The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Took a breather from all this stuff the last couple weeks due to a really great Lanai hunt and some work travel. Starting to pay attention again.

MM funds yield likely to go up further after today's rate hike considering the chart I saw on Zero Hedge that overlaid the Fed Funds Rate with MM funds rates, and correlation was perfect. So virtually risk-free return of 5% not far off now (been in the 4.7% range for a few weeks at least now, minus the expense ratio). Oil currently way down, guessing it won't last, especially with summer seasonality approaching? "Big" bank Schwab is super cheap at the moment, but I'm currently not bold enough to throw money at any bank, there's another big regional pending collapse as I type (hope no one here jumped in on SVB or FRC thinking they'd get a steal). The last time gold was at/near this price GDX was 20+ percent above where it sits right now, but the speed of the move has the GDX way above the 200 DMA, so perhaps approach cautiously. Mortgage REITs still offering huge div yields, but my logic still sees those going down before they go up -- perhaps I should reconsider and buy for the yield and not for the price action?
Man hunting in Lanai is something else. 3 days over too quick. Saw tons of sheep and a good amount of deer, perhaps less than previous years but any mainland whitetail or elk hunter would be over the moon with how many deer I still saw and had opportunities on. Took a decent buck, not a massive trophy but it means a lot to me anyway for my first DIY Lanai axis deer. And it took a hell of a lot of work. I found this guy and a buddy in a brushy bottom about 9 miles into my first day of hunting. One was a very nice buck, one was smaller but still decent. They crossed over the ridge into the next bottom, so I snuck onto that ridge and had them bedded in the brush at about 120 yards. I had clear broadside shot on one, perfect window in the brush, and clear frontal shot on the other, clear window in the brush at his chest, but he was standing frozen staring at me. Couldn’t judge which had the bigger antlers due to the brush and figured I had moments before they spooked, so I took the broadside shot I had. Of course the bigger one busted towards me at first and I could clearly see I had shot the smaller one. But I’m happy anyway. Hell of a pack out back to the truck, it was a mile and 1000 ft climb to get it there on tired legs. Funny, I took the cover a lot of ground approach not knowing any of the hard-earned honey holes, but then I see 4 old guys flying out that each of them got a good buck the one day they hunted, and they probably just parked the truck and sat on the tailgate and shot those deer. I’m not mad at them, I’m sure they beat the brush 30+ years ago to find those secret spots.

Next two days I saw deer, plenty of mouflon sheep. I unfortunately wounded a ewe, shot her from a little over 200 yards just low on the shoulder and broke her leg but watched her run off on three legs down a wash leaving no blood trail, so I knew she wasn’t mortally wounded. That one will haunt me for a while. Possible I just whiffed the shot, I wasn’t in a great shooting position. Possible I misranged her, they’re small animals and there were no rocks in their immediate vicinity for me to get a more reliable range. Either way it sucks.

The place is magical though man, last sunset hunt sitting there looking at Molokai across the water from a mountaintop and watching a nice buck and two forkies feed out into the kiawe trees across the valley, perfectly lit by the sun setting behind me. I watched them disappear into the brush and never saw them again as the light faded. Just quiet and beautiful, it felt good for my soul.

Smaller than the buck I got back in the fall, but this one means a lot more to me having done it myself. My one guided experience was not for me, I felt somewhat dissatisfied, like a tourist. 35 lbs of clean, hard-fought axis venison in the freezer, and one set of antlers that capture the memory. Can’t wait to go back.

From my Hawaii Hunting thread.
From my Hawaii Hunting thread.

Fantastic. Thanks for sharing. I’ve been thinking of doing that hunt but like you mentioned guided hunts can be a love hate experience.

Any hunt recommendations you can offer? Pm me if you like or post here.

I’d take the wife to try to make a little vacation out of it and maybe another hunting buddy or two and their wives.

Ps. I’ll look for your thread as well.
Thanks again.
Great investment idea on living well.

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Waiting to see how long before my money is gone I had in GTE with the reverse split… she’s dropping quick
I'm losing on that, IMPP, CEI, and WULF. Damnit this stock trading crap is not for me. Could have done the same at the casino or maybe even better!
Anyone think a 1 year or more play in a regional bank ETF like IAT or KBWR is a good idea?
Not the worst idea. The regional banks are so down, and with them the ETFs as well. But an ETF can’t go to zero, so if you are patient and have a long enough time horizon you might be on to something.