It’s always nice to be reminded that there is a scientifically valid reason why I suck.Not that it wasn't obvious in the first place but AB just did a super slow mo of rifle recoil before the bullet leaves the barrel. The recoil was 0.057" before the bullet even exited the barrel (.30-06 Remington NDL with 180gr). It's their way of stressing how important consistent fundamentals are since the rifle is moving before the bullet leaves the barrel. I think they're also currently on a crusade to show that reloaders' concentration on "harmonics" and "nodes" is mostly woowoo bullcrap since they mentioned the barrel doesn't appear to visibly vibrate at all before the bullet exits. I don't really have an opinion on that part.
I know there is a company that makes a gizmo to track movement of a handgun during the aim/trigger press/firing sequence. Has anyone seen something like this for rifle use?