Sad but so true.**** me. That Dylan kid has a way better investment strategy then most of us. Dudes made more money in one month than we can hope for in a lifetime.
but at what cost...**** me. That Dylan kid has a way better investment strategy then most of us. Dudes made more money in one month than we can hope for in a lifetime.
but at what cost...
Being able to sleep well at night is a pretty good ROI.........Sad but so true.
Hard work, perseverance, education (college, trade, does not matter) and even a little luck are not valued in today's world. Clicks and mental illness are.
**** me. That Dylan kid has a way better investment strategy then most of us. Dudes made more money in one month than we can hope for in a lifetime.
Yeah, I did a lot of research on that company and it was extremely undervalued. It was paying a 9% dividend when I bought it.
Question for the experts on here. Thoughts on acquiring gold or silver as a safety net. It’s constantly pushed on talk radio, but I am skeptical of ads in general. I guess at the end of the day, what would be better to keep in a safe at home, cash or precious metal, or both?
I’m currently looking at Nat Gas sector for a candidate…. or possibly even just the ETF…. i’m just not sure to what degree that sector will come back.