Things you have noticed in the gym

Wasn't it about 7-8 years ago (maybe longer) when the altitude training masks were "trending". There would always be one or two guys on the treadmill or stair stepper wearing one like he was preparing for an Everest summit attempt. Then the pandemic happened and we all had to wear masks at the gym and those sort of lost their pizzazz.
Just a couple of years ago every other 20 something female at the gym seemed to be filming themselves so they could go post online with the hopes of influencing someone. I've seen some pretty elaborate phone tripods at the gym. That all came to an end because the guys started doing it. Not to film themselves, but to film the hot girl working out behind them.
Someone already mentioned the natty dressed gentlemen in the jeans and work boots, but the shorts and work boots seems to be especially fashion forward in the gym. Particularly when paired with a flannel shirt.
Craziest person I've ever seen, there was this guy that would always sit at the bench for seated preacher curls and cover his entire head with a towel . Then every time he did a curl he'd yell "Mercy!" under said towel. I always wanted to holler back with an "Amen!" but dude was crazy AND jacked. I kept my smartass comments to myself.
I power lifted non-competitive at the same gym for about 7 or 8 years, up to about 6 years ago. I got all the muscle mags so was familiar with the current pro bodybuilders and all that jazz...but for the first time ever seen a man in person with true 23-24" arms and probably a 60" chest...the guy was just massive. Of course he was on don't get that big without it. I couldn't stop staring at those arms! Apparently he thought he could use the gym to train others but it wasn't allowed due to liability so they booted him out.

Another was this guy about 35 and maybe 5'10" and about 175 pounds. Not a huge guy but fairly muscled. I only saw him maybe 2 days ever few weeks because he travelled all over the world for work....he was one of those techy wizards...super smart guy. Anyways. this guy was shredded every time I saw he just stepped off the Mr Olympia could see every striation in every muscle group on the guy. I don't know how he accomplished this as even the best BB'ers can't keep that conditioning for very long. I swear his bodyfat was easily under 8% every time I seen him working out and I know what I'm looking at.

Every Friday night was my heavy day...I would deep squat working up to 510 for 4-5 reps and then deadlift up to 505 for 6 reps...then rack pull up to 780 for 4-6 reps, at 5'-6"/200 and 58 years old (64 now and still lifting very heavy but at my home gym). When I got to the rack pulls everyone in the gym, maybe 40 people would stop what they were doing and be staring at me. Yeah, that bar had a lot of bend in it. An odd feeling though.

Had one young bimbo hitting on me for awhile..nice chick but just wasn't interested. At 57 at the time I didn't have time for that nonsense.

Had many a young college punk challenge my senior strength.....none succeeded. Trying to impress their friends and/or embarrass me.

Stopped into a Planet Fitness once just to check it out and was told to leave almost immediately, they don't want my type there as it would intimidate the other members. Huh? That's ok.....their dumbells end where I start. Terrible business concept if you ask me.

Lots of younger guys on gear....not very strong but jacked. Too bad they didn't understand the ramifications.
I love the guys who walk around with their arms and chest puffed out... bro, your lats aren't that big. Your arms can naturally just fall to your side. I just smile and shake my head.

Ditto on the talent and scenery
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One of my favorites was this lady doing what I only assume is nunchuck training with 5lb dbs. She did this for 15 mins, twirling them around before she started into ninja star thro training. I wish I could up upload the whole video, but I took a couple screenshots so you can get the idea. Notice she’s standing in the middle of a cable machine, but no one dared approach for fear of catching a 5lb nunchuck to the nuts.
I love the guys who walk around with their arms and chest puffed out... bro, your lats aren't that big. Your arms can natural just fall to your side. I just smile and shake my head.

Ditto on the talent and scenery
One of my favorites from the last public gym I went to was a guy who did this. But he was skinny as a beanpole, wore skintight clothes with gloves and a weight belt on every exercise, including curls and 1/4 ROM pull ups. The worst part and really the only thing that bothered me was he never cleaned up after himself and was really rude to all the other gym goers.
They are suffering from "invisible lat syndrome", it's a very real disease.
Also cracks me up when I see guys training one muscle group and then flexing/posing to "show off" a completely different muscle group. An example a few weeks ago, a group of 3 kids doing tricep pushdowns and then trying to do a lat spread 🤔

Another huge pet peeve is watching people who are clearly in terrible shape and clueless in the gym attempting to train/coach a friend who also has no clue what they are doing.
They are suffering from "invisible lat syndrome", it's a very real disease.
We used to call 'em "lost ruggers"

They look like they'd been carrying 2 rolled up carpets.

I shouldn't really comment though. Last time I was in a gym, the Army was paying me to be there.
I get a kick out of the back stories. Aren’t flirty and slutty used interchangeably in gyms?

The guy who works out of town and knocked up a chick from the gym, who also had a family back home. Eventually both baby mommas found out, big drama.

Two gals at the gym worked together - one of their coworkers sued an owner of the company for sexual harassment and both these gals said “me to”, which was surprising since at least one of them was boning the dude. Both the gals from the gym made a little money and had their boobs done and started wearing deep cleavage shirts everywhere. Lol

Then there are the recently divorced getting pumped up before a hot date, or getting in great shape just to show their ex what they are missing.

Then there are slutty guys and gals who see new meat in the gym and quickly move in to flirt, or the quiet flirt who goes to a new gym on a week pass and waits for people to approach them, like decoying a turkey, tries the flavor of the week and goes on to another gym. The long term soap opera of who is with who, who wants who to leave a relationship, who is almost able to change someone, or who is single again.

Yep, some interesting stuff happens at the gym. Saw a manic guy attack another gym member when the guy told him he was running the wrong way on the track. Several of us had to hold the manic dude down until the cops showed up. There was another time when a guy was jerking off in the middle of the locker room. Also had a guy tell me, dead serious, that he was in the Norwegian Secret Service and was a body guard to the Norwegian king. ...all kinds of crazy! Hahaha

But, 95% of the time I just go there, say hi to a few people I've gotten to know a bit, and just get a good workout in. No time or interest in all the drama.
Scoot, I'm the same....I'm there to get the work done. Not much time for socializing. Lots of nice eye candy around though. Yeah, you see a good number of weirdo's too.
What i notice the most is people don't know what they are doing. They also put in little effort. The result of this is most people don't really change at all. They don't change their diet or lifestyle at all.

People ask me regularly what to do etc to maximize the benefits. I generally tell them they need to dedicate time in their kitchen just like they do on the gym.

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I work out in my HOA’s little gym now. Bout the only weird thing I see is 75 yo’s wiping the machine down before they use it. Never after. Oh and they put the damn tv volume on like 80.