The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Anybody else using this dip to give younger people a shot in the arm and introduce them to the stock market?

I think if young people can buy in now and see with longevity how they can get their money working for them it could change the lives of many. It did me.

Ponied up $3000 each and opened vanguard minor accounts for my 15 and 16 yr old sons. They’re starting now and gonna invest $200 a month. By age 55 they should be set....
The sub prime car loans plus student loan mess are a potential time bomb if the country doesn't open up. You would have thought 2008 never happened. People have short term memories. Don't take out loans for stuff that you cant afford or don't meet your budget . Problem is most Americans don't know what a budget is. I know a lot of poeple that took out 6 to 8 year loans on new cars, trucks the past few years when the economy was booming that are over 60 per cent of their annual incomes. Insane

It’s all about “can I afford the note” these days. Nobody cares about the price they pay and the value they get!!

Won’t be long and I foresee 40yr mortgages coming

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It’s all about “can I afford the note” these days. Nobody cares about the price they pay and the value they get!!

Won’t be long and I foresee 40yr mortgages coming

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However, until we let these ppl self destruct and crash on their faces they’ll never learn and play right into socialist goals

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It’s all about “can I afford the note” these days. Nobody cares about the price they pay and the value they get!!
Won’t be long and I foresee 40yr mortgages coming
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Man I decided a few years back to start debt free living before I left the oil fields. I drove a 1992 F250 for 5 years while plunking monthly money in the bank. At the end, sold that puppy and wrote a check for a 10,000 mile 2500HD. 67,000 miles down, 233,000 to go till I need a new one! (I hope)

I have a neighbor who just bought his 16 year old a Mercedes on 7 year note, $535 a month. He was pretty excited to get it for her, he will have that payment until she’s out of college. Man it’s crazy, cheap safe car, could have paid for a lot of school instead. I tried to talk him into a $10,000 RAV4, but no luck haha, payment is only double for the Mercedes! (Twice as long too but that’s not considered)

Crazy times!
Man I decided a few years back to start debt free living before I left the oil fields. I drove a 1992 F250 for 5 years while plunking monthly money in the bank. At the end, sold that puppy and wrote a check for a 10,000 mile 2500HD. 67,000 miles down, 233,000 to go till I need a new one! (I hope)

I have a neighbor who just bought his 16 year old a Mercedes on 7 year note, $535 a month. He was pretty excited to get it for her, he will have that payment until she’s out of college. Man it’s crazy, cheap safe car, could have paid for a lot of school instead. I tried to talk him into a $10,000 RAV4, but no luck haha, payment is only double for the Mercedes! (Twice as long too but that’s not considered)

Crazy times!

yep, we bought our oldest son a used Rav4 as well. pretty bulletproof vehicle!
Man I decided a few years back to start debt free living before I left the oil fields. I drove a 1992 F250 for 5 years while plunking monthly money in the bank. At the end, sold that puppy and wrote a check for a 10,000 mile 2500HD. 67,000 miles down, 233,000 to go till I need a new one! (I hope)

I have a neighbor who just bought his 16 year old a Mercedes on 7 year note, $535 a month. He was pretty excited to get it for her, he will have that payment until she’s out of college. Man it’s crazy, cheap safe car, could have paid for a lot of school instead. I tried to talk him into a $10,000 RAV4, but no luck haha, payment is only double for the Mercedes! (Twice as long too but that’s not considered)

Crazy times!

Yep a good ole warren buffet quote. Price is what you pay, value is what you get!!

Both cars would do the same and I honestly would bet that rav4 would outlast that Mercedes by a lot! But, it just ain’t as flashy!!

I’m 33 and lived my whole life debt free mostly. I may not have as much as a lot of people my age but what I have is all MINE! My house, two vehicles, and two other rental houses!

Something happens or people dnt pay their rent and my life don’t change! I could lose my job and make due on a low wage job if I needed to now!

All people think about now is today, what can I get today! They dnt care about what they will have later in life!

When they get old and can’t retire they turn into socialist and want some of what the saver/investor has!!!

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There is a good chance F goes lower then $3 before it goes to zero. They are desperate to raise cash and selling some pretty high priced debt to do so.

Ford is set pay a 9.625 per cent yield on $1bn of 10-year debt, according to people familiar with the pricing. It is also issuing $3.5bn of five-year bonds yielding 9 per cent and $3.5bn of three-year debt yielding 8.5 per cent.
Oh how far they have fallen. A blue chip company like Ford issuing 9% bonds in a 1% interest environment wow, just wow.

The politicians have mismanaged our country into financial ruin

Was looking at LLEX briefly tonight. Not saying it is going to blow the doors off but might be some money to be made. Thoughts?
Edit: I’m looking short term just to clarify
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It doesn’t look posted any longer. Was he saying he’s out or bearish on it?

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This is per @The1StockGuru on
Thought I’d update everyone on my market position. I recently sold all my shares to get out of the market. The reason is that I personally think the market is currently very manipulated and the facts just don’t add up...allow me to explain. 30 million people are unemployed and that number is still growing rapidly. Unemployment will most likely be 20% or so which is twice as bad as the 2008 recession...however the difference here is that 2008 was due to a bank problem...this is a dangerous virus preventing people from working and going outdoors...stopping the world from functioning. Next thing is that the feds are pumping too much cash into the economy ...already 4 trillion dollars as a new part of the deficit. The vaccine most likely won’t be made this year, so that’s a very dismal outlook for the future regarding the economy...cases and sadly passings will increase thanks to the system of capitalism. The global supply chain is destroyed at the moment as well....I’m suspecting a crash.
Man I decided a few years back to start debt free living before I left the oil fields. I drove a 1992 F250 for 5 years while plunking monthly money in the bank. At the end, sold that puppy and wrote a check for a 10,000 mile 2500HD. 67,000 miles down, 233,000 to go till I need a new one! (I hope)

I have a neighbor who just bought his 16 year old a Mercedes on 7 year note, $535 a month. He was pretty excited to get it for her, he will have that payment until she’s out of college. Man it’s crazy, cheap safe car, could have paid for a lot of school instead. I tried to talk him into a $10,000 RAV4, but no luck haha, payment is only double for the Mercedes! (Twice as long too but that’s not considered)

Crazy times!
My wife and I have been debt-free for a long time. I can't even imagine owing a stiff mortage, car payment etc. with this pandemic going on. It's gotta be tough out there.
Numbers just in, 20 million lost jobs in April, look for the market to soar today.
Sarcasm I assume? grin.
I'm literally turning off my computer today. I have a couple of buy limits set, but no point staring at this all day, besides I have ranch work to do.

SRG looks like a good buy, I'm set or I'd be adding heavy.
Sarcasm I assume? grin.
I'm literally turning off my computer today. I have a couple of buy limits set, but no point staring at this all day, besides I have ranch work to do.

SRG looks like a good buy, I'm set or I'd be adding heavy.
I figure I better do the same. Im 2 cups of coffee in and Its nothing but down red lines. Ill check back in mid-day to assess the damage.
I figure I better do the same. Im 2 cups of coffee in and Its nothing but down red lines. Ill check back in mid-day to assess the damage.

Generally in the red today. Paypal one of few things doing well and bought hormel, VER Tyson, Delta and JetBlue at lows this morning see if end up in green today today.
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