The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Hey guys new to this thread but would love to peak in here from time to time.

Anyone in VTIQ ??

This thing has been a trip the last few days. I got in at $10 and have added all the way up to the mid 20s.

Hers a link to a podcast with the ceo of Nikola. He gives a good run down about the company and where they are going.


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I added to my position
If you fellas that are new want to try shorting stocks, as far as day trading, make sure you have a good high speed internet connection and are trading on a truly “live” platform with no (or very minimal) delay.
And make sure you know how to read candlesticks.

Thanks for the tip. I've thought about trying this but don't have the balls yet. Didn't think about that aspect.
Thank God I put stop loss orders on airlines to minimize losses and still lost. some Fauci yesterday really manipulated the market. I wonder how many of his "corporate trader friends" were tipped off and shorted stocks yesterday before he spoke then picked up on lows. Like Ive said this market is short term risky gambling. I see they're investigation intelligence committee members Sen Burr and Feinstein for stock fraud. Aint holding my breath its a fixed system.

Anyhow I bought gold and some oil yesterday immediately when market started dropping and sold some today for ok profits. Kept half of gold and some oil as prices are increasing but have stop loss orders on them. Get 3 to 5 per cent now then sell. I used to try and get 10 but market is too risky. Picked up PayPal, Disney , TSN on lows and added a few airline stocks for dollar cost averaging. I have a friend who's pretty high up in PayPal and he/she seems to think the stock and company have great potential and are poised for the new post virus economy. Maybe another amazon scenario.

Stop loss on all because of the market manipulation. Airlines still a pretty big gamble obviously.

good luck
AYTU about ready to take off
This is an interesting stock. Ironically, a few weeks back, when Trump was being ridiculed for stating that UV light might be a viable means to kill CV, this company was (and is) developing a technology to do that very thing with basically a UV light probe. I hope it proves viable for lots of reasons, including political.
Why's that?

just had a pretty positive ER.... with none of the revenue from this quarter coming from anything Covid related, which the next quarter will include. Lots of cash on hand. can be a volatile stock, but been watching for the past 2 months and think the next 3 to 4 quarters will be pretty positive.
This is an interesting stock. Ironically, a few weeks back, when Trump was being ridiculed for stating that UV light might be a viable means to kill CV, this company was (and is) developing a technology to do that very thing with basically a UV light probe. I hope it proves viable for lots of reasons, including political.

and this... could hit it big
Well I had an ok day, I did pretty well on some gambles IZEA, TLSA sold them fast. Added a bit of KAR at $10.50 to hold and it’s up to$12.38 so up almost 20% on the added portion. Wild day today. I lost out on a good swing when it bumped my stop loss by .01, sold, then makes a 40% run, argh.
Bought some BUD close to the session lows today. Up a little as of now. My thought is that bars and restaurants will be opening soon so people will be drinking socially again. And if they don’t soon then people will be drinking because they’re unemployed and their life sucks. Win/win for BUD
JC Penny supposed to be filing for bankruptcy in the next day. I can’t say I’m surprised. Macy’s is probably next. I guess we will all just buy our clothes from Walmart eh?
whats todays top pics? $ 1-$5 range.....if i could afford more than that i would be throwing my money away fishing....