Yeah the whole “fudd” thing is super douchey. Every “new school” clown that throws that term around to everyone that has a different perspective and view, that is probably older and killed 10X more shit then them, is annoying as shit.
I’d go hunt with a seasoned “fudd” 100 times over before I went with some flat brimmed hat kid that just killed his first buck and read a bunch of shit about .224 wound channels and thinks he’s the greatest thing to grace the planet lol.
I first heard the term fudd last year. And it was a total douchebag talking about how he got smoked by a bunch “fudds” at the local PRS shoot. And I’ve never heard the term, used negatively, come out of a non douchbag’s mouth since then lol.
Older dudes that like to hunt and grew up shooting larger guns for whatever reasons they chose, are just hunters using gear they have confidence in for one reason or another. Just like everyone else.