Ticks... Overreaction?

I like to cut up flea/tick collars into little 2" sections. I started putting the little segments in my pockets and in my gear after removing more than a few ticks a few years ago.
It seems to be an effective deterrent. Since adopting this trick, I've been out busting brush with friends and they've picked up ticks and I haven't. So, it must be doing something.
But I also use deet or picaradin on my skin too.
Wear long sleeves and tuck in your shirt. I have been bit by a few ticks over the years but haven't worried too much about Lyme Disease. Since I went to tucking my shirt in and wearing long sleeves I have not been bit.
Ticks in southeast Iowa are absolutely horribly thick in Spring and Summer, to the point you really think twice about going into the woods. I treat everything with permethrin ahead of time and then picardin on top of that right before going out.

You'll laugh, but last year I added pantyhose to my gear if I knew I was going to be in the woods/tall grass for a long period of time. Military did it it to help against leeches in the swamps. I didn't get a single tick that made it to skin when doing that. I wear a sun shirt with the hood up, tucked into the pants and hose.

Some might think that is overkill but I've know multiple people in our area that have battled Lyme disease and it is not something to shrug your shoulders at. I once took a 15 minute walk through our land without precautions and must have walked through a nest. Took my socks off and it looked like an animation of movement with hundreds of barely visible ones crawling everywhere. Took my son turkey hunting a couple years ago and forgot to spray pants he switched to at last second. Literally picked 50 ticks off in the field just while we were sitting down for an hour and half.

One thing I have always wondered about. How safe is tick shampoo for dogs to be used for humans? Could that be added to the hot shower routine and maybe cause more to bail off or die before attaching?
I also treat everything I take to the woods with Permethrin.

And I’ll wear pantyhose but their called Ryno Skin.

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I also treat everything I take to the woods with Permethrin.

And I’ll wear pantyhose but their called Ryno Skin.

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My problem with ryno skin is the break between socks and pants. Should be one piece. And the price comparatively. And I don't feel as much like a natural woma....wait a second
Honestly have not worried about it, but probably should. I get them quite a bit here in OK, but am always very diligent about getting rid of them. Thanks for all the insight everyone!
I never understood ticks until I went to school in Fargo and visited Minn. 99% of ticks in Montana go away for the year with the first 3 days in the 80s.

I remember getting three ticks on me on a rural road in Minn. when I stopped to pee. I never left the road. Must have come out of the trees. We used to pick the ticks off my dog in statistics class. His exposure was the lawn at the apartment.

I'll take grizzlies over ticks.
wow, this thread got revived from the dead....

Anyway, I know quite a few guys around here (lyme disease is BAD here) are using permethrin treated pantyhose. It's even become a thing to cut a hole in the crotch and wear a 2nd pair as a long sleeve shirt with mittens.

I know several people that have gotten Lyme - one guy has gotten it twice, and it sounds quite horrible.
This is just a sidenote compared to what many of you live with. When I first moved back to Montana, it was common for the dogs, kids and horses to get a tick in the spring. You just dealt with them as they were encountered.

One spring one of my mares had a foal. She wandered all over the place for the summer and I didn't notice anything out of the usual. Come fall I was going over the horses and happened to run my hands over the foals neck. It was coated with ticks from tiny to fully engorged. I had no idea what to do but I remembered that we had gotten a puppy from germany and it came fully equiped with the biggest fleas you can imagine.

The vet sold me an aerisol can of spray that worked so good I never had to use it again. I got the can off the shelf and sprayed the foal down with the flea spray. When I came out in an hour, the snow was littered with dead ticks - hundreds of them. I haven't seen a tick on the place since.
My problem with ryno skin is the break between socks and pants. Should be one piece. And the price comparatively. And I don't feel as much like a natural woma....wait a second

I put the Ryno pants over my socks which are also permethrined. I’m also wearing rubber snake boots.

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Flyspray used on equines, active ingredient is permethrin.
Had a hidden tick last year, had a red halo around it, took Doxycycline 225mg one dose no further issues. Was the first time in my long life and long history of ticks that I had seen the halo.
I almost died from a tick bite. Doc said it was the worst case of blood poisoning he had personally witnessed.

So yeah, I respect them.
Always been concerned about Lyme disease, because it's the one you hear the most about. Ended up catching RMSF from a tick instead. Fortunately tested quick for it and knocked it out with antibiotics with no major effects. Who'd of thought it's much more prevalent in the southeast than the actual Rocky Mountain area??

I use permethrin religiously, especially in spring /early fall. I've literally seen ticks fall of my pants and die from contacting it. The stuff works...actually a little frightening just how well it works knowing its next to your skin, but a better risk than tick bites in my mind.
I’ve known a couple people who have battled lymes disease, so we do a pretty thorough check even after all the precautions.
Reviving this as folks are getting out into the woods. I was doing treestand maintenance over the weekend and got lit up by the smallest ticks I've ever seen. Likely over 30 for the weekend. By Sunday evening I had chills and body ache. Monday morning It was a fever and joint pain, Monday night was waking up to a soaked bed and sleeping on a towel on the floor but woke up Tuesday feeling about 90% and clearly sweated out the fever.

This is on my ankle beneath my sock which was tucked over my pants and in rubber boots.

Currently on a 10 day antibiotics.

Stay safe folks.


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