!"
Next, they are giving you things to read. Nobody really reads all of it, you get the gist. Maybe it even makes sense to you. You do shoot animals inside of 600 yards. And you do wonder if you flinch a little. You definitely wish ammo was cheaper and you practiced more......
All you wanted was to get through the airport and get home, but now you're being converted. You're shopping for 223 tmks and a new tikka. Before you know it, you're back at the airport. Except this time, you're giving the reading material and giving unsolicited advice to save people.