Things you have noticed in the gym

Have a home gym but this thread is hilarious.

I once choked myself out doing a front squat with the barbell away working at camp. Like 4 of us in the gym and I came crashing down lol woke up on the floor.
I’ve never seen anything because I don’t go to the gym. Embrace your dad bod! 🤣

I get enough of an upper body workout everyday lifting and moving around quarters of beef all day. I seriously need to do some legwork and cardio though. Just need to actually use my 3 machines in my basement.
Broccoli haired teens, wearing pearl necklaces, lifting in groups of 3-5.

Consuming a bench for over an hour and only getting 2 sets each in because they:
A) all have to take a 5 minute rest and they can't start lifting again until the last guys 5 min rest is done.
B)for ever rep they complete they flex in the mirrors 3 times.
C) one brings out a tub of pre workout and they all have to take dry hits of it.
Started working out in the garage after we moved twenty minutes out of town. I don't think I can go back. I can listen to my music loud and do whatever.

I do remember there was this lady that used to come into the Gold's gym that would just dance in front of the mirrors for like thirty minutes. Right in front of the dumbbells. Then she would get a on a stair master and kick her legs backwards in-between steps for another thirty or so and leave.
This guy came in to a small chain gym in northernn CA that I was going to while I was working out there a few years ago. He had to been in his 70s and walked in in a black skirt and knee high leather boots with silver studs all the way up and six inch heels. Not big heeled boots like Gene Simmons wears, skinny heels like a prostitute. He goes to the locker room to change in to his fitness outfit then comes back out and puts this blindfold on and I just knew he was going to ask somebody to choke him and spank his ass with the resistance bands. But instead he started flopping around on this ball working his way around it with alternating knee ups while trying not to get bucked off this ball. Once he conquered that exercise he uses his force/erotic radar (which is his vertically clinched fist held out front) to ease his was out of that room in to the main gym all while still blindfolded. By then it was time for me to go so not sure what happened to him or anybody else inside.IMG_0156.jpegIMG_0155.jpeg
This guy came in to a small chain gym in northernn CA that I was going to while I was working out there a few years ago. He had to been in his 70s and walked in in a black skirt and knee high leather boots with silver studs all the way up and six inch heels. Not big heeled boots like Gene Simmons wears, skinny heels like a prostitute. He goes to the locker room to change in to his fitness outfit then comes back out and puts this blindfold on and I just knew he was going to ask somebody to choke him and spank his ass with the resistance bands. But instead he started flopping around on this ball working his way around it with alternating knee ups while trying not to get bucked off this ball. Once he conquered that exercise he uses his force/erotic radar (which is his vertically clinched fist held out front) to ease his was out of that room in to the main gym all while still blindfolded. By then it was time for me to go so not sure what happened to him or anybody else inside.View attachment 785578View attachment 785579
I bet that dude has seen a glory hole or two in his day
Had a 50ish year old meat head bro (if that’s even possible at that age) doing a leg press sled with probably over 700lbs of weight on it, Moments later there was a loud crashing sound. Looked over. The sled had come all the way down onto him. The dude was blue as could be and not moving. We rushed to help. EMS came, no luck. He was dead. Apparently had a massive heart attack mid-lift per the autopsy.
I go to LA Fitness so that should say alot right there.

There's a guy who's like 60 and will drill double leg takedowns for like 45 minutes on the turf. He's like a John DuPont without the money and the murdering (hopefully).

Also the people that talk to themselves are pretty awesome too. Every gym has them.
So much ego lifting. There's a dude in my gym, probably mid 50s. Everything he does is with awful form and way too much weight. Tricep extensions where his knees bend and his torso moves like he's doing a crunch. He also benches 4-5 times a week for some reason, always bouncing the bar off his chest. Also always strutting around after every set and looking to see who is watching. Only thing getting bigger on him is his gut. Goofy behavior for a grown man.

A few weeks ago I noticed 2 guys who are definitely both on gear. They were at a squat rack and I noticed one had sandals on. Interesting shoe for the gym, but maybe he was on his way out. I went back to my workout. A few minutes later I look in the mirror and see him completely stripped down to his underwear and posing in the mirror. This isn't that kind of gym, at all. It's a known rule that clothing stays on at all times while on the gym floor. My buddy is the manager and he put a stop to that chit right away. 20240905_174645.jpg
There’s this very heavy set girl, maybe early 20’s who showed up last year right after New Year’s. Now I’m all for unhealthy people trying to get healthy but I wanted to karate chop this chick in the jugular on a daily basis.
She had a different t shirt for every day of the week (that was generally 3 sizes too small) with obscenity filled sayings on them like “Don’t be pissed because I out work you” and “Stare at me while I lift and I’ll kick your F***** ass.”
What was worse is every single thing she did was a production of screaming and yelling. Like a basic warmup sounded like someone was getting murdered then she’d shadowbox while yelling “GET SOME!”
Luckily she only lasted a few weeks. Last I saw her she was pedaling on a stationary bike at .5mph while scrolling social media.

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