Things you have noticed in the gym

I use to work out at the local Y for damn near a decade. There was a guy there that was a brick shithouse. Chiseled like a drafthorse and had the face and jaw line of a guy named Magnus straight out of the Bolshevik revolution. He worked out there for years, never talked to him as he always had a serious look on his face. In my mind I pictured him saying, “let me man handle your wife…” Nope sorry, we’re good Magnus. So fast forward, I’m at this local bar and I hear a feminine male voice behind me say, “do you want another” to some other dude. To my shock and amazement, it was that guy. It was at that very moment I realized that I was no longer afraid he was going to man handle my wife.
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I get to travel around the country and visit different planet fitness locations. The gymfuckery is legend at times. The craziest planet fitness I've been to is in Eureka, CA. I've seen furries, other costumes, tweakers, one guy who shadow fights every time I see him. Another guy who shows up sometimes in a gigantic diaper with safety pin to match.

The people on the coast are just odd.

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This will come off as elitist...BUT Planet fitness is so bloody cheap it gets everyone and his brother in there.

My wife and I didn't want to do it but we joined a higher end gym and it made a huge difference in the quality of people.
Hoping someone else on here has seen this, and if the Jason Bourne I am speaking of is on here I would love to know your "why".

In Fort Collins I have been going to Alive by Raintree for a while. I really like it and have had only good experiences.

However, Jason Bourne goes there too it seems. The dude in question just shadow boxes around the gym, like the whole gym. He will set up something that appears to be a speed bag up in the middle of the cable machines and will "box" there taking up a couple different machines. Every single time he is in there he is shadow boxing everywhere. It is truly insane.

Then outside of the gym, I was headed up into the foothills, driving along Horsetooth reservoir and I see Jason running up the hill. He is of course shirtless and shadow boxing his way up the road.

He is decently in shape, but really does not appear to be an actual fighter. Just shows up to shadowbox and make everyone uncomfortable.

Would love to know what his deal is, but absolutely will never approach him IRL haha.
Anyone posting a legitimate member or witness of the 405 BP club? 540 DL?

I get a kick out of posers--kids that will never reach the top of the mountain. I see this everywhere.
Anyone posting a legitimate member or witness of the 405 BP club? 540 DL?
Ain’t even close and know there’s no shot of being in contention either.

I’ve never seen a 540 DL in person, but have seen a single 405 bench. 60 year old guy that hit it for reps after being called old by us high schoolers. I’ve never seen anyone else within 100 pounds.
Anyone posting a legitimate member or witness of the 405 BP club? 540 DL?

I get a kick out of posers--kids that will never reach the top of the mountain. I see this everywhere.
Yes. Id bet there’s a handful on here in fact for one of those categories.
This will come off as elitist...BUT Planet fitness is so bloody cheap it gets everyone and his brother in there.

My wife and I didn't want to do it but we joined a higher end gym and it made a huge difference in the quality of people.
Oh I agree 100%. I have a second membership in my home town to a gym with some of the best equipment I've ever used. There are a lot of members that are competitors there. So there is a higher level of seriousness and I rarely have to wait to use equipment. But since I travel a lot, Planet Fitness is a necessity for me.

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View attachment 786872
This lady frequently makes out with tactical gallon water jug toting guy, and another girl of equal caliber and sometimes another guy. My running partner sends me these pictures from his gym….it’s just affirmation that working out in my shed is the correct choice.

I don’t think she understands who that particular shirt is meant for….

It’s not her…

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Brothers you don’t get hotties with thongs spandex and cleavage in public without the other side of the coin - men in diapers or high heels, swingers, prostitutes and guys who could kill you with one arm but are also attracted to your butt.
Anyone posting a legitimate member or witness of the 405 BP club? 540 DL?

I get a kick out of posers--kids that will never reach the top of the mountain. I see this everywhere.
I was, 415 bench, 495 DL but that wasn’t a max, just never went higher. I then started mountain hunting seriously and got my butt kicked.

Dropped 40lbs, not near those numbers now but can get up a mountain real quick, so depends on what you mean by top of the mountain… 😂
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I was, 415 bench, 495 DL but that wasn’t a max, just never went higher. I then started mountain hunting seriously and got my butt kicked.

Dropped 40lbs, not near those numbers now but can get up a mountain real quick, so depends on what you mean by top of the mountain… 😂
I completely understand--my best lifting days were 30 years ago--I have since topped other mountains. Glad you are also still climbing--

Funny--I too dropped about 20 pounds myself.
I’ve noticed the people always on cardio machines never seem to get in shape but the guy working the jump rope is in shape.

I’ve noticed when all the machines and benches are occupied the dip bars and pull-up bar will still be open.
Anyone posting a legitimate member or witness of the 405 BP club? 540 DL?

I get a kick out of posers--kids that will never reach the top of the mountain. I see this everywhere.

At 55 years old, I am close, 385 BP, 480 DL, both in competition (at 198-lbs). My powerlifting buddies hit well above those numbers. @ 520BP and 700 DL's. I hope to break a 400 BP before I give up for good, but age may win out....

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Agree with some above. See a ton of people plop down onto a machine and sit on the phone. Saw a kid in his mid 20s watch entire episodes of shows while sitting down and cracking up the entire time. Drives me up a wall
View attachment 786872
This lady frequently makes out with tactical gallon water jug toting guy, and another girl of equal caliber and sometimes another guy. My running partner sends me these pictures from his gym….it’s just affirmation that working out in my shed is the correct choice.
Woah. Do these people know that your friend is taking photos and that you are posting the photos on the internet?
Anyone posting a legitimate member or witness of the 405 BP club? 540 DL?

I get a kick out of posers--kids that will never reach the top of the mountain. I see this everywhere.
Had a guy at my current gym for awhile who is a record holder in the masters division in some federation I'm not very familiar with. 67 years old with a (raw) bench press in the high 400s. His squat and deadlift aren't near as impressive compared to his BP but crazy strong for his age. I want to say his total is ~1400.

I've witnessed 600+ lbs deadlifts multiple times. There is a general consensus that most males are capable of achieving a 600 lbs deadlift with proper training and coaching, but once you get beyond 600 lbs, you're moving into the realm of needing good genetics and having started training at a relatively young age and been consistent with that training over some amount of years and had years of coaching. Pure strength is interesting compared to many other sports in that most people peak out in their early to mid 30s. It takes years of training to accumulate that kind of strength. Even if a kid is bench pressing 500 lbs at 20 years old, it may take another decade to get to 600 lbs.
Anyone posting a legitimate member or witness of the 405 BP club? 540 DL?

I get a kick out of posers--kids that will never reach the top of the mountain. I see this everywhere.
I've hit 425 on bench, 600 on squat, and 633 on deadlift. I competed in powerlifting for a while and just have always really enjoyed strength. Last march I tore my rotator cuff completely off my shoulder benching 405. Came down and when I pushed, for reason flared my elbow way out and heard it tear. Sounded like velcro.

I'm fully healed now but have decided to lift in more of a bodybuilding style and not go so heavy, because who cares now. I'm 42. I do want to maintain repping 315 on bench, 405 on squat, and 500 deadlift.

We only have one gym in town, VASA. Nice gym but it's insanely busy, like crazy busy. Even early mornings. But my wife teaches group fitness classes and we get free memberships.

A fun thing I saw was a Polynesian buddy of mine slap the shit out of a young (20ish) kid who was getting mouthy and in his face for some reason (why you'd try to fight a Polynesian I'll never know). It was hilarious.