Things you have noticed in the gym

Usually just see to many people sitting at gym machines on there cell phones not working out, just tying up the gym equipment.
Occasionally people getting themselves in trouble taking on to much weight on the free weights.
Was texting an old friend and he said he came back from the gym and too many high school kids.
I told him we’re older now than that Jana girl’s Dad was when he was working out at the Y and we were in HS. We don’t look near as old.

Went to a lot of gyms on the road using a day pass.Not that I wanted to get chatty ,but Illinois people sure don’t talk much for
the most part.
When you guys workout with buddies, do you create descriptive nicknames for the weird people at the gym (i.e. Skeletor, Orange Chicken, etc…)?
Hilarious. My girlfriend and I go daily at 5am. We have "Woody"- good dude, just looks like Woody from Toy Story. The "Stinkies"- two chics and one must be O' Natural because she reeks of B.O. terribly and they never wipe anything down. "Tits McGee"- portly little gal in yoga pants and a wife beater tank top, bra-less with door bells ringing always(and shouldn't be). "Foam Roller Guy"- you can guess what he does. And "Kung Fu Fighter"- this chic is actually a ripped tae kwan do competitor who'd likely kick my ass.
Can only imagine what they all call us.:ROFLMAO:
Yesterday the dog woke me up around 1:30 am to go out. After getting back in bed and laying there for a while trying to fall back asleep, I finally decided to just get up, start my day and go to the gym, which was at about 3:00 am.

There weren’t many people working out at the time, but I’m pretty confident one woman in there had recently gotten off her shift at the strip club which is in the same parking lot.
a while ago when i was into the olympics lift a straight up passed out with the bar on my neck in the middle of a clean and jerk, just woke up, put my weights away and went home, never happened again lol
Got invited to work out with some legit power lifters (sponsored / pro) in my late college years (husband and wife couple). Impressive feats of strength to say for sure.
Had been working out with them for a month.. they were getting ready for a big competition.

Wife was going for a squat record and husband was worried she was in a bind and “assisted” too early.

Me and the three other guys in there had to hide behind equipment and bob and weave from the ensuing plates they were throwing at each other (not even kidding)
How many guys here making fun of the gym regularly train for their next goat hunt by walking their suburban neighborhood with full hiking pack, short khaki shorts, and they’re hiking boots on?
I make fun of gym culture, I also make fun of sports, and even of hunting. People take things to seriously and it is funny. I make fun of myself yo, because I'm inclined to do the same.

When I brought a tub of protein and a shaker bottle in to leave innthe office I mocked myself for a week and I still feel like it is something to be made fun off. I also make fun of the desk treadmill I have, it serves as a good reminder that I'm just an office rat.

As someone who chronically took myself too seriously, best advice I was ever given was "Never take yourself seriously, always take what you do seriously."

Mockery, particularly self mockery, is a tool, a valuable one.
I make fun of gym culture, I also make fun of sports, and even of hunting. People take things to seriously and it is funny. I make fun of myself yo, because I'm inclined to do the same.

When I brought a tub of protein and a shaker bottle in to leave innthe office I mocked myself for a week and I still feel like it is something to be made fun off. I also make fun of the desk treadmill I have, it serves as a good reminder that I'm just an office rat.

As someone who chronically took myself too seriously, best advice I was ever given was "Never take yourself seriously, always take what you do seriously."

Mockery, particularly self mockery, is a tool, a valuable one.
My man. My post was in pure levity! Good thread
There's a girl in her 20s at the gym I occasionally go to that often wears a T-shirt that says "NOT A SPITTER" on the back. I have a feeling the gym is not where she gets all of her exercise.