Tikka vs Christensen arms build 6mm CM

I’m also considering a 6UM, maybe that would be a better option if I end up doing a custom short barrel. I don’t have an issue with forming brass. I’ve been doing it with the 280AI since before Nosler saami’ed it.

I also want to shoot heavies so most likely I’ll want a faster twist than CA offers.

Essentially I need to decide if I want the SS tikka regular action or a CA fluted, SA, one plus I see with the CA is the hinged floor plate. For a hunting rifle I prefer not to have to deal with mags, the only real advantage I have found is they are nice when teaching kids to hunt for safety reasons. Other than that I can’t see any upside to a mag in a hunting rifle.

I guess I need to decide if the FF is going to more of a hassle or dealing with a longer barrel to keep velocities reasonable for longer range stuff.

I’m also curious how the tikkas trigger compares to the CA. Most factory triggers I have used aren’t great. My current rifle uses a Shilen and I have another with a timmney.

I feel like either rifle is going to be pretty sweet for under 2K.
My tikka triggers with a 10$ spring are every bit as light and crisp as my trigger tech’s in my CA’s
Same. @mxgsfmdpx
Curious why?

Upgraded Remington action
Lightened bolt, handle and knob
Trigger tech trigger
Coated action
Carbon stock
Carbon barrel

They are made with quality parts, if a person plans to rebarrel seems like a decent head start on a build. I know a lot of guys don’t like spotter stocks, but that’s personal preference.

I’ve been shooting a blueprinted 700 for a long time with zero issues. I’m also totally open to switching to a tikka but want opinions about pos and negatives or if it’s a personal preference. This is a backpack hunting rifle i won’t be shooting 1000’s or rounds from this gun. I’m sure either action can be put together well.

Really the only thing at CA has going for it to me over the tikka is no mag, actual SA which means lighter and that all I need is a barrel swap and I’m done if I line the stock. The tikka needs a stock, barrel and some fluting and coating to make it simulate to the CA.

I’d love to hear why you two hate CA so much.

And many more where these came from. Not to mention the stock shape sucks.
Only fools shoot reliable rifles with rifling in the barrel and the correct bolt face feeding rounds reliably from functional magazines.
You might get a good Christensen, probably won’t. QC isn’t there
Customer service isn’t there on the back end when you inevitably get a turd
Fan base sure is though, oddly the average Christensen fan doesn’t shoot enough to notice

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In all fairness, US Tikka ( Beretta) CS sucks to, but one is less likely to need it.

More people should buy Christiansen, it will help me buy more of the ugly, garbage coin slot ejection port, stupid long action for everything, cheap plastic parts rifles that just...... Well never mind, but Tikkas are horrible and no one should copy my bad taste in rifles.

And many more where these came from. Not to mention the stock shape sucks.
Thanks, I read through several of those. Figured going used off GB and rebarreling would mitigate most of those issues.

I’d defiantly take one if someone gave it to me. I defiantly don’t want a headache though.

I’m defiantly leaning toward a Tikka and Rokstok, on the fence between the UM an CM the CM will most likely do everything I need without fire forming but I sure like wildcats and having something unique. I also have a pile of retumbo and I feel like it would be better in the UM with some heavy 6mms.
6 UM seems like an expensive headache to me but to each his own.

You mentioned 600-800 yd shots. That’s a long ways in varying field conditions in a deer sized animal. A lot of people who shoot a bunch and compete won’t do it because they know the odds of making a bad hit are pretty good. I really shouldnt be shooting at deer past about 500 yards so that drove the decision towards 6 creed for me. I know I won’t shoot enough to ethically take advantage of that extra range gained with a 6 UM. 6-6.5 PRC seems a little more realistic and less if a headache. Then 6 SAUM.
In all fairness, US Tikka ( Beretta) CS sucks to, but one is less likely to need it.

More people should buy Christiansen, it will help me buy more of the ugly, garbage coin slot ejection port, stupid long action for everything, cheap plastic parts rifles that just...... Well never mind, but Tikkas are horrible and no one should copy my bad taste in rifles.
Yeah what he said! And you Tikka owners should put those terrible rifles on the classifieds for a deep discount since they’re no good!
Thanks, I read through several of those. Figured going used off GB and rebarreling would mitigate most of those issues.

I’d defiantly take one if someone gave it to me. I defiantly don’t want a headache though.

I’m defiantly leaning toward a Tikka and Rokstok, on the fence between the UM an CM the CM will most likely do everything I need without fire forming but I sure like wildcats and having something unique. I also have a pile of retumbo and I feel like it would be better in the UM with some heavy 6mms.
The anti CA posts are funny to me - there’s only 14 or 15 parts outside of pins and springs, and they aren’t reinventing the wheel - it’s a very close clone of a Remington so absolutely zero rocket science involved in producing better machining than Remington, with proven dimensions, clearances, and design. If I didn’t already have a Remington, one of the CA rifles would be an upgrade.

If you don’t like to clean the barrel you’re better off with something else, because the neck and throat can be close to the smaller end of SAAMI tolerances, but that’s also one of the reasons many of these shoot lights out.
The anti CA posts are funny to me - there’s only 14 or 15 parts outside of pins and springs, and they aren’t reinventing the wheel - it’s a very close clone of a Remington so absolutely zero rocket science involved in producing better machining than Remington, with proven dimensions, clearances, and design. If I didn’t already have a Remington, one of the CA rifles would be an upgrade.

If you don’t like to clean the barrel you’re better off with something else, because the neck and throat can be close to the smaller end of SAAMI tolerances, but that’s also one of the reasons many of these shoot lights out.
Unfortunately CA makes the same quality crap as Remington did, that put them on the auction block. The only thing that sells their rifles is carbon kool-aid looks. Their chambers are usually tight, barrels rough as hell, smiting work is garage shop amatuer level. Their actions aren't true, you have to bed your fn Pic rail because the mountain faces aren't true, ever. Their stuff is overpriced junk.
Unfortunately CA makes the same quality crap as Remington did, that put them on the auction block. The only thing that sells their rifles is carbon kool-aid looks. Their chambers are usually tight, barrels rough as hell, smiting work is garage shop amatuer level. Their actions aren't true, you have to bed your fn Pic rail because the mountain faces aren't true, ever. Their stuff is overpriced junk.
The CA barrels I use on my Remington action have great machining, chambers every bit as uniform as a custom barrel, and the bores look great - all around heads above any Remington that’s ever come off the line. That’s not to say they haven’t had problems and I don’t know anything about production issues or bad parts that might have been sourced from third parties. I’d put up with a problem rifle if it shot good on the other end.

They aren’t perfect, and at their price point some corners are cut, but run of the mill Campbell’s soup/skippy peanut butter ish rifles are a lot of bang for the buck for the average rifle. The same could be said for Tikka. Nothing wrong with the average Tikka.

I passed up a couple of Mesa’s last fall, and will pick one up if it comes along for a good price in a fun cartridge. I’ll use it as a switch barrel, and it will be interesting to spin the receiver in the lathe and measure what kind of runout tolerances it has. I predict it’s like any other currently produced production gun made on CNC equipment - not perfect.