Thank you for using a logical and critical thought process.
“Who” someone is, is as useless as the “title” that someone has, or has had in the past.
A very large problem with our society is that we have went way too far into wanting to be told what is “right” by an “expert” instead of education ourselves on the subject enough to separate the factual from the belief, and the data from the opinion.
Maybe “Formidilosus” is school bus driver, maybe he is the worlds greatest sniper, maybe he is a plumber that hunts and shoots a lot, maybe he is none of those things, and maybe “he” is multiple people- none of it matters. “Who” someone is doesn’t change how wide a deers chest is, how much muscle on top of a “shoulder an elk has, how deep a bullet penetrates, how wide a wound a bullet makes in tissue, how fast an animals dies, or whether a scope holds zero- those are all factual, demonstrable reality that can and should be replicated and tested by “you”.
“Experts” who’s name you know and that love to tell you war stories all about their prior vocation that has absolutely nothing to do with hunting or technical subjects, have been factually incorrect at best, and generally outright deceiving you about factual things your whole life.
What is presented is data and information that anyone can go and replicate, perform the same experiments to the same standard and see for themselves.
“Who” someone is, is about the most uninteresting thing in the world as it has no bearing on reality except to mislead you. If “who” Formidilosus is, or what he is or what he maybe did or did not do before comes out, and then people start “believing” due to that- this entire thing will be an utter failure to me.